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Math Symbols


  • p - population proportion (categorical)

  • p̂ - sample proportion (categorical)

  • μ - population mean (quantitative)

  • x̄ - sample mean (quantitative)

  • σ - population standard deviation (SD)

    • σ2 - variance

  • sₓ - sample standard deviation

  • ∩ - intersection of two events (the occurrence of both events at the same time)

  • ∪ - union of two events (the occurrence of either event or both events)

  • z - aka z-score is how many standard deviations a point is from the mean

  • ∝ - Significance level

  • χ - chi (pronounced “kye”) for chi-square test statistics


  • ∞ - Infinity

    • In Superscript: ₓ → ∞ | ₙ → ∞

  • ∫ - Integral

    • ₐ∫ᵇ

  • Σ - Sigma

    • Simple premade format: ᵢ₌₁Σⁿ

    • OR: [ ₋(i=1)Σ^6 ] where the ₋ is subscript and ^ is superscript

  • ᵢ - subscript i | f(cᵢ)

  • ∆ - Delta | ∆x

General Math:

  • • - Multiplication

  • √ - root symbol

  • π - pi

  • ≤ - Less than or equal to

  • ≥ - Greater than or equal to

  • ≠ - not equal to

  • ⋃ - Union

  • ± - Plus/Minus Combined

  • → - Arrow


Subscript: ₀ ₁ ₂ ₃ ₄ ₅ ₆ ₇ ₈ ₉ ₓ

Superscript: ⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ ˣ


Math Symbols


  • p - population proportion (categorical)

  • p̂ - sample proportion (categorical)

  • μ - population mean (quantitative)

  • x̄ - sample mean (quantitative)

  • σ - population standard deviation (SD)

    • σ2 - variance

  • sₓ - sample standard deviation

  • ∩ - intersection of two events (the occurrence of both events at the same time)

  • ∪ - union of two events (the occurrence of either event or both events)

  • z - aka z-score is how many standard deviations a point is from the mean

  • ∝ - Significance level

  • χ - chi (pronounced “kye”) for chi-square test statistics


  • ∞ - Infinity

    • In Superscript: ₓ → ∞ | ₙ → ∞

  • ∫ - Integral

    • ₐ∫ᵇ

  • Σ - Sigma

    • Simple premade format: ᵢ₌₁Σⁿ

    • OR: [ ₋(i=1)Σ^6 ] where the ₋ is subscript and ^ is superscript

  • ᵢ - subscript i | f(cᵢ)

  • ∆ - Delta | ∆x

General Math:

  • • - Multiplication

  • √ - root symbol

  • π - pi

  • ≤ - Less than or equal to

  • ≥ - Greater than or equal to

  • ≠ - not equal to

  • ⋃ - Union

  • ± - Plus/Minus Combined

  • → - Arrow


Subscript: ₀ ₁ ₂ ₃ ₄ ₅ ₆ ₇ ₈ ₉ ₓ

Superscript: ⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ ˣ