Conditional Statement
> can be true or false
counter example
> in which the hypothesis is fulfilled while the conclusion is not.
Conjunction (and):
Represents the logical "and" operation.
A conjunction is true only if both parts are true.
Symbol: ∧
Example: "The sun is shining and the birds are singing."
Disjunction (or):
Represents the logical "or" operation.
A disjunction is true if at least one part is true (or if both are true). This is often referred to as an "inclusive or".
Symbol: ∨
Example: "I will eat an apple or I will eat a banana."
Conditional (if...then):
Represents the logical "if...then" operation.
A conditional is false only if the "if" part (antecedent) is true and the "then" part (consequent) is false.
Symbol: →
Example: "If it rains, then the ground will be wet."
Simple (or atomic) statements:
These are statements that cannot be broken down further into simpler statements using logical connectives.
These are the basic building blocks of compound statements.
Example: "The cat is black." or "2+2=4".
Your usage of the word "is" is correct in that it is often the verb that connects the subject of a simple statement to it's predicate.
Conditional Statement (If p, then q):
This is the original statement.
"p" is the antecedent (hypothesis).
"q" is the consequent (conclusion).
Converse (If q, then p):
The converse switches the antecedent and consequent.
It is not logically equivalent to the original conditional. Meaning, if the original is true the converse can be either true or false.
Inverse (If ~p, then ~q):
The inverse negates both the antecedent and consequent of the original conditional.
The inverse is also not logically equivalent to the original conditional.
Contrapositive (If ~q, then ~p):
The contrapositive negates both the antecedent and consequent and then switches them.
The contrapositive is logically equivalent to the original conditional. This means if the original is true, the contrapositive is always true, and vice versa.
Conditional: If it is raining (p), then the ground is wet (q).
Converse: If the ground is wet (q), then it is raining (p).
Inverse: If it is not raining (~p), then the ground is not wet (~q).
Contrapositive: If the ground is not wet (~q), then it is not raining (~p).
Converse: If a triangle is scalene, then it has no equal sides.
Inverse: If a triangle has equal sides, then it is not scalene.
Contrapositive: If a triangle is not scalene, then it has equal
biconditional statement
> If a conclusion statement is true and its converse is also true
Determine the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of an if-then statement:
Converse: If the difference of two numbers is one, then they are consecutive whole numbers.
Inverse: If two numbers are not consecutive whole numbers, then their difference is not one.
Contrapositive: If the difference between two numbers is not one, then they are not consecutive whole numbers.
> A process based on experience and principles that allow one to arrive at a conclusion.
- A sudden insight allows one to make a statement without applying any formal reasoning.
- “Jumping” to conclusions
- In a cartoon, the character having the “bright idea”(using intuition) is shown with a light bulb next to her or his head.
You walk into your geometry class, look at the teacher, and conclude that you will have a quiz today.
2. Induction:
We often use specific observations and experiments to draw a general conclusion.
As you would expect, the observation/experimentation process is common in laboratory and clinical settings.
Mostly used in creating generalization which are called conjectures.
"Every time I've eaten peanuts, I've had an allergic reaction. Therefore, I'm probably allergic to peanuts."
Every 100 ml carton of yogurt in the store costs 30 pesos.
3. Deduction:
Deductive reasoning involves drawing specific conclusions from general principles or premises.
Type of reasoning in which the knowledge and acceptance of selected assumptions guarantee the truth of a particular conclusion.
A kind of reasoning that starts from a general statement to a particular statement
It's based on logical rules.
Its conclusions are certain if the premises are true.
It's used to prove theorems and solve problems.
"All humans are mortal. Socrates is a human. Therefore, Socrates is mortal."
If a student plays on the Diliman High School boys’ varsity basketball team, then he is a talented athlete.
2. Ted plays on the Diliman High School boys’ varsity basketball team.
Conclusion: Ted is a talented athlete.
Valid Argument:
A valid argument is one in which, if the premises are true, then the conclusion must also be true.
Validity is about the structure of the argument, not the actual truth of the premises.
In a valid argument, it is impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion to be false.
Key Points:
Validity is a property of the argument's form.
A valid argument can have false premises and a false conclusion, but it cannot have true premises and a false conclusion.
Examples of valid argument forms include:
Modus ponens (If P, then Q. P. Therefore, Q.)
Modus tollens (If P, then Q. Not Q. Therefore, not P.)
Premise 1: All cats are mammals.
Premise 2: Mittens is a cat.
Conclusion: Therefore, Mittens is a mammal.
This is a valid argument, because if the premises are true, the conclusion must also be true.
Invalid Argument:
An invalid argument is one in which the conclusion does not necessarily follow from the premises, even if the premises are true.
In an invalid argument, it is possible for the premises to be true and the conclusion to be false.
Key Points:
Invalidity indicates a flaw in the argument's structure.
Examples of invalid argument forms include:
Affirming the consequent (If P, then Q. Q. Therefore, P.)
Denying the antecedent (If P, then Q. Not P. Therefore, not Q.)
Premise 1: If it is raining, then the ground is wet.
Premise 2: The ground is wet.
Conclusion: Therefore, it is raining. 1
This is an invalid argument. The ground could be wet for reasons other than rain (e.g., a sprinkler).