Drug: Any chemical affecting physiological processes of a living organism.
Pharmacology: Science of drugs, encompassing:
Biochemical effects
Biotransformation (metabolism)
Drug history/origin
Receptor mechanisms
Mechanisms of action
Physical & chemical properties
Therapeutic effects (beneficial)
Toxic effects (harmful)
Subspecialties: Include pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacogenetics, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacotherapeutics, pharmacognosy, toxicology.
Importance for Nurses: Understand drug effects and appreciate therapeutic benefits and potential toxicity.
Drug Names:
Chemical name: Describes chemical composition.
Generic name: Simpler, used in official drug listings.
Trade name: Registered trademark, commercial use restricted to patent owner.
Patent Life: 20 years in Canada; 10 years for development and 10 for sales profit.
Therapeutic Equivalence: Programs select preferred agents despite differing active ingredients, proven same therapeutic effects are necessary.
Drug Classification: Based on structure (e.g., β-adrenergic blockers) or therapeutic use (e.g., antibiotics, antihypertensives).
Phases of Pharmacology:
Pharmaceutics: Study of dosage forms' influence on body effects.
Pharmacokinetics: Study of body's effect on the drug.
Pharmacodynamics: Study of drug's effects on the body.
Pharmacokinetics: Study of what the body does to the drug; involves absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion.
Pharmacodynamics: Involves drug-receptor relationships.
Pharmaceutical Phase: Initial phase of drug activity.
Pharmacokinetic Phase: Involves processes affecting the drug.
Pharmacodynamic Phase: Focuses on drug effects on the body.
Pharmacotherapeutics: Clinical use of drugs to prevent and treat diseases; defines drug actions and cellular processes.
Pharmacological Classes: Drugs are categorized based on physiological functions (e.g., β-adrenergic blockers) and diseases treated (e.g., anticonvulsants, anti-infectives).
Health Canada: Regulates drug approval and clinical use; mandates expiration dates.
Off-Label Prescribing: Use of drugs for non-approved indications; requires clinical judgement.
Toxicology: Study of toxic effects; often overlaps with pharmacotherapy.
Pharmacognosy: Study of natural drug sources (plants and animals).
Pharmacoeconomics: Focuses on the economic aspects of drug therapy.
Pharmacology is a dynamic science incorporating chemistry, physiology, and biology.
Drug dosage forms have varying pharmaceutical properties.
Provides rate of dissolution (solid forms & absorption).
Oral drugs can be:
Solid (tablet, capsule, powder)
Liquid (solution, suspension).
Liquid drugs (e.g., elixirs, syrups) are absorbed faster than solid forms.
Enteric-coated tablets are not absorbed until they reach the intestines due to their coating, resulting in slower absorption.
Particle size affects dissolution speed, affecting onset of action (e.g., micronized vs. nonmicronized fenofibrate).
Injectable drugs are usually straightforward in design; some are formulated to reduce toxicity (e.g., liposomal amphotericin B).
Combination dosage forms contain multiple drugs (e.g., Caduet).
Designed for accurate and convenient drug delivery with minimal adverse effects.
Time-release technology allows continuous drug release in the GI tract:
Results in prolonged absorption and duration of action.
Extended-release forms (e.g., SR, CR, XL) must not be crushed to avoid toxicity.
Crushing tablets or opening capsules may facilitate patient adherence.
Thin-film drug delivery dissolves in the mouth for rapid absorption.
Topically applied drugs may work directly on skin or must pass through a barrier to circulation.
Parenteral forms (injections) require safe characteristics:** pH must match blood**.
Intravenous injections assume 100% absorption immediately into the bloodstream.
Pharmacokinetics: Study of what happens to a drug from administration to elimination.
Key characteristics of pharmacokinetics:
Onset of action: Time required for a drug to elicit a therapeutic response.
Peak effect: Time required to reach maximal therapeutic response.
Duration of action: Length of time that concentration is sufficient to elicit a therapeutic response.
Focus areas consist of:
Absorption: Movement of drug into circulation.
Distribution: Transport of drug throughout the body.
Metabolism: Biochemical alteration of the drug.
Excretion: Elimination of drugs from the body.
Absorption: Movement of a drug from its site of administration into the bloodstream for distribution to tissues.
Bioavailability: Extent of drug absorption.
A drug absorbed from the intestine must first pass through the liver before reaching systemic circulation.
A drug with a high proportion converted into inactive metabolites in the liver has reduced bioavailability.
Such drugs are said to have a high first-pass effect (e.g., oral nitrates).
First-pass effect reduces bioavailability to less than 100%.
Intravenous drugs are 100% bioavailable since they directly enter systemic circulation.
