The exact causes of atrial fibrillation are unknown, but several risk factors have been identified (see table below).
Risk factors for atrial fibrillation | |
Cardiovascular risk factors |
Intrinsic cardiac disorders |
Noncardiac disorders |
Hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis
Electrolyte imbalances
Cardiothoracic surgery
Myocardial infarction
Alcohol use
Excess caffeine
Fever of any cause
Recreational or pharmacological drug use
Pulmonary embolism
Other triggers of tachycardia: e.g., pain, hypovolemia, anemia
Approx. 15% of individuals who develop Afib have none of the above mentioned risk factors(idiopathic/lone Afib).
Remember PARASITE to memorize the major risk factors for acute Afib: P – Pulmonary disease; A – Anemia; R – Rheumatic heart disease; A – Atrialmyxoma; S – Sepsis; I – Ischemia; T – Thyroiddisease; E – Ethanol.
Unstable Afib: Afib manifesting with signs of hemodynamic instability (e.g., chest pain, altered mental status, acute pulmonary edema, hypotension, or cardiogenic shock)
Stable Afib: Afib without signs of hemodynamic instability
Afib with rapid ventricular response: Afib with a ventricular rate > 100–110/minute (tachycardic Afib) [10][11]
Afib with slow ventricular response: Afib with a ventricular rate < 60/minute (bradycardic Afib or slow Afib) [12]
Paroxysmal Afib: Afib that resolves within 7 days of onset either following treatment or spontaneously; the frequency of recurring episodes may vary.
Persistent Afib: continuous Afib for > 7 days
Long-standing persistent Afib: continuous Afib for > 1 year
Permanent Afib: persistent Afib in which therapeutic attempts are no longer made to convert to or maintain sinus rhythm unless the patient and the treating physician agree to do so [3]
Clinical Afib: an episode of Afib lasting ≥ 30 seconds that is documented on a surface ECG; may be symptomatic or asymptomatic
Subclinical Afib: asymptomatic Afib not previously detected on a surface ECG that is discovered on implanted cardiac devices and confirmed on intracardiac electrograms [8][9]
Valvular heart conditions can affect the risk of thromboembolism. The terms valvular Afib and nonvalvular Afib have previously been used to classify patients accordingly. [8][13][14]
Moderate to severe mitral stenosis or a mechanical heart valve
Significantly increased risk of thromboembolic events
Previously classified as valvular Afib [8][13][14]
Any other valvular heart disease or no valvulopathy
Lower risk of thromboembolic events than moderate to severe mitral stenosis or a mechanical heart valve
Previously classified as nonvalvular Afib [8][13][14]
Patients with Afib should always be evaluated for mitral valve involvement!
Atrial fibrillation is a supraventricular arrhythmia.
The exact mechanisms of Afib are not well understood. Suggested mechanisms include:
Volume overload, hemodynamic stress → atrial hypertrophy and/or dilatation
Atrial ischemia
Inflammation of the atrial myocardium
Altered ion conduction by the atrial myocardium
The new onset of Afib triggers a vicious circle that can ultimately lead to long-standing Afib with atrial remodeling:
Afib is triggered by one or both of the following
Bursts of electrical activity from automatic foci near the pulmonary vein ostia (left atrium) or in diseased, fibrotic atrial tissue
Pre-excitation of the atria as a result of aberrant pathways (e.g., WPW syndrome)
Afib is sustained by re-entry rhythms and/or rapid focal ectopic firing
Re-entry rhythms are more likely to occur with enlarged atria, diseased heart tissue, and/or aberrant pathways (e.g., WPW syndrome).
Atrial remodeling
Electrophysiological changes in the atriaoccur within a few hours of Afib onset (electrical modeling).
If Afib persists, atrial fibrosis and dilatation (structural remodeling) occur within a few months.
Electrical and structural remodeling increase susceptibility to Afib, resulting in a vicious circle.
Effects of Afib
The atria contract rapidly but ineffectivelyand in an uncoordinated fashion → stasis of blood within the atria → risk of thromboembolism and stroke
Irregular activation of the ventricles by conduction through the AV node → tachycardia
This diagnostic approach applies to stable patients with new Afib; for approaches to patients with unstable Afib, see “Afib with RVR,” “Afib with WPW,” and “Management of unstable tachycardia.”
