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The Romantic Era (1798-1832)

  • big departure from science, emphasis on arts

  • best world was nature, emphasized truth & beauty

  • instead of man being in charge of nature, man would admire nature


  • Wordsworth

  • Shelley

  • Keats

  • some other ones that olivia didn’t get


  • American Revolution - pre romantic era

    • lots of Brits sided with American ideas of freedom and equality

  • French Revolution

    • many people liked the ideas of the revolution

    • they did not have any French family so they cared less about it

      • unlike American revolution where they did have colonizer family and therefore did care about whether they lived or died and such

    • brits were however a little iffy about overthrowing the government

    • and then the Reign of Terror made them hate reform

      • england had an anti-political reform kick for a while after this

  • France declared war on England

    • which made the Brits even more patriotic and hate France even more

  • Napoleon happened: “emperor” of France (self-declared)

    • expanded French control to the edge of Russia

    • he was initially successful (key word initially)

    • he was defeated at sea by some Lord named Nelson during his attempt to attack England

    • he was defeated fully at Waterloo, Belgium, by a Duke named Wellington

      • Nelson and Wellington then became heroes

  • despite Patriotism, there was social conflict

  • industrialization really messed things up

    • workers protested new machinery (Luddites)

    • some (workers? i think?) were made to die, which the British did not like

    • the government sided with employers though

      • polarization between employers and workers started

  • Things That Were Legalized At This Time:

    • labor unions

    • Catholicism

  • Reform Act (1832) - extended voting rights to non-landowners (middle class)

  • slavery was abolished

  • factory safety laws were put into place


  • Kings during the Romantic Era were kind of shit

  • George was originally regent and couldn’t really do anything

  • he was very unpopular

  • considered “dandy,” which meant he cared a lot about his looks

  • artistic, bought a lot of expensive artwork

    • people felt like this was a waste of money but jokes on them bc this art is worth a fortune now

  • he was married to a woman named Caroline, but he hated her

    • he actually hated her so much he had to get drunk to bring himself to marry her

  • the people, however, loved Caroline

  • George also had a girlfriend, Ms. Fitzherbert, who was an older woman i believe (cougar)

    • some stories say he eventually secretly married her, but since she was a widow it wasn’t allowed

  • When George IV died, his brother William took the throne

    • he was a good guy, but also a shit king

  • after that was Queen Victoria, who started the next Era


  • Writers:

    • Likes: freedom

    • Dislikes: indistrualization

  • wrote about the glory of nature

  • rejected old forms of poetry and created new forms and topics

  • 3 GROUPS:

    • Pre-Romantics

    • First Generation Romantics

    • Second Generation Romantics

  • First Generation:

    • Wordsworth, Colridge, etc

    • inspired by Rousseau, who wanted man to abandon social conventions and live on instinct

      • i have no idea what this means and i don’t think they did either

    • Lyrical Ballads: a book by Wordsworth and Colridge

      • poetry should spring from “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” … “reflected on in tranquility”

      • poetry should be emotional rather than logical or thought through

      • subjects of poetry should be ordinary events or ones “colored by imagination”

      • book wasn’t well received at first, but later it became the pinnacle of the Romantic Era

    • Second Generation:

      • periodicals became a part of everyday life

      • Shelley, Austen, Sir Walter Scott → novelists


The Romantic Era (1798-1832)

  • big departure from science, emphasis on arts

  • best world was nature, emphasized truth & beauty

  • instead of man being in charge of nature, man would admire nature


  • Wordsworth

  • Shelley

  • Keats

  • some other ones that olivia didn’t get


  • American Revolution - pre romantic era

    • lots of Brits sided with American ideas of freedom and equality

  • French Revolution

    • many people liked the ideas of the revolution

    • they did not have any French family so they cared less about it

      • unlike American revolution where they did have colonizer family and therefore did care about whether they lived or died and such

    • brits were however a little iffy about overthrowing the government

    • and then the Reign of Terror made them hate reform

      • england had an anti-political reform kick for a while after this

  • France declared war on England

    • which made the Brits even more patriotic and hate France even more

  • Napoleon happened: “emperor” of France (self-declared)

    • expanded French control to the edge of Russia

    • he was initially successful (key word initially)

    • he was defeated at sea by some Lord named Nelson during his attempt to attack England

    • he was defeated fully at Waterloo, Belgium, by a Duke named Wellington

      • Nelson and Wellington then became heroes

  • despite Patriotism, there was social conflict

  • industrialization really messed things up

    • workers protested new machinery (Luddites)

    • some (workers? i think?) were made to die, which the British did not like

    • the government sided with employers though

      • polarization between employers and workers started

  • Things That Were Legalized At This Time:

    • labor unions

    • Catholicism

  • Reform Act (1832) - extended voting rights to non-landowners (middle class)

  • slavery was abolished

  • factory safety laws were put into place


  • Kings during the Romantic Era were kind of shit

  • George was originally regent and couldn’t really do anything

  • he was very unpopular

  • considered “dandy,” which meant he cared a lot about his looks

  • artistic, bought a lot of expensive artwork

    • people felt like this was a waste of money but jokes on them bc this art is worth a fortune now

  • he was married to a woman named Caroline, but he hated her

    • he actually hated her so much he had to get drunk to bring himself to marry her

  • the people, however, loved Caroline

  • George also had a girlfriend, Ms. Fitzherbert, who was an older woman i believe (cougar)

    • some stories say he eventually secretly married her, but since she was a widow it wasn’t allowed

  • When George IV died, his brother William took the throne

    • he was a good guy, but also a shit king

  • after that was Queen Victoria, who started the next Era


  • Writers:

    • Likes: freedom

    • Dislikes: indistrualization

  • wrote about the glory of nature

  • rejected old forms of poetry and created new forms and topics

  • 3 GROUPS:

    • Pre-Romantics

    • First Generation Romantics

    • Second Generation Romantics

  • First Generation:

    • Wordsworth, Colridge, etc

    • inspired by Rousseau, who wanted man to abandon social conventions and live on instinct

      • i have no idea what this means and i don’t think they did either

    • Lyrical Ballads: a book by Wordsworth and Colridge

      • poetry should spring from “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” … “reflected on in tranquility”

      • poetry should be emotional rather than logical or thought through

      • subjects of poetry should be ordinary events or ones “colored by imagination”

      • book wasn’t well received at first, but later it became the pinnacle of the Romantic Era

    • Second Generation:

      • periodicals became a part of everyday life

      • Shelley, Austen, Sir Walter Scott → novelists