Oral drugs have reduced bioavailability (less than 100%) due to a fraction of the drug reaching systemic circulation.
Bioequivalence: Two medications with the same bioavailability and concentration of active ingredient (e.g., trade-name vs generic drugs).
Various factors affect drug absorption rate.
Drug administration routes affect rate and extent of absorption:
Enteral (gastrointestinal tract)
Drug absorption happens through mucosa of the stomach or intestines into systemic circulation.
Rate of absorption can be influenced by many factors.
Drugs absorbed from the intestinal lumen travel to the liver via the portal vein for metabolism.
Enteric coating protects the stomach, allowing absorption in the intestines.
Taking enteric-coated medication with large meals may cause it to dissolve prematurely, reducing absorption.
Drugs with a high first-pass effect may have diminished active ingredients in the circulation.
Nitroglycerin has minimal effect when taken orally due to rapid liver metabolism, but effective when taken sublingually.
Parenteral doses are smaller than enteral doses for drugs with high first-pass effect, achieving the same effect.
Acidity and contents of the stomach (time, age, medications) can alter drug absorption.
Gastrointestinal transit can be slowed by certain drugs, affecting absorption.
Conditions like short bowel syndrome and gastric dumping can further alter absorption rates.
Sublingual and buccal routes enable rapid absorption due to rich blood supply, bypassing the liver.
Fastest absorption route; includes injection methods (IV, IM, SC).
Intravenous delivers directly into the bloodstream, distributed through blood.
Intramuscular and subcutaneous injections are absorbed more slowly.
Parenteral administration bypasses first-pass metabolism of the liver.
Suitable for drugs that cannot be taken orally, yet still require cellular absorption for efficacy.
Subcutaneous Injections: Administered into fatty subcutaneous tissue.
Intradermal Injections: Given under epidermal layers into the dermal layer.
Intramuscular Injections: Administered into muscle tissue; absorbed faster due to higher blood supply compared to subcutaneous injections.
Methods to Enhance Absorption: Apply heat or massage the injection site to increase blood flow.
Factors Reducing Absorption: Cold, hypotension, or poor peripheral blood flow can compromise circulation.
Depot Drugs: Formulated for slow absorption over days to months (e.g., methylprednisolone acetate, medroxyprogesterone acetate).
Involves application to skin, eyes, ears, nose, lungs, rectum, or vagina; delivers uniform drug amount over longer period; slower onset compared to other routes.
First-Pass Effect: Avoided by most topical routes except rectal, which has mixed absorption.
Common Topical Forms: Include ointments, gels, creams (e.g., sunscreens, antibiotics).
Transdermal Route: Delivers drugs via adhesive patches (e.g., fentanyl, nitroglycerin, nicotine); designed for constant drug delivery over time.
Inhalation Route: Drugs delivered as micrometre-sized particles to lungs; rapid absorption in alveoli.
Examples of Inhaled Drugs: Zanamivir for influenza, salbutamol for asthma, fluticasone for inflammation.
Distribution: Transport of a drug by the bloodstream to its site of action.
Rapid Distribution Areas: Heart, liver, kidneys, brain.
Slower Distribution Areas: Muscle, skin, fat.
Elimination: Drugs are metabolized and excreted primarily by the liver and kidneys.
Binding: Only unbound drug molecules can freely distribute to extravascular tissue; albumin is the most common blood protein carrying protein-bound drug molecules.
Free Drug: The unbound portion is pharmacologically active.
Bound Drug: Considered pharmacologically inactive.
Drug Toxicity Risk: Low albumin levels (e.g., from extensive burns, malnourishment) increase the fraction of free drug and risk toxicity.
Drug-Drug Interaction: Occurs when two highly protein-bound medications compete for albumin binding sites, leading to an increase or decrease in the action of one of the drugs.
Volume of Distribution: Theoretical volume within compartments (e.g., blood, total body water, body fat) where drugs may be distributed.
Hydrophilic Drugs: High water soluble; small volume of distribution and high blood concentrations.
Lipophilic Drugs: Fat-soluble; large volume of distribution and low blood concentrations.
Distribution Challenges: Areas with poor blood supply (e.g., bone) or barriers (e.g., blood-brain barrier) hinder drug distribution.
Metabolism: Also known as biotransformation, is the step after absorption and distribution.
Involves biochemical alteration of a drug into:
Inactive metabolite
More soluble compound
More potent metabolite (conversion from inactive prodrug to active form)
Less active metabolite
Liver: Main organ responsible for metabolism; other tissues include skeletal muscles, kidneys, lungs, plasma, and intestinal mucosa.
Hepatic metabolism involves cytochrome P450 enzymes (or P450 enzymes), controlling reactions for drug metabolism, mainly targeting lipid-soluble drugs (lipophilic).
