Ad hominem- Criticizing/discrediting an argument mainly based on (assumptions about) the person saying it.
Argument from False Authority- Someone who might know something about a topic makes a claim, but doesn’t make that person right in this particular instance.
Appeal to Ignorance- If it hasn’t been proven false, it must be true. Works other way around too.
Begging the Question- Circular logic that assumes false ideas are true to prove a point, keeps returning to original information/point in question
Hasty Generalization- Forming a conclusion based on partial evidence, or assuming on is true of all
False Dichotomy- Only two extreme options exist, no middle ground (False Dilemma)
Slippery Slope- The worst will result from small changes.
Faulty Causality- Setting up a cause/effect relationship when a definite correlation cannot be prove; Post Hoc- Assuming that A caused B simply because A happened prior to B
Hypothesis Contrary to Fact- Relies on a hypothetical situation and draws conclusion based on a premise that cannot be proven.
Straw Man Argument- Oversimplification of one’s argument that makes it easier to attack (Easy to undermine/blow over because of absolutes)
Red Herring- a distraction to shift attention from the issue at hand
Sentimental Appeals- Appeals to the hearts of people and gets them emotionally involved; (Ad Miseridordiam-Pity) Scare Tactic- Persuading readers by frightening/ threatening them (Ad Baculum)
Bandwagon-Peer pressure; encourages people to agree with reasons because many others do (Ad Populum) Assumes majority must be right
Snob Appeal/ Plain Folk- Appeals to specific demographic of Bandwagon- identify with place in society. Assumes people like me must know better
Dogmatism- Speaker assumes he is best and that is why he is right.
Equivocation- Lying by omission, deliberately hiding the entire truth
Faulty Analogy- misleading comparison between two things, bad metaphor
Tu Quoque- Justifying an error in reasoning by pointing out that one’s opponent has made the same error
Rationalization- Perceived controversial behaviors or feelings are explained in a rational or logical manner to avoid the true explanation
Guilt by Association- an unfair attempt to make someone responsible for the beliefs or actions of others.