Riparian Zones: Areas adjacent to rivers and streams that support diverse ecosystems.
Function as buffers between terrestrial and aquatic environments.
Play a crucial role in ecological functioning, including water quality maintenance and habitat provision.
Urbanization impacts riparian zones differently across various landscapes.
Increased runoff often leads to channel incision.
Alterations in nitrogen (N) cycle dynamics due to urban development.
Functions of Riparian Zones: Nitrogen retention crucial for ecosystem health.
Natural nitrogen flux includes inputs and various uptake mechanisms.
Components: Corn uptake, vegetative uptake, and litter fall.
Management strategies should focus on maintaining these natural processes.
Basic nitrogen cycle involves:
Nitrogen Fixation: Conversion of atmospheric N2 into compounds usable by plants.
Nitrification: Transformation of ammonia (NH4+) into nitrates (NO3-).
Denitrification: Conversion of nitrates back to atmospheric nitrogen.
Baltimore, MD (Temperate Climate) vs. Sacramento, CA (Semi-arid Climate):
How climate variations influence nitrogen cycles.
Summer irrigation in Sacramento increases water availability affecting stream flows.
Urbanization led to noticeable changes in canopy size and density from 1937 to 2014.
Mean canopy width: Displayed nearly a doubling effect over the years.
Denser canopies observed near smaller streams suggesting a complex relationship with urban density.
Research Question:
Investigates the relationship between channel incision, summer flow, and water stress in woody plants.
Hypothesis: Increased summer flow could alleviate water stress for trees, but higher incision levels may negate benefits.
Focus on soil moisture and organic matter to understand denitrification:
Effects of bank height on soil conditions that influence N cycling.
Findings suggest that moisture and organic content are more favorable for denitrification at lower levels of incision.
Concerns regarding runoff from urban pesticide use (pyrethroids).
Data highlights the increase in pesticide use and its potential impact on aquatic life.
Study findings indicate regulation of such pollutants is critical to ecosystem health.
Understand the differences in water cycle pools and fluxes between urban and non-urban landscapes.
Impacts on water runoff characteristics due to urbanization: timing, quantity, quality, location.
Differentiate between point source and non-point source pollution.
Draw and explain nitrogen cycles, focusing on urban influences and consequences.
Explore the riparian zone's role in mitigating nitrogen export in urban settings.