Water-soluble drugs (polar) can be metabolized through simpler reactions (e.g., hydrolysis).
Drug molecules are substrates for specific enzymes, identified by standardized designations.
Variability in biotransformation occurs between patients, influenced by age, liver health, genetics, diseases, and concurrent medications.
Nurses should monitor for factors affecting transformation, as accumulation of active metabolites may lead to toxicity.
Enzyme inhibitors can decrease or delay metabolism, leading to drug accumulation and toxicity.
Enzyme inducers stimulate metabolism, causing decreased pharmacological effects, often from repeated administration.
Excretion: Elimination of drugs from the body (parent compounds or metabolites).
Primary organ: Kidney, responsible for drug elimination.
Other organs involved: Liver and bowel.
Metabolism: Most drugs are metabolized in the liver before reaching the kidneys.
Drugs undergo biotransformation to a less active form; only a small fraction excreted as original compound.
Metabolized drugs become polar and water-soluble, facilitating kidney elimination.
Kidney excretion involves:
Glomerular filtration.
Active tubular reabsorption.
Active tubular secretion.
Free (unbound) water-soluble drugs undergo passive glomerular filtration.
Urine elimination processes: filtration, reabsorption, and secretion.
Chronic kidney disease affects renal drug elimination; may require dosage adjustments based on creatinine clearance or glomerular filtration rate.
Biliary excretion: Drugs eliminated in feces after liver uptake and bile release.
Enterohepatic recirculation: Fat-soluble drugs can be reabsorbed into bloodstream, persisted longer in body.
Less common routes: Lungs, sweat, salivary, and mammary glands.
Half-Life: Time required for serum drug levels to reduce by 50% during the elimination phase.
Elimination Rate: Measures how quickly the drug is cleared from the body.
Example: Peak level of 100 mg/L; measured level at 8 hours is 50 mg/L, indicating a half-life of 8 hours.
After about five half-lives, approximately 97% of the drug is eliminated, making remaining levels negligible for effects.
Steady State: Achieved when drug elimination equals drug absorption, usually after four to five half-lives.
Prolonged half-life means longer time to reach steady-state levels.
Consistent drug levels at steady state correlate with maximum therapeutic benefits.
Pharmacokinetic Terms: Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion
Drug Actions: Interaction between drug and cell (e.g., action on a receptor)
Drug Effects Terms: Onset, Peak, Duration, Trough
Onset of Action: Time required for therapeutic response
Peak Effect: Time required to reach maximal therapeutic response
Duration of Action: Length of time concentration remains sufficient for response
Blood Concentration Levels:
Peak Level: Highest blood level; too high can cause toxicity
Trough Level: Lowest blood level; too low may not produce therapeutic response
Toxicity: Can be mild (e.g., excessive sedation) or severe (e.g., organ damage)
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring: Measures peak and trough values to verify drug exposure, maximize effects, and minimize toxicity; typically done by clinical pharmacists.
Pharmacodynamics: Relationship between drug concentrations and pharmacological response.
Drug-induced changes: Affect normal physiological functions.
Therapeutic effect: Positive change in a faulty physiological system; goal of drug therapy.
Understanding pharmacodynamics helps assess a drug's therapeutic effect.
Drugs can produce therapeutic effects in several ways.
Effects depend on the target cells or tissue.
Can modify the rate or strength of cell function.
Cannot cause functions outside of natural physiology.
Actions occur through receptors, enzymes, and nonselective interactions.
Some drugs may have an unknown or unclear mechanism of action, yet still exhibit observable effects.
Enzyme Interactions
Enzymes: Substances that catalyze nearly every biochemical reaction in a cell.
Drugs: Produce effects by interacting with enzyme systems.
Selective Interaction: Process where drugs can either inhibit (more common) or enhance (less common) enzyme action.
Drug-Enzyme Interaction: Occurs when a drug chemically binds to an enzyme, altering its interaction with normal target molecules in the body.
Nonselective Interactions
Nonspecific mechanisms of action: Drugs that do not interact with receptors or enzymes.
Main targets: Cell membranes and various cellular processes (e.g., metabolic activities).
Actions: Can physically interfere with or chemically alter cellular structures/processes.
Examples: Some cancer drugs and antibiotics.
Mechanism: Incorporate into normal metabolic processes, causing defects in final products or states.
Potential defects: Improperly formed cell wall leading to cell death through lysis, or lack of necessary energy substrates causing cell starvation and death.
Establish an end point or expected outcome of drug therapy before initiation.
Desired therapeutic outcome is patient-specific.
Collaboration with the patient and, if appropriate, other health care team members.
Outcomes must be clearly defined, measurable, or observable through patient monitoring.
