APUSH Vocab Semester 1

Match up religious leaders with their movement

  • John Winthrop- Puritan movement

    First Governor of Massachusetts bay colony

    led puritan expansion

    belief in ‘city upon a hill’ Massachusetts would be an example for people

  • George Whitefield- National Movements

    English evangelist, preached about Methodism

    a lot of charisma, great sermons

  • Jonathon Edwards- Congressionalism in Massachusetts

    Brilliant with awkwards/tense sermons

    preached to young people against lust

  • William Bradford- Puritans in Plymouth

    governor of Plymouth Massachusetts

    wanted to purify the church of England by elimination of Catholics

    Society formed by the Mayflower compact

  • John Calvin- Protestant Reformation

    Created Calvinism

    started in Europe, spread to america

    puritans = Calvinists

    belief in predestination, god has a plan for you

  • Roger Williams- Puritan Rebellion

    Belief in religious toleration, separate church and government

    creation of providence, Rhode island

    Belief in antinominalism, faith is enough for salvation

    banished from Massachusetts bay colony

Events during Jefferson’s presidency

  • First Barbary War

    After independence pirates began looting from u.s. ships

    would impress/kidnap sailors

    jefferson refused to pay ransom for soldiers

    citizens were mad, forced jefferson to go to war

    peace treaty was eventually signed

  • Embargo Act of 1807

    British was also taking u.s.s soldiers in the napoleonic war (war between british and french)

    jefferson signed the embargo act of 1807

    stopped u.s. shops from leaving ports

    if britian couldn’t get u.s. goods, their economy would suffer

    hurt u.s. more than britain or france

    led to a lot of smuggling

    Jefferson signed non-intercourse act of 1808 to lift the ban

  • Louissiana Purchase

    Spain had it before giving it to france

    monroe sent to negotiate

    jefferson thought buying it would be unconstitutional

    ended up being persuaded to buy it

Transcendentalist who advocated for breaking the law

Henry David Theraoeu

believed in civil disobedience

break the law as a form of protest

Principles of Mercantalism

  • There is a finate amount of wealth

  • sell more than you buy

  • gov should play a large role with protecting trade

  • create monopolies

Reasons for Common Sense

  • Written by Thomas paine to persuade loyalsits to rebel against great britain

  • written in common language so anyone could read it

Purpose of Federalist Papers

  • Collection of essays to ratify the u.s. constiution

  • wanted a strong central gov.

  • Written by John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton

Hamilton’s ideas of governing/economics

  • Economic

    Assumin states’ deabt from the national govern,eny

    payed it off bu rasing taxes for states, raised tariffs, get loans from other countries

    national bank to regulete curency

  • Governing

    Strong central government

    infastructure to facilitate commerce

Marburry V.Madison Ruling

  • context for the ruling

    Adams had appointed a ton of judges before leaving office

    jefferson told maddison to withhold the commissions

    marbury (one of the judged) sued for his job

  • The ruling

    Declared that jefferson blocking his job was illegal

    decision based on judicial act of 1789

    confirms power of supreme court as ultimate power

Missouri Compromise

  • Missouri was being added to the union causing fighting over slave vs. free state

    petitioned to be a slave state

    decided that missouri would be a slave state and maine would be a free state

    north of 36’30 would be free

Seneca Falls COnvention

  • First women’s rights convention

  • organized by…

    Elizabeth Cady stanton, jane hunt, lucretia mott

  • also advocated for abolition

    fredrick douglad gave speaches

  • reworeded delcreation of in dependence

    all men and women created equal

  • main wants

    better education, property rights, voting rights, abolition

Polk’s 1844 Campaign Focus

  • Seen as the ‘dark horse of the campaign’

    underdog compared to his runninh mate, henry clay

  • ran on an ecpansion platform

    wanted to get texas and orgeon territory

1887 Indian Law

  • the dawes act

    used to assimilate natives into the u.s.