Diagnostic confirmation
Obtain 12-lead ECG to identify ECG findings of Afib.
If ECG is not diagnostic and clinical suspicion is high, consider:
Continuous cardiac rhythm monitoring
Ambulatory ECG monitoring
Identification of the underlying Afib etiology(e.g., ACS diagnostics, PE diagnostics)
Routine studies: CBC, CMP, and TTE
Additional studies based on clinical suspicion: e.g., TFTs, CXR, CTPA, toxicology screen
Specialized testing on an individual basis: e.g., EP study, sleep study
See also “Reversible causes of Afib.”
Evaluation for factors that affect treatment
Risk of thrombotic complications: e.g., CHA2DS2-VASc score, TEE for Afib
Risk of bleeding: e.g., coagulation studies, HAS-BLED score
Additional evaluation
Comorbid conditions: e.g., diabetes screening, CAD diagnostics
Complications: e.g., ischemic stroke diagnostics, AHF diagnostics
Assess for reversible causes of Afib, such as hyperthyroidism and electrolyte imbalances.
Consider ambulatory ECG monitoring to confirm paroxysmal Afib if the initial ECG is nondiagnostic and clinical suspicion is high.
Initial investigative study to confirm Afib
Signs of comorbid conditions and/or underlying etiologies [3]
Aberrant conduction: e.g., LBBB, RBBB, ECG findings in WPW
CAD: e.g., rate-dependent ST depressions, ECG findings in STEMI, ECG findings of NSTE-ACS, or evidence of previous myocardial infarction
Others: e.g., ECG findings in pericarditis, ECG signs of LVH
Characteristic ECG findings in atrial fibrillation [20] | |
Appearance | |
Rhythm |
Rate |
P waves |
QRS complex |
Wide QRS complex may indicate preexcited Afib or aberrant conduction.
CBC: assessment for anemia and signs of infection
Serum electrolytes (Na+, K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+): to identify electrolyte imbalances
BUN, serum creatinine: to identify chronic kidney disease (CKD) [6]
Coagulation studies: to guide anticoagulation therapy
Additional cardiac evaluation is guided by clinical suspicion.
ACS diagnostics: e.g., troponin
Diagnostics of CHF and/or diagnostics of AHF: e.g., BNP or NT-proBNP [22]
Others: See “CAD diagnostics” and “Diagnosis of hypertension.”
Obtain additional laboratory studies based on suspected underlying etiology, e.g.:
TFTs: to screen for thyrotoxicosis
PE diagnostics: e.g., D-dimer levels in patients with low Wells score for PE [23]
Diabetes screening [21]
Liver chemistries: to assess for liver disease [24]
Serum toxicology (e.g., ethanol level, digoxinlevel) and/or urine toxicology (e.g., cocaine, amphetamines)
Sepsis workup
Afib can independently cause elevated D-dimer, troponin, and BNP levels. Interpret these findings along with the overall clinical suspicion for underlying PE, CHF, and/or ACS. [3][25][26][27]
Goal: to assess cardiac function and rule out underlying structural heart disease (e.g., mitral valve stenosis)
New Afib diagnosis
Known Afib with clinical deterioration of unclear etiology
Echocardiographic findings in Afib [29][28][30][31]
The heart may be structurally normal (more common in young people).
Left atrial thrombus may be visible
Atrial enlargement
Chaotic atrial movements that are not coordinated with ventricles
Decreased left atrial compliance and volume
Evidence of underlying etiology, e.g., ↓ LVEF (due to cardiomyopathy), valvular heart disease, pericardial effusion
TEE is performed prior to cardioversion to determine the safety of rhythm control in patients at risk of thromboemboli (e.g., Afib onset ≥ 48 hours) who cannot wait for ≥ 3 weeks of therapeutic anticoagulation.