Outcome goals should be realistic and prioritized to address essential needs.
Examples of outcomes include:
Curing a disease
Reducing pre-existing symptoms
Slowing a disease process
Preventing unwanted conditions
Improving quality of life.
Patient therapy assessment integrates medical knowledge and patient history.
Considerations include:
Current drugs (prescription, OTC, natural, illicit)
Pregnancy and breastfeeding status
Concurrent illnesses affecting medication initiation.
A contraindication occurs when a condition makes medication use dangerous.
Assessments ensure an optimal therapeutic plan.
Treatment plans can involve types of therapies such as:
Acute therapy
Maintenance therapy
Supplemental (replacement) therapy
Palliative therapy
Supportive therapy
Prophylactic therapy
Empirical therapy.
Acute Therapy
Acute therapy: Involves intensive drug therapy for patients who are acutely ill or critically ill.
Purpose: Needed to sustain life or treat disease.
Administration of vasopressors to maintain blood pressure and cardiac output after open heart surgery.
Use of volume expanders for patients in shock.
Intensive chemotherapy for patients with newly diagnosed cancer.
Maintenance Therapy
Maintenance Therapy: Prevents progression of diseases.
Purpose: Does not eradicate existing problems; instead, it helps manage chronic illnesses.
Hypertension: Maintains blood pressure within target limits to prevent end-organ damage.
Oral Contraceptives: Used for birth control.
Supplemental Therapy
Supplemental (or replacement) therapy: Supplies needed substances for normal function.
Needed when substance cannot be made by the body or is produced in insufficient quantity.
Administration of insulin to patients with diabetes.
Administration of iron to patients with iron-deficiency anemia.
Palliative Therapy
Goal of Palliative Therapy: Make the patient as comfortable as possible.
Focuses on providing relief from symptoms, pain, and stress of a serious illness.
Aims to improve quality of life for both the patient and the family.
Typically used in the end stages of an illness when curative therapy has failed.
Can be provided alongside curative treatment.
Examples: Use of high-dose opioid analgesics to relieve pain in the final stages of cancer.
Supportive Therapy
Supportive therapy maintains the integrity of body functions during recovery from illness or trauma.
Examples include:
Provision of fluids and electrolytes to prevent dehydration in patients with influenza who are vomiting and have diarrhea.
Administration of fluids, volume expanders, or blood products to patients who have lost blood during surgery.
Prophylactic Therapy and Empirical Therapy
Prophylactic Therapy: Drug therapy for prevention of illnesses or undesirable outcomes during planned events.
Example: Disease-specific vaccines for individuals traveling to endemic areas.
Empirical Therapy: Based on clinical probabilities; involves drug administration based on an uncertain but high likelihood of a pathological condition.
Example: Use of antibiotics for organisms commonly associated with specific infections before culture results are available.
Effectiveness evaluation: Assess the clinical response of the patient post-therapy implementation.
Familiarity required: Understand both the drug’s therapeutic action (beneficial effects) and adverse effects (predictable adverse drug reactions).
Monitoring examples:
Observe for therapeutic effects: e.g., reduced blood pressure with antihypertensives.
Monitor for toxic effects: e.g., leukopenia after chemotherapy.
Perform pain assessments after pain medication administration.
Adverse effects: Identify that there may be many less common and less identifiable adverse drug effects.
Consult resources: Use references, pharmacists, or poison control for uncertainty regarding adverse effects.
Potential toxicity: All drugs can have cumulative effects and be potentially toxic.
Recognizing toxic effects: Integral component of monitoring, as drug accumulation can occur if absorbed faster than elimination or if administered before previous metabolism/clearance.
Knowledge of metabolism: Understanding the organs involved in metabolizing and eliminating drugs helps anticipate and treat potential problems.
Therapeutic Index
Therapeutic Index: Ratio of a drug’s toxic level to its therapeutic benefits.
Safety of drug therapy is determined by this index.
Low Therapeutic Index indicates a small difference between therapeutically active dose and toxic dose.
Greater likelihood of adverse reactions; requires closer monitoring.
Examples: Warfarin, Digoxin.
High Therapeutic Index suggests rare association with overdose events.
Example: Amoxicillin.
Drug Concentration
Drug concentrations are essential for evaluating clinical response to drug therapy.
Certain drug levels are linked to therapeutic responses, while others are linked to toxic effects.
Toxic drug levels arise when normal metabolism and excretion mechanisms are compromised.
Common causes include reduced liver and kidney functions or immature liver/kidneys (e.g., in neonates).
Dosage adjustments are necessary for patients with compromised metabolism and excretion.
