Free market: An economic system where the prices of goods and services are determined by supply and demand expressed by sellers and buyers.
Federal reserve : An independent agency that serves as the central bank of the U.S. to bring stability to the nations banking system
Liberal: Wants a large government/ more government control
Conservative: Wants a small government/less government control
Libertarian: Little to no government involvement
Views on taxes: Republicans want to cut taxes, Liberals support taxes
Exit polls: Unreliable polls which are taken right after a person votes on election day
Tracking polls: Peoples changing opinions
Opinion polls: Polls conducted based on the peoples opinions
Demographics (and how it can impact voting)
Liberty vs stability and order
Political socialization: The process by which an individuals political opinions are shaped by other people and the surrounding culture
Problems with polling
Conservative vs Liberal policy positions
Margin of error: A statistic expressing the amount of random sampling error in the result of the survey
Individualism: a belief that the individual has political or economic rights with which the state must not interfere
Equality of opportunity: Ensures that all interested individuals have the same ability to access and the chance of receiving particular resources, such as employment, housing, or education, without discrimination based on irrelevant factors such as age, race, religion, or gender
Rule of law: All persons, institutions, and entities are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced, independently adjudicated, and consistent with international human rights principles.
Limited government: A system of governance that restricts the power of the government and protects citizens’ rights
Mobilizing eligible voters:
Where you fall on the graph impacts how you think the government is doing
Most people want the government to be a good/better one, they just disagree about how to get there
Policy platform: Formation on Policy-
Make an Agenda
Study, research and hear from experts about an issue with growing attention.
Implement & Administer: Fund the agency that will regulate & enforce the policy
Scientific polling practices:
Congressional oversight: Congress watching over
Federalist 51: Talks about checks and balances
Political ideology: A certain ethical set of ideals (conservative, liberal, libertarian)
Keynesian economic theory: Idea that the government should intervene and make policies so the government/economy can perform better
Supply side economics: Increasing the supply of goods will drive economic growth
Monetary policy: Government decisions about how to influence the economy using control of the money supply and interest rates.
Fiscal policy: Government decisions about how to influence the economy by taxing and spending
Liberal, Conservative, and Libertarian views on Social and Economic issues
-Liberals believe that the gov should regulate the economy to increase stability
-Conservatives believe that the gov should limit its regulation of the marketplace
-Libertarians want little to no gov regulation in the economy
Federalism: State and the federal gov have separate powers and share powers
Younger voters are more likely to vote Democrat
Older voters are more likely to vote Republican
White people are more likely to vote republican
Minorities are more likely to vote democrat
Women tend to be more likely to lean democratic
More educated people are more likely to vote Democrat
Less educated people are more likely to vote Republican
Christians are more likely to be Republican
Jewish voters are more likely to be Democrats
Non-religious people are more likely to to be Democrats
Urban (city) vs. Rural
City dwellers are more likely to vote democratic
Country dwellers are more likely to be republican
Suburbs (50/50), tend to be more Republican at times
Business owners are more likely to vote Republican