Magnetism Exploration Worksheet

Magnetism Exploration Worksheet

Total Time: 60 minutes

Introduction to Magnetism

Time: 5 minutes

Review the basics of magnetism:

  • What is magnetism?

  • Key terms: magnet, magnetic field, poles (north and south), ferromagnetic materials.

  • Discuss prior knowledge about magnets: How do you think magnets are used in technology today?

Understanding Magnetic Properties

Time: 10 minutes

Short Answer Questions:

  1. What are the differences between temporary and permanent magnets?

  2. Describe how the magnetic properties of a material can change when it is near a magnet.

  3. Define what magnetic domains are and explain how they affect magnetism in materials.

Magnetic Interactions Activity

Time: 15 minutes

Group Activity:

  • In groups of 4, use magnets and various metal objects to explore magnetic repulsion and attraction. Identify different metals that exhibit magnetic properties (e.g., iron, nickel) vs. those that do not (e.g., brass, aluminum).

  • Record your findings in a table format with columns for 'Material', 'Attraction/Repulsion', and 'Comments'.

  • Discuss why some materials are attracted to magnets and others are not.

Magnetism and Technology

Time: 10 minutes

Research and Presentation:

  • Each group selects a technology that utilizes magnetism (e.g., MRI machines, electric motors, or hard drives).

  • Prepare a short presentation (maximum 3 mins) about how magnetism is used in that technology and its importance.

Creative Application: Magnetic Mysteries

Time: 20 minutes

Creative Assignment:

  • Write a short story or scenario where magnets play a crucial role in solving a mystery or a problem. This narrative should include:

    • Main characters who use their knowledge of magnetism.

    • A clear demonstration of how magnetic principles help them succeed.

    • Creative illustrations of key scenes (students may choose to draw, create a comic strip, or even storyboard).

  • Optional: Share your stories with the class for peer feedback.

Critical Thinking Questions

Time: 5 minutes

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why do you think scientists are still fascinated by magnetism?

  2. How do changing magnetic fields relate to modern technology?