Patient’s Condition
Consider patient-specific factors:
Weight: Obesity, weakness, or wasting of the body
Critical illness presence
Concurrent diseases or other medical conditions
Drug response variation based on:
Physiological demands: Diseases, infections, cardiovascular function, gastrointestinal function
Psychological demands: Stress, depression, anxiety
Therapeutic response may be altered by these factors.
Tolerance and Dependence
Tolerance: Decreasing response to repeated drug doses.
Dependence: Physiological or psychological need for a drug.
Physical dependence: Need to avoid withdrawal symptoms (e.g., tachycardia in opioid dependence).
Psychological dependence (Addiction): Obsessive desire for drug effects.
Often involves recreational use of benzodiazepines, narcotics, and amphetamines; can result from chronic pain.
Drug interactions occur with other drugs, foods, or lab test agents.
Knowledge of drug interactions is vital for monitoring drug therapy.
Older adults are more sensitive and often on multiple medications, increasing interaction likelihood.
OTC medications and natural products can interact with prescribed drugs.
Food can also significantly impact drug effectiveness.
Alteration of drug action can increase or decrease effects (beneficial or harmful).
Significant interactions require therapy adjustments and are discussed in the text.
Pharmacokinetics phases affected: absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion.
Drug interactions often involve competition for metabolizing enzymes (e.g., cytochrome P450).
Additive effects occur when two similar-action drugs enhance each other (1 + 1 = 2).
Synergistic effects: one drug enhances the action of another (1 + 1 > 2). Example: hydrochlorothiazide with lisinopril.
Antagonistic effects: combined drug effects are less than their sum (1 + 1 < 2). Example: ciprofloxacin with antacids.
Incompatibility refers to chemical deterioration when mixing drugs (e.g., furosemide and heparin sodium).
Adverse Drug Events (ADEs): Any undesirable occurrence involving medications.
Patient outcomes of ADEs can range from no effects or mild discomfort to life-threatening complications, permanent disability, disfigurement, or death.
ADEs can be preventable (related to medication errors) or nonpreventable.
Common causes of ADEs include errors by caregivers (both professional and nonprofessional) and malfunctioning equipment (e.g., intravenous infusion pumps).
Internal ADEs may occur when a patient fails to follow prescriptions or engages in harmful behaviors (e.g., alcohol consumption).
Potential ADEs: Imminent issues detected before occurrence (near misses).
A unique type is an adverse drug withdrawal event, resulting from abruptly stopping therapy (e.g., hypertension from discontinuing blood pressure medication).
Medication errors (MEs): Situations compromising the Ten Rights of medication use (e.g., right patient, right drug, etc.) and are more common than ADRs.
Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs): Unexpected and undesirable reactions at therapeutic doses; outcomes may range from mild to severe.
Severe ADRs can lead to hospitalization, organ damage, congenital anomalies, or need for specific interventions to prevent permanent impairment or tissue damage
ADRs specific to drug groups discussed in corresponding chapters.
Four General Categories:
Pharmacological Reaction:
Extension of drug’s normal effects in the body.
Example: lowering blood pressure to unconsciousness.
Predictable, well-known; results in minor/no changes in management.
Frequency and intensity result from dose; typically resolve with dose change or discontinuation.
Allergic Reaction (Hypersensitivity):
Involves the immune system.
Immunoglobulins recognize the drug as foreign.
Immune response may lead to binding of immunoglobulin proteins.
Release of chemical mediators: histamine, cytokines, leading to reactions.
Range from mild (skin erythema/rash) to severe (bronchial constriction, tachycardia).
Contraindication: Use of any drug is contraindicated if the patient has a known allergy to that specific drug product.
Allergy Information: Reported by patients or observed by healthcare providers; must be documented thoroughly.
Example: "Penicillin; skin rash, pruritus" or "Penicillin; urticaria and anaphylactic shock requiring emergency intervention."
Extreme Cases: In severe conditions (e.g., cancer, snakebite), administering a drug may be reasonable despite reported allergies. Premedication may be required (e.g., acetaminophen, diphenhydramine, prednisone).
Idiosyncratic Reaction: An unexpected reaction not due to known drug properties or allergies, often a genetically determined response.
Study: Known as pharmacogenetics.
Typically caused by enzyme deficiencies or excesses.
Example: G6PD deficiency.
Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs): Can result from drug interactions, where multiple drugs produce an unintended effect.
Interactions can be beneficial or harmful; most clinically significant interactions are harmful.
Other Drug-Related Effects: Important to consider during therapy include teratogenic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic effects.
Teratogenic Effects: Results in structural defects in the fetus; caused by teratogens.
Prenatal Development: Sensitive; disruption can lead to teratogenic effects.
Vulnerability: Fetus most vulnerable from third week to third month of development.
