KINI_Topic 14_Chap16_Final

Introduction to Control Systems and Quality Management

  • Chapter Overview: Focuses on control systems and quality management techniques for enhancing organizational effectiveness.

Learning Objectives

  • 16-1: Define control as a managerial function.

  • 16-2: Outline steps in the control process and types of control.

  • 16-3: Discuss methods for controlling an organization.

  • 16-4: Explain the total quality management (TQM) process.

  • 16-5: Address contemporary control issues.

  • 16-6: Review career readiness and tips for managing your career.

Mentorship in Career Management

  • Key Strategies:

    • Set clear goals for career progression.

    • Be prepared for mentoring sessions.

    • Maintain an open mind during discussions.

    • Respect your mentor's time commitment.

    • Assess the effectiveness of the mentoring relationship.

Controlling for Effective Performance

  • Managers engage in controlling as part of four concurrent functions: Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling.

    • Planning: Setting goals and strategizing on how to achieve them.

    • Organizing: Structuring tasks and resources to accomplish work.

    • Leading: Motivating personnel to work towards goals.

    • Controlling: Monitoring performance and making adjustments as necessary.

Importance of Control

  • Reasons Control Is Needed:

    1. Adapt to changes and uncertainties in the environment.

    2. Identify irregularities and errors.

    3. Reduce costs, enhance productivity, or increase value.

    4. Uncover opportunities for innovation.

    5. Provide feedback on performance.

    6. Facilitate decentralized decision-making and teamwork.

Control Process and Types

  • Steps in the Control Process:

    • Establish Standards: Define desired outcomes.

    • Measure Performance: Compare actual outcomes against standards.

    • Compare Performance to Standards: Analyze discrepancies between desired and actual results.

    • Take Corrective Action: Implement necessary changes to align outcomes with goals.

  • Types of Controls:

    • Feedforward Control: Preemptive measures to prevent issues.

    • Concurrent Control: Real-time monitoring during processes.

    • Feedback Control: Utilizing post-performance data to refine future processes.

Balanced Scorecard Approach

  • Concept: Comprehensive framework for managerial control across different perspectives:

    • Financial Perspective: Measure performance from the viewpoint of shareholders.

    • Customer Perspective: Assess customer satisfaction and retention.

    • Internal Business Perspective: Identify areas needing excellence.

    • Innovation and Learning Perspective: Evaluate capability for continued improvement.

Total Quality Management (TQM)

  • Core Principles:

    • Focus on delivering customer value.

    • Commit to continuous improvement.

  • Deming's Contributions:

    • Quality is defined by the consumer's needs.

    • Focus on improving systems instead of blaming individuals.

    • Quality improvements promote market share and growth.

    • Utilize data-driven methods like the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle for continuous improvement.

Application of TQM

  • Differences in Industries:

    • Manufacturing: Offers tangible products.

    • Service: Provides intangible products; relies on training for quality service.

  • TQM Techniques & Tools:

    • Outsourcing: Assign tasks to external parties.

    • Statistical Process Control: Regular sampling to ensure quality.

    • Six Sigma: Method to eliminate defects.

    • ISO Standards: Comply with international quality standards.

Contemporary Control Issues

  • Use of Artificial Intelligence in Control:

    • Aims to minimize errors, heighten productivity, and enhance supply chain management.

Career Management Essential Skills

  • Focus on critical thinking/problem-solving, communication, teamwork, and adaptability.

  • Maintain commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement.

  • Build and leverage networks for career advancement.
