What is a business? An organisation/enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial or professional activities
Goods = tangible items Services = intangible outcomes
Sole traders A business that is owned/operated by one person Return on investment = all profit Partnerships Owned/operated by 2-20 people Return on investment = share of partnership income Private company Incorporated business having 2-50 private shareholders Public company At least one shareholder, no max, generally listed on ASX Liability = something owed Incorporated = process companies go through to become separate legal entity from owner Limited liability - owners financial liability is limited to a fixed amount Unlimited liability - owners liability is not limited Business sizes - important to think of social purpose Small - less than 20 employees
Micro - less than 5 employees Medium- 20-199 employees
Large - 200+ employees
Businesess classified by geographical scope of operations Local - operate within a specific locality/region
national operates across multiple religions within one country global operates in many countries international trade cultural challengesINduin | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
External influence | External factors are general business factors that occur outside of the business and impact the way it can conduct business Internal factors are general business factors that occur inside the company and impact the way it does business.
industry sectors primary industry business involved in extration. ofnatural resources from the earth Secondary industry businesses involved in manufacturing/construction. Transforming raw materials into a product/ finished goods
quinary industry