1300-1500 | The Renaissance |
ca. 1350 | Black Death |
1453 | Fall of Constantinople and the end of the Byzantine Empire |
1456 | Gutenberg printed the Bible |
1492 | Columbus sailed to America |
October 31, 1517 | Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses |
1521 | Tenochtitlan falls to the Spanish |
1534 | Nicolaus Copernicus publishes On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres; Act of Supremacy creates Church of England |
1558-1603 | Elizabethan Era |
1588 | Spanish Armada |
1607 | Founding of Jamestown, Virginia |
1643-1715 | Louis XIV ruled France (the Sun King) |
1637 | Rene Descartes published Discourse on Methods |
1649 | Charles I of England executed |
1687 | Sir Isaac Newton Published Principia Mathematica |
1688 | Glorious Revolution; William and Mary become co-rulers of England |
1776* | Declaration of Independence signed* |
1789- 1799* | The French Revolution* |
1792 | Mary Wollstonecraft’s Vindication on the Rights of Women published* |
1807 | Abolition of the slave trade in the entire British Empire* |
1810–1825* | Wars for Independence in Latin America8 |
1812-1870* | Charles Dickens lived* |
1815 | Napoleon defeated at Waterloo* |
1837-1901 | Reign of Queen Victoria* |
1848 | Marx and Engels publish Communist Manifesto; European Revolutions* |
1858 | British Raj declared in India* |
1861 | Unification of Italy* |
1868 | Meiji Restoration in Japan |
1871 | Unification of Germany |
1884 | Berlin Conference: Scramble for Africa begins* |
1900 | Boxer Rebellion in China* |
1914-1918 | World War I* |
1939-1945 | World War II* |