To evaluate for thrombi and reduce the risk of thromboembolic events
Visualize the atria and the left atrial appendage(hotspots for thrombogenesis)
Indications (prior to cardioversion)
New-onset Afib or atrial flutter of ≥ 48 hours or unknown duration
No previous anticoagulant use or subtherapeutic anticoagulation
High stroke risk (e.g., history of stroke, left atrial thrombus, HOCM, or rheumatic fever)
Findings of concern
Thrombus in the left atrium, left atrial appendage, and/or left ventricle
Left atrial appendage “smoke” and/or “sludge”
Low left atrial appendage velocities
Aortic atheroma [33]
No thrombus identified: Safe to proceed with rhythm control
Thrombus identified: Anticoagulate for ≥ 3 weeksand consider repeat TEE prior to attempting rhythm control.
TEE is usually not required for patients undergoing rate control and those undergoing rhythm controlwho have Afib onset < 48 hours or have received ≥ 3 weeks of therapeutic anticoagulation. [3][32]
Goal: to evaluate for underlying cardiopulmonary comorbidities or etiologies
CXR: e.g., CXR findings of AHF, CXR findings of pneumonia, CXR findings of COPD
CT pulmonary angiography: See “Findings” in “CTPA.”
Suspected paroxysmal Afib
Evaluation of the adequacy of rate or rhythm control measures
Assessment of the relationship between symptoms and Afib (patient-activated event recorders)
Inpatient: continuous cardiac telemetry
Ambulatory ECG monitoring: Holter monitor, event recorders, loop recorders
Findings: episodes of paroxysmal Afib; may reveal additional arrhythmias, e.g., atrial flutter
Cardiac stress test: if underlying ischemic heart disease is suspected or to assess the adequacy of rate control [3][19]
EP study [3]
To identify lesions amenable to ablation (e.g., for pulmonary vein isolation)
To identify associated conduction abnormalities: e.g., preexcitation
To distinguish between ventricular tachycardiaand Afib with aberrant conduction
Sleep study: if obstructive sleep apnea is suspected [19]
Your notes
Shared NotesManage
Unstable Afib: Perform emergency electrical cardioversion (see “Management of unstable tachycardia” for details).
Heart rate > 100–110/minute: Start management of Afib with RVR.
Suspected preexcited Afib: See “Afib with WPW.”
Patients with unstable Afib should be treated with immediate electrical cardioversion!
Onset ≥ 48 hours or unknown
Consider rate control initially.
Defer consideration of rhythm control until:
≥ 3 weeks of therapeutic anticoagulation is complete
OR thrombi are ruled out via TEE for Afib
Onset < 48 hours
Consider rhythm control or rate control on an individual basis.
See “Rate control vs. rhythm control” for details.
All patients
Begin long-term anticoagulation for Afib if favored by risk assessment.
Identify and treat reversible causes of Afib.
Provide supportive care for Afib.
Manage complications.
Patients with known Afib may seek care for acutely decompensated or recurrent Afib and/or comorbid conditions complicated by Afib (e.g., heart failure, ACS, sepsis).
For acutely decompensated rapid Afib, see “Afib with RVR.”
For all other stable patients:
Assess adherence to therapy (e.g., rate controlmedications, anticoagulation for Afib).
Identify and manage reversible Afib triggers.
Evaluate for and address conditions that could alter treatment efficacy (e.g., new-onset AKI, medication interactions).
Follow any existing treatment plan for rate controlor rhythm control.
Consult the patient's treating cardiologist as needed.
Manage complications and comorbid conditions on an individual basis.
The following measures can be applied in inpatient or outpatient settings.
Optimize long-term therapy for chronic underlying Afib etiologies and related comorbidities.
Manage cardiovascular risk factors and encourage lifestyle modifications, e.g., weight loss, exercise, OSA management, reduction of alcoholconsumption. [9][8]
Monitor kidney and liver function regularly for patients on anticoagulation. [8]
Educate patients on treatment adherence, risk of thromboembolism, and risks of anticoagulation and/or antiarrhythmic drugs.
See “Afib with RVR” for the disposition of patients with rapid Afib.
