NUCLEAR FUSION - The joining of hydrogen atoms to become helium atoms
RADIANT ENERGY - What we call all light
INCANDESCENT LIGHT - What all light produces
OPAQUE - What we call it when light can’t pass through an object
TRANSPARENT - What we call it when light can pass through an object
TRANSLUCENT - More opaque than transparent but light can still pass through
SHADOW - Blocked light
ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY - Energy from the sun to the earth
COLOUR SPECTRUM - What all the colours of the world make up
VISIBLE SPECTRUM - The colours in the colour spectrum that we can see
INVISIBLE SPECTRUM - The colours in the colour spectrum we can’t see
ULTRAVIOLET - The frequency of it is too high for us to see
INFRARED - Light on the warmer side of the spectrum that we can’t see
ANGLE OF INCIDENCE - Angle of reflection
REFRACTION - The bending of light
THERMAL ENERGY - heat energy we receive from the sun
LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS - the 4 special laws that deal with energy and all of matter
THERMODYNAMICS - the study of thermal energy
ZEROTH LAW - there is no transfer of heat between 2 objects on the thermal equilibrium
FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS - energy and matter can never be created or destroyed
SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS - the universe is always becoming less and less disordered or organized
ENTROPY - a measure of disorder
THIRD LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS - the entropy of something approaches its minimum as it's cooled toward absolute zero
HEAT - atoms in motion
HEAT SOURCE - the hotter item between heat source and heat sink
HEAT SINK - the item receiving the heat
RADIATION - energy that moves through space
RADIANT HEAT - heat that moves through empty space
CONVECTION - heat that transfers in liquids and gases
SEA BREEZE - when air thats heated over the land rises the air over the ocean rushes to fil the space that the air left
LAND BREEZE - when air rises over the sea and air from land flows in to replace it.
CONDUCTION - occurs when the heat source and the heat sink are connected through matter
COMBUSTION - a chemical process in which some material reacts quickly with oxygen to give off heat
FIRE TRIANGLE - the things we need to have fire: heat, fuel, and oxygen
IGNITION TEMPERATURE - a temperature at which something will light on fire
TEMPERATURE - measures how active the molecules are in a substance
FAHRENHEIT - what americans and some other countries use to measure temperature. Water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees
CELSIUS - what everyone else measures temperature in water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees
KELVIN - form of measuring temperature only used by scientists scales using the coldest temperature and the hottest temperature of an object.
THERMAL EXPANSION - when things heat up and they expand
SOUND - is a vibration
SOUND WAVES - the moving vibration
ECHO - sound you hear a second time
CONDUCT - to lead something from one place to another
MACH 1 - if something is going 760 mph
SUPERSONIC SPEED - anything faster than 760 mph
SONIC BOOM - the boom you hear when you go faster than supersonic speed
HERTZ - way to measure the frequency
INFRASOUND - anything that is too low for our ears to hear
ULTRASOUND - anything that is too high for our ears to hear
TIMBRE - what we call the quality of the sound
SONAR - a system that uses high frequency ultrasonic waves
BIOACOUSTICS - study of sound made by wildlife.