Instrumental exam 2

Question 1: What wavelength is required to fully ionize Na(g) considering the ionization energy is at 5.1 eV?

Answer: 243 nm

Question 2: What is the emission wavelength for relaxing electron from 4p to 3s state?

Answer: 589 nm

Question 3: What is the term symbol for boron at ground state, given that Boron's atomic number is 5?

Answer: 2P1/2

Question 4: Which one of the optical spectroscopic methods is suffering from multiplex disadvantage?

Answer: IR

Question 5: Imagine you are going to determine Sr concentration in lake water using AAS measurement. Sr forms stable metal oxide in flame, and therefore you need to increase temperature of flame to break metal oxide. However, at higher temperature, atomized Sr ionizes easily. Which of the following metals is the best option to add to the flame to increase atomization efficient?

Answer: K

Question 6: Which of the following items is not the advantage of AES by ICP over AAS?

Answer: Greater flame interference

Question 7: Which part of the hollow cathode lamp (HCL) is the cathode of the lamp?

Answer: B

Question 8: Shown below is the absorbance vs. flame height plot in AAS for the determination of Cr, Mg, and Ag. Based on the plot, what height is most suitable for determination of Mg and Silver, respectively?

Answer: 0.1, 2.5

Question 9: Which of the methods listed below is not an approach to resolving spectral interference caused by matrix effects in AAS?

Answer: Two line correction method

Question 10: What is the name of device shown below?

Answer: Nebulizer

Question 11: Which part of atomization of Na involves the reaction shown below: NaCl (s) ---> NaCl(g)?

Answer: Volatilization

Question 12: Which of the methods discussed below is ideal for elemental analysis and depth profiling of solid samples?



  • XRF

  • LIBS

Question 13: Shown below is a ............... spectrophotometer, which classifies as a ...................and is widely used in AES

Answer: Echelle, single channel

Question 14: Shown below is the periodic table characterizing the detection power and number of useful emission lines of ICP using a pneumatic nebulizer. Given this information, which element is most suited for determination by AES?

Answer: Li

Question 15: Calculate the ratio of Mg atoms in the 3p excited state at 1800 K

Answer: 1 .92 × 10−9

Question 16: Using the graph shown below, determine absorption edge for K in atomic X-ray spectroscopy?

Answer: 0.02 nm

Question 17: Shown below is __________ that is used for introducing __________ sample.

Answer: Laser ablation, solid

Question 18: The mean lifetime of excited state produced by producing irradiating Xe with pulse of 480 nm radiation is 1.8 x10-6 s. calculate approximate value for the width of the fluorescence line produced in this way?

Answer: 4 .26 × 10−16 nm

Question 19: Geiger tube in a ........... transducer In X-ray measurement?

Answer: None of the above
