Identify 3 major factors that account for the rapid rise of the human population in the past 200 years. (See case study)
The emergence of early and modern agriculture, people have developed technologies that have enabled them to expand into almost every climate zone and habitat on the planet, and the death rates overall have dropped because of improved sanitation and health care and the development of antibiotics and vaccines.
Summarize the three trends in human population growth.
More people can be fed with modern agriculture. Technology has helped humans migrate to and live in almost all of the planet’s climate zones and habitats.
The human population is unevenly distributed. Growing 14 times faster in less developed countries than in more developed countries.
People are moving to urban areas. By 2050, two thirds will likely live in cities.
The growth rate of the human population has slowed but the population is still growing. The human population is still growing, it is not growing as rapidly as before.
Be able to analyze population growth as if Figure 1-13 and 14.2 of your textbook.
Figure 14.2: The global population annual growth rate is slowing, shown in red. The projected birth rate is shown in blue
Figure 1-13:
Identify factors that determine whether a population will increase or decrease for a given year.
Population change:Births (fertility) and immigration increase population size, while deaths (mortality) and emigration decrease population size. Total fertility rate: The average number of children born to women of childbearing age in a population. Key factor in determining population size. TFR has dropped.
What is TFR and how does it relate to population growth? What is a significant population having a TFR of 2.1?
The average number of children born to women of childbearing age in a population. Key factor in determining population size.
List 7 factors that affect birth and fertility rates in a country.
Children as part of the labor force, cost of raising and educating children, fewer children needed to support seniors, more family planning in urban areas, access to education and employment outside the home for women, average age of marriage for women who get married between 25 and older are less likely to have children, availability of reliable birth control, pension systems, religious beliefs, traditions, and cultural norms.
LIst 3 factors that affect death rates.
Nutrition, medicine, and sanitation improved, life expectancy (the average number of years a person may expect to live) increased, infant mortality rates (the number of babies out of every 1,000 that die before their first birthday) dropped. Poverty is the key of what will affect death rates
What is the single most important factor that affects life expectancy?
What does a high infant mortality rate usually indicate?
This reflects the number of babies out of every 1,000 born who die before their first birthday. This can be considered a measure of a society’s quality of life because it indicates the general level of nutrition and health care. A high infant mortality rate usually indicates insufficient food, poor nutrition, and a high incidence of insufficient food.
List 4 factors that affect migration rates.
Seeking jobs and economic improvements, fleeing religious persecutions, ethnic conflicts, and war, environmental refugees, those who emigrate because of famine, drought, soil erosion, or other environmental degradation.
What do age structure diagrams show?
The growth or decline of a population is determined by the number of males and females in specific age categories. These diagrams can be used to compare age structures among different populations. Demographers create age structure diagrams to help make predictions about the future of a population.
Be able to analyze age structure diagrams as in the worksheet from class and countries that represent each type. For each of 4 types identify the fertility rate (high, replacement or low), life expectancy (low, average or high), Population growth (stable, slowly increasing, rapidly increasing, declining) and Classification (undeveloped, developing, developed, post industrial).
List the three major trends related to urban populations.
The percentage of people living in urban areas will continue to increase, the size and number of urban regions is increasing exponentially, poverty is becoming increasingly urbanized (in less developed countries)
What is the demographic transition hypothesis?
As countries industrialize and develop economically, per capita income rises, poverty declines, and populations grow more slowly
Explain 3 advantages of urbanization.
Cities are centers of economic development, innovation, education, social and cultural diversity, and job markets. People who live in urban areas live longer and have better health care and education. Recycling is more feasible because of the high concentration of recyclable materials. Central city dwellers tend to drive less and rely more on mass transportation, carpooling, walking, and riding bikes.
Explain 5 disadvantages of urbanization.
Unsustainable cities, lack vegetation, have water problems, concentrate pollution and health problems, produce noise pollution, and affect local climate, high waste output.
What is urban sprawl?
Product of ample affordable land, automobile use, federal and state funding of highways, and inadequate urban planning. Contributes to environmental problems and natural capital degradation.
List 2 advantages and 3 disadvantages of cars in a car-centered nation such as the United States.
Advantages: Cars are more comfortable and convenient, much of the world's economy is tied to the production/maintenance of cars and roads. Disadvantages: Accidents, auto exhaust, the largest source of outdoor air pollution, congestion and traffic jams
Describe 4 ways cities can reduce car use?
Charge a tax or fee on gasoline to cover the estimated harmful costs of driving. Raise parking fees and charge tolls on roads, tunnels, and bridges leading into cities. Develop a car sharing system where they are connected to the nearest car. Making a bike friendly city,
Identify an Eco-city and explain how it demonstrates sustainability in each of the following areas: Public Transportation, Walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, Vehicle charging stations, Sustainable energy sources, Green buildings, Sustainable food sources, Public green spaces, Water conservation, Waste Management/Recycling/Reusing ** Be sure you are specific and detailed with regards to your city, not just general statements like “has bike lanes”
Portland, Oregon is an example of an eco city. They doubled the size of the bus network which is all powered by biofuel. They offer a free rail zone within which bus and car travel is free and automobile access is limited. They supply secure bike parking, showers, and free route maps. Some of the community centers offer free bikes to low income families.
They have developed a world renowned stormwater management program to avoid sewer flooding, reduce pollutants in rainwater, and to protect and enhance groundwater quality. They have implemented green roofs, rooftop gardens, buffers, bioswales, permeable paving to become more sustainable. They have more vegetated incentives to those who put green roofs on their buildings. They have increased property taxes to allow the metropolitan regional government to purchase nearly 4,500 hectares of land to protect sensitive habitats and protect water quality. Many local and agriculture groups have supported permaculture and urban farms while promoting environmental justice. Supporting local, eating healthy food from fresh farms is easy to do in Portland as they offer farm to table meals. They have many vehicle charging stations with some even in front of city public parking spots. 697 public charging spots available. They are continuing to modernize their recycling systems. The plan is to expand their recycling services, make recycling easier for public use, upgrade the facilities that sort the recyclables, and create environmental benefits while reducing environmental harms.