    divided native land for families

Biggest fan of ‘nullification’ docterine

  • Mainly supported by John C. Calhoun

    secondly by Jefferson and Madison

  • A state can invalidate federal laws if they are injust

Jay’s Treaty Consequences

  • Political dicisions

    Biggest divided between federalists and democratic republicans

  • betterrelations with britain

    british troops left america

  • Maritime peace

    Clearer rules for international trade

  • encouraged neutrality

    set stage for the farewell adress

Reason for British Impressment

  • Most british people didn’t want to be in the navy

Bessemer-Kelly Process purpose

  • Also known as the bessemer process

  • method of making it

    blew air through a molten pid iron to remouve imputiries

  • allowed for mass production of steel

Credit Mobilier Scandal

  • Credit Mobilier Contruction COmpany had built the Union Pacific railroad

  • Began defrauding their construction company

    pacific untion sent fraufulent contracts to the construction company

    bilked (cheated) the union pacific and federal gov

  • Stock given to congress to stop investigation

schylur colfax (grant’s v.p.) accepted the bribes

Jefferson’s Concern over the Louisianan Purchase

  • Also called jefferson’s quandrary

    feared buying the purchase was unconstitutional

    The constituition said nothing about buying new territory,

  • Advisors told him the constitution permitted it through implied powers

Ostend Manifesto

  • for nearly a decade the u.s. gov had tried to get cuba

    Started with Polk in 1848, continued by Franklin pierce

  • Had been unsuccessful

    Spain had it and didn’t want to give it up

  • Ostend manifesto had pursuaded pierce to use force

    sent from envoys (messengers) from olmsted, belguim

  • GOt bad public attention

    When leaked to the publid anti slavery northerners were mad

    thought the u.s.s wanted it to be a slave state

Supporters of the Proclamation of 1763

  • Given by the king to stop settleemtn north of the appalaichan mountains

  • supported by natives

    would protect their land from white settlemesnt

Wilmot Proviso

  • Motivated by the divisio nyhat expansion of slavery created

  • David Milmot made it to ward off possible fighting

    apart of the free soil party, just wanted to limit slvery

    manted to presume jobs for white people

    mainly supported by white people in Pennsylvania

  • could have prevented the civil war

Significance of Bacon’s Rebellion

  • Bacon and his followers opposed laws made against them (farmers)

    Governor Berkley had restrictions so it wouldn’t anger natives

  • Started Bacon’s rebelion

    Wanted to take control of virgia

    most violent insurrection until the civil war

  • Effects

    Higlishgted struggle to make boundary on indian land

    revealed how rebelios english settlers were

    biterness of east vs. west

    showed hatered of scholar gentry amoung the common people

    revealed how weak the u.s. was

Strengths/weaknesses of articles of confederation

  • Streangths

    treasury, ostal servise, and foreign affairs established

    organized territory in west (northwest territory)

    congress was the highest power in the nation

    congress controlled foreign affairs/native affairs

    congress could declare war

    land ordinance of 1785 (could purchase land in the west)

  • Weakness

    no form of national currency

    no executive/judicial branch

    no national army/navy

    states had control of trade

    states voted on changes to articles of confederation

    states settled disputes because they were sovergn

    no power to tax

Weaknesses revealed by shay’s rebellion

Adams-Onis Treaty Provision

  • Got florida, oregon texas

  • boundary line withspaon on the 42N laditude

  • paid $5 in damages for seminole war

Erie Canal Connection

  • Connects to champlaigne, oswego, cayuga-seneca

  • connects ot great lakes via hudson riber

  • in upstate new york (east-west, albany buffalo)

Black Suffrage Amendment

  • The 15th Amendment

    Confirmed voting rights for black people

  • Racist states found ways to go around it through tests

Treaty Of Guadalupe Hidalgo

  • Ended the mexican American war

  • main consqeuences

    california and new mexico given to the u.s.

    rio granda was a boundary of texas

    assume debt, payin $15 million

Result of Johnson’s Senate Trial

  • Why he was being impeached

    violated tenure of office act by removing stanton

  • was not impeached

    senate failed by one vote

Jefferson’s 1800 Revolution

  • Peaceful tranfeer of power between jefferson and adams

  • federalist power shifter to democratic republicans

Homestead Act

  • Supported farmers bu giving them free land

    160 acres of land to a u.s. citizen that migrated to the west

Event that starts secession

  • election of lincoln

    was against slavery

Part of the Dred Scott Ruling

  • Context for the ruling

    A freed slave tried to sure for his freedom

  • ruled that he had no right to sure

    african ameriens weren’t citizens, not alowed to sue at all

Senator who outhored the compromise on nullification

  • John C. Calhoun

    South Carolina senator

  • Beleif in states rights for nullification

    States should be able to control laws that pertain to them like tarrifs

Anti Federalist Portion of the Constitution

  • Put more power in the states

    Bicameral legislature (in Article l)

What Makes up a border state

  • Slave state bordering with free states in the civil war

    Ex.) deleware, kentucky, maryland, missouri, west virgina

John Brown’s Raid consequences

  • Context

    A slave revolt on harper’s ferry


Made south beleive that the north wanted an abolition insurrection

Knights of Labor Membership

  • Who was included

    all laborers, bost bussiness/proffesional workers

    included women, immigrants, and black people

  • Who it discluded

    Excluded lawyers, bankers, liqour dealers, proffessional gamblers

Orchestatro of the ‘March To Sea’

  • LEd by william tecumseh sherman

  • used to weaken confederate troops

    Unior went through georgia

    weakend the south by attacking exports, weakening economy/trade

When was the ‘Era of Good Feelings’