The workup and management of new stable Afib are typically started in emergency care settings and can continue in inpatient or outpatient settings depending on multiple factors, e.g.:
Individual patient risk profile and comorbidities
Optimal treatment strategy, e.g., rate control, early or delayed rhythm control
Risk of therapy adverse effects
Social support and access to health care
For emergency department patients, follow local protocols for hospital admission vs. discharge with rapid follow-up in consultation with a cardiologist.
For inpatients who develop new Afib or experience recurrence or decompensation, consult cardiology.
Your notes
Shared NotesManage
There are two strategies for arrhythmia treatment in patients with Afib: rate control, which aims to reduce the heart rate, and rhythm control, which aims to restore normal sinus rhythm. For the management of patients with unstable Afib, see “Afib with RVR,” “Afib with WPW,” and “Management of unstable tachycardia.”
There are no strict indications for either strategy. The choice should involve shared decision-making with a specialist and varies based on disease characteristics and comorbidities, prior treatment responses, and individual patient risk factors and preferences. [37]
Longstanding persistent or recurrent Afib [3][38]
Untreated reversible cause of Afib
High risk of thromboembolism, e.g., new Afib with onset ≥ 48 hours or unknown, known atrial thrombus, suboptimal anticoagulation
High risk of adverse reactions to pharmacological cardioversion or electrical cardioversion
Recent-onset (< 12 months) Afib with known cardiovascular disease, especially heart failure [41][39][42]
Patients < 70 years of age [37]
Failure of prior rate control strategy to control symptoms or achieve target heart rate
Treated reversible cause of Afib
Tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy (interventional cardioversion) [3][43]
AV nodal blocking agents used for rate control are contraindicated in preexcited Afib (e.g., due to WPW), as they can precipitate ventricular tachycardia or Vfib. [3]
For goals, indications, and agents used in acute settings, see “Rate control” in “Afib with RVR.”
Goal: reduction of the ventricular response rate to relieve symptoms, improved quality of life, and decreased risk of developing tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy
Target resting heart rate [3]
< 110/minute: in patients with normal LV systolic function whose symptoms are well controlled at this rate [44]
< 80/minute: in patients with LV systolic dysfunction or who remain symptomatic at higher rates
Beta blockers: e.g., metoprolol DOSAGE, atenolol DOSAGE, propranolol DOSAGE [3]
Preferred when Afib is due to hyperthyroidismand in pregnant patients
Avoid in patients with COPD and acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF).
OR nondihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (ndHP CCBs): e.g., diltiazemDOSAGE, verapamil DOSAGE [3]
Avoid in patients with ADHF.
Can be safely used in heart failure with preserved normal LV systolic function.
Second-line: digoxin DOSAGE; preferred initial therapy for patients with ADHF [3]
Third-line: amiodarone DOSAGE; typically reserved for patients in whom all other options have failed [3]
AV nodal ablation and implantation of a permanent ventricular pacemaker
Irreversible procedure
Eliminates the need for rate-controlling medications but leads to lifelong dependence on a pacemaker.
Recurrent Afib
Afib refractory to medical rate control
Patients who do not tolerate the pharmacological options for Afib management
For goals and indications in acute settings, see “Rhythm control” in “Afib with RVR.” Agents and dosages for pharmacological cardioversion are the same regardless of the setting. Consultation with cardiology is advised.
Termination of atrial fibrillation (or flutter)
Restoration and maintenance of sinus rhythm
Symptom improvement
Prevention of atrial remodeling
Cardioversion options
Planned electrical cardioversion
Pharmacological cardioversion
Interventional cardioversion
Long-term antiarrhythmic drug therapy: Consider in patients with a low risk of adverse effects.
Goal: to maintain sinus rhythm and reduce the frequency and duration of Afib episodes in patients with recurrent Afib [3]
Options include amiodarone, dofetilide, dronedarone, flecainide, propafenone, and sotalol.
All types of cardioversion (electrical, pharmacological, and interventional) can precipitate arterial thromboembolism and stroke in at-risk patients with Afib.
Evaluate the need for pericardioversion anticoagulation for Afib in all candidates for rhythm control and consider delaying cardioversion until TEE for Afib has ruled out thrombi in high-risk patients.
