KEY HW 4.1 Electron Configurations

Page 1: Electron Configurations Overview

  • Recall: Bohr Models

    • Rings represent different energy levels that electrons can occupy.

    • Within each ring, there are additional sub-levels that classify electron locations more specifically.

  • Revised Atomic Model

    • Atomic Orbitals: Founded on Schrödinger's Equation, describing the probability of finding an electron at various locations around the nucleus.

    • The shaded areas in orbital shapes indicate a region of high probability of locating the electron.

    • Electrons and the nucleus interact to create the most stable arrangement of electrons possible.

  • Three Principles for Electron Arrangement:

    1. Aufbau Principle:

      • Electrons fill the lowest energy levels first.

      • Sequence of filling: 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 3d, etc.

Page 2: Atomic Models and Electron Configuration

  • Pauli Exclusion Principle

    • No two electrons can have the same set of four quantum numbers (i.e., an orbital can hold a maximum of two electrons).

  • Hund's Rule

    • Electrons occupy degenerate orbitals singly before pairing up.

  • Practice Level 1

    • Draw the Bohr Model, Aufbau Diagram, and electron configurations for:

      1. Hydrogen

      2. Carbon

      3. Oxygen

      4. Chlorine

Page 3: Continued Practice with Atomic Models

  • Practice Level 2

    • Draw the Bohr Model, Aufbau Diagram, and electron configurations for:

      1. Calcium (20)

      2. Scandium (21)

      3. Manganese (25)

      4. Selenium (34)

Page 4: Homework - Atomic Models Reflection

  • Homework Part I: Reflection Questions

    1. Which representation is more accurate: Bohr model or quantum model?

    2. What does the quantum model illustrate?

    3. Arrange the sublevels in decreasing energy: 2p, 4s, 3s, 3d, 3p.

  • Homework Part II

    • Draw the Bohr model, Aufbau diagram, and electron configurations for:

      1. Na

      2. Nb

      3. Y

      4. Cs

      5. Sb

      6. O2-

      7. Na+

      8. Fe3+

Page 5: Additional Electron Configurations

  • Electron Configurations Practice

    • Understand configurations up to Kr (Krypton) and the occupancy of s, p, d orbitals.

    • Note any variations due to ionization or electron loss.

Page 6: Review Concepts

  • Review Important Concepts

    • Revisit the rules regarding electron configurations and orbital shapes.

    • Analyze the shapes and probabilities associated with electron placement in atomic orbitals.