Congenital Anomalies: Different types can arise from drugs administered during pregnancy.
Health Canada: Safety classification for drugs used in pregnancy described in Chapter 4.
Mutagenic Effects: Permanent changes in the genetic composition of organisms; can alter chromosome structure or DNA code.
Mutagens: Agents causing mutations; include radiation, viruses, and chemicals (e.g., benzene).
Active primarily during cell reproduction (mitosis).
Carcinogenic Effects: Cancer-causing effects of drugs, chemicals, radiation, and viruses; agents causing these are called carcinogens.
Plants: Important resource for medicinal preparations.
Pharmacognosy: Process of identifying medicinal plants, their ingredients, pharmacological effects, and therapeutic efficacy.
Many drugs used today are synthetically derived, but most were initially isolated from nature.
Major groups of wild plants in Canada have edible members used by indigenous people.
Common medicinal sources: Algae (e.g., seaweed), fungi (e.g., mushrooms), roots.
Main sources for drugs: Plants, Animals, Minerals, and Laboratory synthesis.
Alkaloids: Weak acids/bases from plants; examples include atropine, caffeine, nicotine.
Animals: Source of hormone drugs (e.g., conjugated estrogens from pregnant mares, known as Premarin).
Insulin sources: Pigs (porcine) and humans, with human insulin being more common due to recombinant DNA techniques.
Other common mineral sources: Salicylic acid, aluminum hydroxide, sodium chloride.
Pharmacoeconomics: Study of economic factors influencing the cost of drug therapy.
Example: Cost-benefit analysis of competing antibiotics for hospital formulary inclusion.
Studies examine treatment outcomes data (e.g., recovery rates) in relation to the total costs of treatment.
Toxicology: Study of poisons and unwanted responses to drugs and chemicals.
Focuses on adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms.
Clinical toxicology: Care of patients who have been poisoned.
Causes of poisoning: Drug overdose, ingestion of household cleaning agents, snakebites.
Poison control centres: Healthcare institutions with trained personnel to manage poisoning cases.
Staff includes pharmacists, nurses, and physicians for triaging calls.
Effective treatment priorities:
Preserve vital functions: Maintain airway, breathing, and circulation.
Prevent absorption of toxic agent or speed its elimination from the body.
Common poisons and their specific antidotes are documented.
Understanding pharmacological principles is essential in drug therapy for safe nursing practice.
Key areas include pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacotherapeutics, and toxicology.
Medications can treat disease but require up-to-date knowledge and clinical skills.
Engage in critical thinking and decision making to prevent harmful treatments.
Apply pharmacological principles to ensure safe and effective drug therapy.
Always act on behalf of the patient and respect their rights.
Summary of nursing considerations for various drug administration routes is found in Table 2.3.
Patient Assessment Process:
Takes minutes to weeks depending on disease complexity.
Most diagnoses made from detailed history and physical examination.
History Gathering:
Patient describes circumstances of problem emergence, including:
Severity: (sharp, dull, aching)
Quality: Timing (morning/evening, before/after meals, worsening during activity).
Physical Examination:
Visual Inspection of:
Skin, Nails, Oral Mucous Membranes.
Use of Specialized Instruments:
Otoscope: inspect ear canal.
Ophthalmoscope: inspect retina.
Vaginal Speculum: inspect vagina and cervix.
Listening: Using Stethoscope for heart and breath sounds.
Percussion: Tapping to detect fluid in cavities.
Palpation: Applying pressure to find growths.
Supplementary Procedures:
Used for additional information:
Radiologic tests: e.g., gastrointestinal endoscopy, bone assessments, artery patency tests.
Laboratory tests: measure metabolic products, assess organ function.
Symptomatic Approach:
Suitable for acute diseases:
e.g., sinusitis, UTIs, bone fractures, myocardial infarction, ear infections.
Highlights chronic diseases:
Atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, autoimmune diseases.
Poor outcomes if not treated early, leading to management vs. cure discussion.
Emphasis on early detection before symptoms emerge.
Early Diagnosis: Improves management and delays complications.
Requires regular examinations (e.g., dental appointments, well-baby checks, physical exams).
Screening: Identifies disease before symptoms appear to either cure or delay progression.
Example: Cancer screening for early detection.
Involves gathering patient history, physical examinations, and targeted laboratory/radiologic tests.
Explores risk factors for disease (e.g., smoking, family history).
Important for diseases like breast/ovarian cancer.
Screening techniques include:
Dental exams for caries.
Breast palpation for lumps.
Skin inspections for cancers.
Pap test for cervical cancer.
Mammography for breast cancer.
Screening decisions depend on:
Likelihood of disease.
Availability of treatment.
Cost of tests.