Planned cardioversion for rhythm control differs from emergency cardioversion for unstable tachycardia in terms of risk-benefit profile, preparation, setting, and aftercare.
Gradually increasing strengths of direct current shock (synchronized with the R wave) are administered under procedural sedation until sinus rhythm is restored.
The adjunctive use of antiarrhythmic drugs prior to shock delivery may increase the likelihood of success.
See “Management of unstable tachycardia” for the approach to emergency electrical cardioversion.
Consider in situations in which procedural sedation may be harmful or if the patient prefers pharmacological cardioversion.
Most likely to be effective for arrhythmias of < 7 daysduration [3]
Consultation with a specialist (e.g., cardiologist, electrophysiologist) is strongly recommended.
More effective for atrial flutter than Afib, but there is a risk of conversion to 1:1 conduction with propafenone and flecainide [3]
The following are inpatient regimens of IV or oral antiarrhythmics:
Flecainide DOSAGE [3]
Dofetilide DOSAGE [3]
Propafenone DOSAGE [3]
Ibutilide DOSAGE [3]
Amiodarone DOSAGE
Several antiarrhythmic agents can precipitate other arrhythmias (e.g., in patients with QTc prolongation) and clinical deterioration in patients with structural heart disease. Only start these medications in controlled settings and in consultation with a specialist.
A single, self-administered dose of an anti-arrhythmic (e.g., flecainide DOSAGE, propafenoneDOSAGE) used outside of the hospital to terminate atrial fibrillation
Typically given in conjunction with a beta blocker or ndHP CCB
May be used in patients with recent onset of Afib with infrequent episodes and no history of structural or ischemic heart disease
Patients should be monitored on the regimen in the hospital environment before they can self-administer.
Description: Creation of scar tissue that prevents the spread of ectopic impulses.
Indications: patients undergoing cardiac surgery for other reasons, symptomatic refractory Afib, patient preference, concurrent CHF with reduced LVEF [8][47][9]
Catheter radiofrequency ablation of atrial tissue around pulmonary vein openings (pulmonary vein isolation) [9]
Maze ablation: a series of incisions are made in the atrial endocardium either via a catheter or surgically to prevent atrial macroentry.
Determine the need for pericardioversion anticoagulation based on the duration since Afib onset and the risk of arterial thromboembolism (e.g., CHA2DS2-VASc score).
In patients with unstable Afib, anticoagulate as soon as possible if indicated, but do not delay emergency electrical cardioversion for preprocedural anticoagulation.
Patients with moderate to severe mitral stenosis, mechanical heart valves, or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are at high risk of thromboembolism regardless of duration since Afib onset or CHA2DS2-VASc score. If not already anticoagulated, consult cardiology for optimal pericardioversion management.
Pericardioversion anticoagulation for Afib [8][9] | |||
Before cardioversion | After cardioversion | ||
Onset < 48 hours | Low risk (CHA2DS2-VASc score0 in menand 1 in women) |
Moderate risk (CHA2DS2-VASc score1 in menand 2 in women) |
| ||
CHA2DS2-VASc score≥ 2 in menand ≥ 3 in women) |
| |
Onset ≥ 48 hoursor unknown | Stable patients |
Unstable patients |
Base decisions about postcardioversion long-term anticoagulation for Afib on individual thromboticand bleeding risk profiles. [8]
For patients with new-onset Afib being considered for rhythm control, see “Pericardioversion anticoagulation in Afib.”
Use the same risk-benefit profile assessment for all types of Afib and atrial flutter (e.g., paroxysmal Afib, persistent Afib, or permanent Afib) and regardless of treatment strategy (i.e., rate control and/or rhythm control) or apparent maintenance of sinus rhythm. [8][9]
Assess thrombotic risk.
Identify patients with moderate to severe mitral stenosis, mechanical heart valves, and HCM.
Calculate CHA2DS2-VASc score in all other patients.
Assess bleeding risk.
Identify contraindications to anticoagulation.
Calculate HAS-BLED score.
Choose the appropriate anticoagulation regimen for Afib based on the individual risk profile.
Consider interventional alternatives for patients with contraindications to anticoagulation and a high thrombotic risk.
