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1.6 Appropriateness of management styles

What management style and when??? We have four criteria on which to base this decision:

  • Nature of the task

  • Available time

  • Experience of employees

  • Manager preference

  • Nature of the task

There a number of different ways a work task can be categorised:

Nature of the task

Is it complex or relatively simple? High or low cost? High or low risk? The appropriate management style to use in these situations will depend on what the answer is to these questions.

For highly complex, high risk and high cost tasks it could be argued the ________________ management style is best. With these types of tasks, strict instructions may need to be followed to ensure the best outcome is achieved.

For relatively simple tasks that are low cost and low risk, the ________________ or even _______________________ management styles could be used, knowing that if mistakes are made the consequences will not be catastrophic for the business.

Available time

When time is of the essence (think deadlines or emergency situations) and decisions need to be made quickly the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ management styles are best. This will enable the business to get things done quickly. When more time is available, anything from the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ through to the _______________________ _ _ _ management styles can be used, allowing for greater interaction with employees to occur which is a feature of these management styles.

Experience of employees

Highly experienced – consultative through laissez-faire Why? Inexperienced – autocratic and persuasive Why?

Manager preference

Each manager will have their own personality, characteristics, values and beliefs. Dependent on what these are, will determine what management style comes more naturally to them.

Those managers who approach work from an individual perspective and limit the time getting to know employees would be more inclined to adopt the ______________ or ________________ management styles.

Good delegators and those who value building relationships at work who be suited to the ______________ and _______________ managements styles.


Outline the situations where the autocratic and persuasive management styles would be appropriate.

Outline the situations where the consultative and participative management styles would be appropriate.

Alistair is the communications manager responsible for producing the company annual report every six months. He is a highly experienced and skilled manager but is working with a team consisting of many new employees. Outline the details of the situational elements that exist in this scenario What management style would you recommend that Alistair use?


1.6 Appropriateness of management styles

What management style and when??? We have four criteria on which to base this decision:

  • Nature of the task

  • Available time

  • Experience of employees

  • Manager preference

  • Nature of the task

There a number of different ways a work task can be categorised:

Nature of the task

Is it complex or relatively simple? High or low cost? High or low risk? The appropriate management style to use in these situations will depend on what the answer is to these questions.

For highly complex, high risk and high cost tasks it could be argued the ________________ management style is best. With these types of tasks, strict instructions may need to be followed to ensure the best outcome is achieved.

For relatively simple tasks that are low cost and low risk, the ________________ or even _______________________ management styles could be used, knowing that if mistakes are made the consequences will not be catastrophic for the business.

Available time

When time is of the essence (think deadlines or emergency situations) and decisions need to be made quickly the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ management styles are best. This will enable the business to get things done quickly. When more time is available, anything from the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ through to the _______________________ _ _ _ management styles can be used, allowing for greater interaction with employees to occur which is a feature of these management styles.

Experience of employees

Highly experienced – consultative through laissez-faire Why? Inexperienced – autocratic and persuasive Why?

Manager preference

Each manager will have their own personality, characteristics, values and beliefs. Dependent on what these are, will determine what management style comes more naturally to them.

Those managers who approach work from an individual perspective and limit the time getting to know employees would be more inclined to adopt the ______________ or ________________ management styles.

Good delegators and those who value building relationships at work who be suited to the ______________ and _______________ managements styles.


Outline the situations where the autocratic and persuasive management styles would be appropriate.

Outline the situations where the consultative and participative management styles would be appropriate.

Alistair is the communications manager responsible for producing the company annual report every six months. He is a highly experienced and skilled manager but is working with a team consisting of many new employees. Outline the details of the situational elements that exist in this scenario What management style would you recommend that Alistair use?