Addenda – Additional material at the end of a document.
Scrutiny – Close examination or inspection.
Redolent – Strongly reminiscent or fragrant.
Corroborate – To confirm or support with evidence.
Contingency – A possible future event or condition.
Epigram – A witty or concise saying.
Punctual – Being on time or prompt.
Labyrinth – A complex maze or confusing structure.
Hauteur – Arrogance or a sense of superiority.
Traversed – Moved across or through something.
Innuendo – A subtle or indirect suggestion, often negative.
Erroneous – Incorrect or mistaken.
Subterfuge – Deception used to achieve a goal.
Provincial – Narrow-minded or unsophisticated.
Extemporizing – Speaking or performing without preparation.
Amorphous – Lacking a definite shape or structure.
Romanticism – Idealized or emotional artistic expression.
Synesthesia – A blending of sensory perceptions.
Ellipsis – Omission of words or a (...) punctuation mark.
Bildungsroman – A coming-of-age novel.