Prevention of thromboembolism with long-term anticoagulation is typically indicated in patients with moderate to severe mitral stenosis, mechanical heart valves, HCM, and/or a CHA2DS2-VASc score ≥ 2 in men and ≥ 3 in women.
Always consider the bleeding risk when initiating anticoagulation.
Evaluate thrombotic risk and bleeding risk for all patients with Afib and atrial flutter regardless of classification and treatment strategy.
Thrombotic risk in Afib and atrial flutter | ||
Conditions | Recommendation | |
High risk |
Moderate risk |
Low risk |
Do not use CHA2DS2-VASc scores to risk stratifypatients who have moderate to severe mitral stenosis, mechanical heart valves, or HCM. [8]
A validated scoring system for assessing the risk of stroke in Afib. [49]
Avoid use in patients with moderate to severe mitral stenosis, mechanical heart valves, or HCM. [8]
CHA2DS2-VASc score [50][8][13] | |
Risk factor | Points |
Congestive heart failure or LV dysfunction | 1 |
Hypertension | 1 |
Age ≥ 75 years | 2 |
Diabetes mellitus | 1 |
Prior stroke, transient ischemic attack, or thromboembolism | 2 |
Vascular disease | 1 |
Age 65–74 years | 1 |
Sex: female [51] | 1 |
Risk of stroke [8][13]
Most often used to assess the risk of bleeding in patients starting anticoagulation. [8][53]
Consider addressing modifiable risk factors, e.g., uncontrolled hypertension, alcohol use, NSAID, or aspirin use, and reevaluating risk.
A high-risk HAS-BLED score is not necessarily a reason to withhold anticoagulation; these patients require more frequent monitoring. [13]
HAS-BLED score [52][53] | |
Characteristics | Points |
Uncontrolled hypertension | 1 |
Abnormal renal or liver function | 1 point each (max. 2) |
Stroke | 1 |
Bleeding history or predisposition | 1 |
Labile INR | 1 |
Elderly individuals (age > 65) | 1 |
Drugs that predispose to bleeding or alcohol use | 1 point each (max. 2) |
Interpretation [54]
The choice of anticoagulant is predominantly based on individual patient factors.
Educate patients on treatment adherence, bleeding risk, and risk-mitigating behavior modifications. [55][56]
Antiplatelets are no longer recommended as an alternative to anticoagulation for stroke prevention in Afib or atrial flutter. [3][9]
See “Pericardioversion anticoagulation in Afib” for indications and agents for anticoagulation prior to cardioversion for rhythm control.
Long-term anticoagulation options in atrial fibrillation and flutter [3][21][8] | |||
Clinical applications | Options | Special considerations | |
Vitamin K antagonists(VKAs) |
Heparin |
Avoid dabigatran in patients with Afib and mechanical heart valves as it can be harmful. [8]
Description: occlusion of the left atrial appendage(most common location for the formation of thrombus) [59]
Options include
Percutaneous left atrial appendage occlusion
Surgical occlusion of the left atrial appendage
Consider in patients who have contraindications to anticoagulation and have an increased risk of stroke.
Flashcards can be created based on information about atrial fibrillation (Afib) covering its risk factors, types, diagnostic methods, treatment strategies, and relevant scoring systems. These cards help in memorizing critical concepts efficiently. Here's an example structure for the flashcards:
Flashcard 1:
Term: Risk Factors for Atrial Fibrillation
Definition: Advanced age, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, obesity, sleep apnea, coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease, CHF, and intrinsic cardiac disorders.
Flashcard 2:
Term: Types of Atrial Fibrillation
Definition: Paroxysmal, Persistent, Long-standing Persistent, and Permanent Afib.
Flashcard 3:
Term: CHA2DS2-VASc Score
Definition: A scoring system to assess the risk of stroke in Afib, considering factors like heart failure, hypertension, age, diabetes, and prior stroke.
Flashcard 4:
Term: HAS-BLED Score
Definition: A score used to assess the risk of bleeding in patients with atrial fibrillation starting anticoagulation.
These flashcards enhance learning and retention of important information about Afib.