Radiographic techniques can detect lung cancer but are expensive and involve radiation risk.
Hypertension screening is simple and effective; requires a blood pressure cuff and lifestyle changes.
Screening is reactive, treating early stages but does not prevent disease.
Preventive measures are ideal for maintaining health and avoiding disease development.
Preventive Medicine: Discipline focused on disease prevention.
Preventable Infectious Diseases: Smallpox, bubonic plague, typhoid fever, typhus, measles, diphtheria, whooping cough (reduced by immunization and sanitation).
Example Diseases: Dental caries and periodontal disease (decreased by fluoride in drinking water).
Lifestyle Links:
Alcohol: Traumatic accidents, liver disease.
Smoking: Various cancers, especially lung cancer.
Unprotected Sex: Risk for STDs (gonorrhea, syphilis, cervical cancer, HIV) and unintended pregnancies.
Sedentary Lifestyle & High-Fat Diet: Linked to chronic diseases (diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, cancers).
Public Health Efforts: Promote healthful lifestyles, smoking cessation, nutrition counseling, exercise programs.
Service Accessibility: Effective only if available to the public; many avoid preventive care until symptomatic.
Vulnerable Populations: High incidence of preventable diseases in inner cities, poor, rural areas, and Native American populations.
Systemic Approach: Ensuring screening tests and medications are accessible to those in need, necessitating commitment from public health departments to support underserved communities.
Test: Analysis performed on a specimen removed from a patient.
Procedure: Involves manipulation beyond standard physical examination.
Specimens: Obtained for tests through procedures.
Pathologist: Most tests performed or supervised by a pathologist.
Physicians: Procedures performed by various physicians, including radiologists and primary care providers.
Primary healthcare practitioners can perform common or simple tests and procedures themselves.
Examples include:
Vaginal smears for fungi detection
Throat cultures
Primary care physicians may obtain samples for laboratory analysis:
Skin biopsies
Pap smear
Blood draws for serologic tests
Manipulative procedures (e.g., sigmoidoscopy for distal colon examination) require specialists and specialized equipment (e.g., slit lamp examination of the eye).
Radiology: Discipline using techniques like X-rays, CT scans, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine to diagnose disease.
Purpose: Extends physical examination into areas not visualizable without surgery.
X-rays: Depend on absorption properties of tissues; creates roentgenogram (X-ray image).
Bone absorbs X-rays, appearing white; air-filled cavities appear dark.
Fluoroscope: Allows live viewing of movements (e.g., barium passage) with X-rays.
Limitations: X-rays mainly evaluate dense (bone) and light (lung) tissues.
Contrast agents: Radiopaque chemicals that appear white on images; highlight hollow structures (e.g., bowel, blood vessels).
Barium enema: Example of contrast use to show structural abnormalities.
CT (Computed Tomography): Sophisticated X-ray technique creating cross-sectional images using computer analysis of absorption patterns.
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): Uses radio-frequency signals and magnetic fields; does not use X-rays.
Produces T1 (strong for lipids) and T2 (strong for water) images; no radiation exposure but requires stillness in a noisy space.
MRI: Used for orthopedic and neurologic imaging; provides detailed anatomic information.
MRI's confinement and noise can be intolerable; time and expense hinder routine use.
Ultrasound: Utilizes high-frequency sound waves; greatest contrast in soft tissues and liquids.
Ideal for cystic structures: gallbladder, urinary bladder, and pregnant uterus; preferred for gallstone detection.
Safe during pregnancy, no radiation risk; detects twins, ectopic pregnancies, and fetal anomalies.
Nuclear medicine: Involves injecting radioactive materials; evaluates localization within tissues.
Scans for radioactivity recorded as nuclear isotope scans; assesses organ functional activity.
PET: Uses positron-emitting radionuclides (C, N, O); converts matter to energy.
Nuclear medicine shows functional status but is costly and exposes patients to radiation.
Use in medicine is therefore limited.
Surgical Pathology: Involves the diagnosis of lesions in tissue samples from patients.
Diagnosis: Based on gross (naked-eye) and microscopic examination by a pathologist.
Biopsy: Procedure to obtain small specimens of tissue.
Partial (Incisional) Biopsy: Includes part of the lesion, primarily for diagnosis.
Needle Biopsy: Involves needle insertion into solid organs to aspirate tissue, used for liver, kidney, and prostate diseases.
Excisional Biopsy: Entire small lesion is removed for diagnosis and treatment.
Resection: Removal of large specimens in surgery, typically for treatment.
Preparation: Biopsy and resection specimens require days for microscopic slide preparation and examination.
Frozen Section: Rapid diagnosis option, prepared in minutes for immediate evaluation by the pathologist.
