Health Unit 3 - Emotional Health and Wellness

3.11 - Mental health and disorders

  • Mental health describes people's emotional, psychological, and social well-being. To maintain positive mental health, connect with others, stay positive, get physically active, help others, get enough sleep, and develop coping skills.

  • Warning signs of mental illness may include mood swings, avoidance, changes in eating and sleeping patterns, anxiety, and negative emotions. 

  • Mental health professionals who can provide resources and guidance include school counselors, school social workers, school psychologists, and psychiatrists.

Eating disorders:

  • Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that makes people lose more weight than is considered healthy for their age and height

  • Bulimia nervosa involves periods of excessive overeating (or binge eating) followed by extreme methods of purging (or getting rid of the food)

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) involves repeated, upsetting thoughts called obsessions

3.12 - Social and Sexual health

It was all common sense and stuff I mostly already knew

3.13 - Emotional Wellness

Emotional Intelligence

  • Being self-aware—Observing and recognizing a feeling as it happens

  • Managing emotions—Handling feelings so they are appropriate; realizing what is behind a feeling; finding ways to handle fears and anxieties, anger, and sadness

  • Motivating oneself—Channeling emotions in the service of a goal; emotional self-control; delaying gratification and stifling impulses

  • Having empathy—Sensitivity to others' feelings and concerns and considering their perspective; appreciating the differences in how people feel about things

  • Handling relationships—Managing emotions in others; social competence and social skills

5 stages of grief:

  1. Denial

  2. Anger

  3. Bargaining

  4. Depression

  5. Acceptance

3.14 - Substance use and abuse


Tobacco and Vaping



  • Opioids

    • Heroin

    • morphine

    • codeine

    • methadone

  • Alcohol and sedatives


  • Meth

  • Cocaine




    Synthetic drugs4

    Chemical compounds that are produced in illegal laboratories

    Synthetic opioids, LSD, fentanyl, spice, bath salts

    Anxiety, aggressive behavior, paranoia, seizures, nausea, vomiting


    Various substances that people inhale to produce a short-term high

    Gases, nitrates, solvents, and aerosol sprays

    Slurred speech, reduced coordination, euphoria, dizziness


    Drugs that alter people's awareness of their surroundings as well as their own thoughts and feelings

    LSD (a classic hallucinogen) and phencyclidine (PCP) (a dissociative hallucinogen)

    Hallucinations, intensified feelings and sensory experiences, increased heart rate and blood pressure, nausea, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite

    Club drugs7

    Psychoactive drugs that act on the central nervous system; often used by teenagers and young adults at dance clubs and bars or used as "date rape" drugs

    Mollys, ecstasy, roofies, meth, speed, and crank

    Changes in mood, awareness, and behavior

    Anabolic Steroids8

    Synthetic variations of the male sex hormone testosterone

    Common names include gear, juice, roids, and stackers

    Muscle building, oily skin and acne, aggressive behavior, extreme mood swings, paranoia

3.15 - Stress

Positive stress

fight-or-flight response(stress response)

  • GAS system

    • Alarm

    • Resistance

    • Exhaustion

Three(4) tips to handle stress

  1. Positive attitude

  2. Quality sleep

  3. Connect with others

  4. Use relaxation techniques (like meditation)
