
Global Divisions Around 1450

Historical Context

  • Overview of political divisions, cultural differences, and economic systems.

  • The impact of the Age of Exploration and the beginning of colonialism.

Political Developments

  • Rise of powerful nation-states in Europe.

  • The Islamic world experiencing significant cultural and scientific advancements.

  • Consolidation of power in the Ming dynasty, China.

  • Regional kingdoms in the Indian subcontinent.

Civilizations in the Americas

  • Advanced civilizations such as the Aztecs and Incas.

  • Complex social and political structures.

Interactions and Trade

  • European nations seeking new trade routes and resources.

  • Establishment of colonial empires that reshaped global dynamics.

Cultural Exchanges and Conflicts

  • Encounter with diverse cultural practices and belief systems.

  • Cooperation and conflict during colonization and resistance.

  • The exchange of ideas, technologies, and goods influencing future civilizations.

Dominant Global Divisions in the 1900s

Social Classes

  • Bourgeoisie: Owners of capital and means of production.

  • Proletariat: Working class, laborers without ownership.

  • Lumpenproletariat: Marginalized and irregular workers.

  • Petite Bourgeoisie: Small business owners and self-employed individuals.

Key Concepts

  • Proletarianization: Transition to working class status.

  • Class Struggle: Conflict between proletariat and bourgeoisie.

Economic Disparities

  • Food demand and access influencing class tensions.

  • Rice trade with China impacting food availability and prices.

Religious Conflict

  • Religious identity overshadowing race issues in alliances and conflicts.

  • Silver Mountain: Site of conflict for control over silver mines.

Impact of Silver

  • The quest for silver as a catalyst for global trade networks.
