Cell Organelles

Plasma membrane: Controls what enters/leaves the cell, and maintains homeostasis for the cell

Cell Wall: Supports and protects cell

Nucleus: contains DNA and controls all cell activities

Nuclear membrane: controls what comes in/out of nucleus

Cytoplasm: cells metabolism

Rough ER: packages proteins into vesicles for transport

Smooth ER: detoxifies cell and synthesizes lipids1` b

Ribosome: makes proteins

Golgi Apparatus: sorts, processes, and packages proteins for export out of the cell

Mitochondria: cellular respiration

Chloroplast: photosynthesis

Lysosome: Breaks down old, worn out cell organelles

Vacuole: stores excess food, water, and waste of cell

Cilia and Flagella: Movement

Cytoskeleton: strengthens the cell and gives it shape, moves organelles around the cell

Centrioles: moves chromosomes during cell division
