scientists hosa - epidem

HISTORY- 400 BC- Hippocrates: father of medicine, first known epi-ogist, examine relationship between occurrence of disease and environmental influences, epidemic vs endemic. He created the four humors: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. Mid 16th century- Girolamo Fracastiro was the first to propose that the particles that cause diseases were alive, personal and environmental hygiene to prevent disease in his book De contagione et contagiosis morbis in 1543. 1582-1652- Wu Youke developed idea that some diseases were caused by transmissible agents which he called Li Qi. 1624-1689- Thomas Sydenham was the first to distinguish the fevers of Londoners in the late 1600s. 1662- John Graunt: published analysis of mortality data: quantify patterns of birth, death, and disease occurrence, high infant mortality, urban/rural differences and seasonal variations. Founder of demography and published the first life table. Considered the “Father of Medical Statistics” 1675- Anton van Leeuwenhoek, father of microbiology, invented a sufficiently powerful microscope and provided evidence of protists and bacteria. Credited with Discovery of Cells. 1740s- James Lind: designed first experiment using control group while treating scurvy- determined limes could prevent scurvy. 1790s- Edward Jenner developed smallpox vaccine. Developed the first ever successful vaccine. 1800-  William Farr: Built upon Graunt’s work, father of vital statistics and surveillance. 1802- Spanish physician Joaquin de Villalba first used the word epidemiology to describe study of epidemics.1849 to 54- John Snow: father of modern epidemiology tested hypothesis on origin of cholera, one of first studies in analytic epidemiology, figured out that the Broad Street pump was the cause for the Soho cholera epidemic, he used a geographical map (GIS) 1800’s- Louis Pasteur: vaccine for anthrax and rabies, demonstrated that in sterilized and sealed flasks, nothing developed but in open flasks, microorganisms could grow. 1843-1910- Robert Koch: formalized standards to identify organisms w/ infectious diseases. Discoverer of the causative agents for deadly infectious diseases, main founders of bacteriology 1920- Joseph Goldberger: dietary origin of pellagra. 1954- Richard Doll and Austin Bradford Hill led the British Doctors Study which led to statistical support that tobacco smoking was linked to lung cancer. 1959- Mantel and Haenszel: statistical procedure for analysis of case control studies. Bradford Hill is credited with pioneering randomized controlled trials and creating the Bradford hill criteria.  1960- Brian MacMahon: first epidemiological text w/ focus on study design. 1980- World Health Assembly declared smallpox eradicated. 1990s- Edward Sydenstricker (early 1910s, disaster epi):  behavioral  risk factor epidemiology,  National programs in breast and cervical cancer prevention,  tobacco epidemiology,  standardization of surveillance methods,  mad cow disease,  variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Albert Sabin: Credited with developing the first oral polio vaccine. George Soper: Discovered through Mary Mallon’s feces that she was a chronic carrier of typhoid fever. Mandy Cohen: current CDC director. Carl Urbani: Identified SARS as a new and dangerous disease. Ignaz Semmelweis: Found that unclean hands were associated with high childbirth mortality in mothers. Specifically, used to prevent Puerperal fever. Jonas Salk (1953): developed one of the first successful polio vaccines. Helped develop the first influenza vaccine with Thomas Francic Jr.Alexander Fleming: discovered penicillin. Takeshi Hirayama: credited with publishing the first study linking passive smoking to lung cancer. Robert Redfield: HIV researcher who served as CDC director from 2018-2021. Edwin Chadwick: noted for instituting major reforms in urban sanitation and public health in England. Max Theiler: won the nobel prize in 1951 for developing a vaccine for yellow fever. Girolamo Fracastoro: studied syphilis transmission (modes of transmission). Alice Hamilton: discovered causes for typhoid fever epidemic in Chicago, pioneer in toxicology field. 1949- Framingham study studied the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease, Virgina Apgar: inventor of the Apgar score, a way to assess health of newborns (reduced infant mortality rates)Giovanni Maria Lancisi- Considered one of the first hygienists. Hans Zinsser- Used logical processes to find causes, vaccines, and work to eradication. Thomas Francis Jr- Isolated the virus responsible for influenza. He also developed various vaccines, including the influenza vaccine. He worked with Jonas Salk on that vaccine.  Carlos J. Finlay- Discovered that diseases can be transmitted through vectors. Stanley Prusiner- Discovered the idea of prions. Joseph Lister- considered the founder of modern surgery. Introduced sanitary procedures to surgery to decrease infections. William Graunt- A statistician that gathered London morbidity data to understand how demographics affect an individual’s health 2023 Nobel Prize Winners- Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman. Used nucleoside modification to create mRNA vaccine for COVID-19 . Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus- WHO Director General.  Benjamin Jersey- Discovered the link between smallpox and cowpox.