  • From 1815-1825

  • caused by the end of the war of 1812

  • led mostly by monroe

Jackson’s response to Marchal’s ruling

  • context

    The case was (Morcester V. Georgia)

    decided that states were not alloweed onto native land

  • Jackson’s Response

    ‘Marshall made his decision… let him enforce it’

  • Jackson wasn’t going to enforce it

Define a Holding Company

  • A parent company to buy/control ownership of other companies

Name of Congressional Reconstruction Plan

  • Radical Reconstruction (Presidental Reconstruction)

  • 5 main plans

    1.) Tennesse readmitted

    2.)make south into military districts

    3.) 15th amendment

    4.) tenure of office act/ command of the army act

    5.) 2/3 of judges needed to stop

1830s Transportation Impact

  • Main ways of transportation

    Railroads, boats, automobiles

  • What this caused

    better trade/ communication

Chesapeake-Leopard Incident

  • The incident

    A protish ship (the chesapeake) encountered a u.s. ship (leopard)

    refused to let british search them, u.s. attacked them

    u.s. surrendered, four people taken

  • The Aftermath

    Citizens wanted revenge

    monroe sent to denounce it

  • british refused to offer compensation

Shay’s Rebellion consequences

  • Mobs of farmers rebelled against taxes

  • Consequences

    shay’s mob was pardoned, given tax releif

    urgency for new constitution

Groups Promoted by Jackson or not

  • supported

    common people and democrats

  • not supported

    wealthy, natives

‘Taylorism’ Techniques

  • Scientific management to make things efficient

  • techniques

    subdivided techniques, management, skilled workers

Haymarket Square Riot Outcome

  • Context

    Labor radicals protested for better conditions

    police bombed at (7 police officers dies, 1 citizen died)

Cornwallis Surrender Location

  • Context

    End of american revolition, cornwallis led britain

  • Surrended at yorktown

Examples of American Revolution Leaders

  • Intellectuals

    Hamilton, Jefferson, Franklin

  • War Leaders

    Washinton, cornwallis, lafayette

1863 Decisive union win locations

  • Gettysburg

    3 day battle, bloodiest battle in the war, turning point

  • Vicksburg

    1 month and 2 weeks, missisipi east river, led by Ulyssees S. Grant

  • Chattanooga

    Tennesee, sherman led, supply area

Compromise of 1877 Result

  • Settled result of 1876 election

    allies of Hayes met with grant’s administration

    union troops would leave the south

  • Hayes became president

Citizenship Amendment

  • 14th amendment made black people citizens

Term for Buying out competition

  • horizontal integration, to by out companies similar to their own

‘New’ Immigrants came from here

  • China

John Quincy Adams ‘corrupt bargain’

  • Jackson won the popular and electoral vote but didn’t win the election

  • John quincy adams named president becaus ehe was supported by Henry Clay

  • Clay named secretary of state

Reasons for the Embargo Act

  • Reasons for it

    To prevent international war and a depression

  • Effects of it

    Prohibited u.s. ships from leaving u.s. ports

Differences between Virginia and new jersey plan

  • Virginia Plan

    Made by Madison, presented by randolph

    strong central government of 3 branches

  • New Jersey Plan

    To make smaller states have same votes as big states

  • Result

    bicameral legislature

Jackson and the Second Bank of U.S.

  • Reason for opposition

    Thought it only helped wealthy and corrupt political leaders

  • How he got rid of it

    didn’t vote on the recharter, remove federal deposits, new funding

Amendment that Abolished Slavery

  • 13th amendment passed on January 31, 1865

Jim Crow Laws

  • By the end of reconstruction, laws protecting black people were gone

    troops withdrew, stripped the 14/15 amendments

  • Laws Created

    Segregation, ‘seperate but equal’

    limited black votes through literacy tests

    legal punishments like lynching

    banned intermarriage

What was unique about Tennesse Reconstruction

  • First state to ratify the 14th amendment

  • first southern state allowed back into the union

Compromise of 1850 Provisions

  • What was the compromise of 1850

    Enter california into the union as a free state

    define texas border for tax releif

    New mexico and utah names as official territories

    banned the lave trade in D.C.

    Fugitive slave law

1777 Turning Point Location

  • Battle of saratoga

    British general Burgyne surrendered

    in New york saratoga upstate

Jefferson/Madison response to alien and sedition act

  • alien and sedition acts

    set of laws that restricted immigration in the u.s.

  • Jefferson and Madison Response

    Found it unconstituitona

    replaced it with the virginia and kentucky resolution

End of Slavery Amendment

  • 13th Amendment

Reason for mutiny act resentment

  • Mutiny Act

    Also called the quartering act

    Monarchy had full control over military forces

    held back martial law

  • Reason for resentment

    Colonists mad about it, didn’t want to deal with british troops

Land ordinance of ‘85 and ‘87

  • Land ordinance of 1785 and northwest ordinance of 1787

    Lands west of appalaichain mountains would be surveyed and sold