Cytology Specimens: Consist of cells scraped from surfaces; primarily used to detect cancer cells.
Cytotechnologist examines stained smears; pathologist interprets abnormalities.
Body fluids (e.g., urine, sputum, cerebrospinal fluid) can be submitted for cytologic examination, mostly from uterine cervix (e.g., Pap smears).
Fine-Needle Aspiration (FNA): Uses small needle for cytologic material collection; faster and less expensive than open biopsy, but may not always be adequate for diagnosis.
Autopsy: Postmortem examination of organs to determine the cause of death and evaluate disease extent.
Important for identifying new diseases and informing treatment plans.
Forensic Pathology: Investigates accidental and criminal deaths, often in collaboration with law enforcement.
Forensic pathologists typically work in metropolitan areas and support public health through evidence from investigations.
Clinical Pathology: Branch of pathology for laboratory tests on tissues and fluids.
Laboratory Sections: Includes chemistry, hematology, blood bank (transfusion medicine), immunopathology, microbiology, cytogenetics.
Biochemical Tests: Most common, used to evaluate organ function or detect abnormalities in blood.
Common test substances: Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Calcium, Carbon Dioxide.
Homeostasis: Serum electrolytes must remain in narrow ranges; abnormal values may indicate issues with lungs, heart, kidneys, or endocrine system.
Glucose Monitoring: Routine screening for diabetes (both fasting and non-fasting).
Liver Function Tests: ALT, AST indicate liver injury; Alkaline Phosphatase, Bilirubin, GGT = bile export issues.
Kidney Assessment: BUN and creatinine measure kidney's ability to excrete waste.
Lipid Testing: Cholesterol and triglycerides assessed for atherosclerosis risk.
Urinalysis: Tests for microbes, red/white blood cells, glucose, and protein; identifies UTIs, kidney function, liver disorders.
Chemistry Panel and Urinalysis: Most common tests in the lab.
Additional studies for metabolic, immunologic, or toxicologic issues may be performed.
Complete Blood Count (CBC): Common hematologic test measuring hemoglobin, RBCs, WBCs, and evaluating blood morphology.
Red Blood Cells (RBCs): Transport oxygen; CBC parameters provide insights into oxygen transport health.
White Cell Count: Indicates immune status; neutrophil increase suggests bacterial infection, and lymphocyte increase suggests viral infection.
Platelets: Involved in clotting; indicates bone marrow response if immature cells are found.
Special tests for anemia and coagulation disorders are available.
Transfusion Medicine: Involves procurement, testing, processing, storage, and administration of blood components.
Evaluation of adverse reactions to transfusion therapy.
Immunopathology: Detects antigens and antibodies in blood and tissue; studies lymphocytes.
Utilizes immunologic techniques to detect diseases such as immunodeficiencies, allergic diseases, and certain cancers.
Microbiology Laboratory: Focuses on detecting pathogenic microorganisms in patient samples.
Determines susceptibility to therapeutic agents.
Bacterial Culture: Most common test; easy growth and sensitivity testing to antibiotics.
Shift toward molecular tests for rapid and sensitive results.
Example: Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in days, even from suboptimal specimens.
Molecular Techniques: Useful when cultures fail, for slow-growing organisms, or special media.
Antimicrobial Sensitivity Testing: Can also be done with molecular methods.
Cytogenetics: Examines chromosomal and genetic makeup for diagnosing disorders like trisomies, translocations, and deletions.
Molecular methods: Essential adjunctive diagnostic tools.
Anatomic pathologists: Traditionally use pattern recognition for tumors.
Microbiologists: Rely on cultures to identify pathogens.
Molecular diagnosis: Identifies the molecular signature of neoplasms and microorganisms.
Each organism or tumor has a unique genetic signature.
Involves sequencing DNA/RNA with a known nucleic acid probe.
PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction): Amplifies gene sequences for detection.
Fluorescent probes added to detect the presence of specific primers.
Differentiates tumors that appear identical under a microscope based on their DNA profiles.
Pharmacogenomics: Predicts drug responses based on a patient’s genetic makeup for proper dosing.
Detects specific gene sequences or genetic defects for targeted care.
Pathologists utilize molecular methods for diagnosing inherited disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and immunoglobulin abnormalities.
DNA profiling: Standard in criminal investigations and law enforcement.
Public Health Laboratories: Established by governments to control communicable diseases.
Microbiologic Tests: Perform tests like blood tests for syphilis and rabies, and viral cultures and PCR to identify epidemics.
Water Testing: Important aspect of community health.
State Health Laboratories: Serve as a reference laboratory and link with the National Communicable Disease Laboratory in Atlanta, Georgia.
Reporting: Highly contagious diseases must be reported to state authorities.