Meaning “mother”
Quality or state of being a mother
Sample Words
Alma Mater - a school, college, or university at which one has studies and usually, from which one has graduated.
Matrimony - the state of being married; marriage (LITERAL: the role of being a mother)
Matriarch - a woman who is the head of a family or tribe
Maternal - of, relating to, belonging to, or characteristic of a mother.
Meaning “to move”
Sample Words
Immobile - incapable of moving or being moved.
Demote - to reduce to a lower grade, rank, class, or position.
Remove - to move from a place or position, to take away or off.
Meaning “new”
Sample Words
Renovation - the act of redoing or rebuilding.
Innovation - the process of making changes in something with new ideas or methods.
Nouveau - a person who is newly rich, one regarded as ostentatious (showy) or uncultivated (they are loud with their money)
Meaning “father”
Sample Words
Paternal - relating to the or like that of a father
Patricide - the killing of one’s father or a person who kills their own father.
Patron - a wealthy person who supports a cause or an artist.
Meaning “love” or “love of”
Sample Words
Philosopher - lover of wisdom.
Bibliophile - lover of books
Philanthropy - a desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.
Having to do something with the city
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Metropolis - a large city (LITERAL: “mother city”)
Police - people who work for the government to maintain order in a CITYYY
Politician - government representative of a particular city or state
Having a fear of something
Sample Words
Arachnophobia - a fear of spiders
Claustrophobic - a fear of a shut-in or confined place
Xenophobe - a person who has dislike or prejudice against people from other countries.
Original, primitive, or “first”
Sample Words
Prototype - the first, typical or preliminary model of something, especially machines.
Protostar - a contracting mass of gas which represents the early stage in the formation of a star, before nucleosynthesis has begun. (Literal: birth of a star).
Protolog - the original description of a species, genus, etc.
Meaning “to follow”
Sample Words
Consequence - a result of the effect of an action or condition.
Sequel - a published, broadcast, or recorded work that continues the story or develops the theme of an earlier work.
Prosecute - to follow to the end; to bring legal action against for punishment of a crime or violation of law.
Non Sequitur - This is a random phrase. In Latin, this means “it does not follow.”
Meaning “to breathe” or “breath”
Sample Words
Aspire - To seek, aim, or desire someone or something of great personal value, (LITERAL: to breathe towards.)
Inspire - fill with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative, to influence, move or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration.
Respire - to breathe to maintain life; to breathe freely after trouble or anxiety.