yearly definitons

1. Class Consciousness: Realization by the masses about their common experience of being exploited by the upper class
2. Communism: State controls resources and eliminates stratification to achieve
3. Political Left: Group seeking to change current way of life
4. Political Right: Group in support of current government and/or way of life
5. Left vs. Right: Two sides competing for power during political situations. The
right wants thing to remain the same. The left wants change to current situation.
Men in America against giving women the right to vote were on the right because
they feared granting women more freedom would lead to a social decline
6. Power Vacuum: Government situation that leaves the door open for political
change. The vacuum occurs when government is vulnerable/weak and possibly
ready for change initiated by the people
7. Nationalism: Nation is all that matters. Nationalist view the survival of their
nation as the only important factor. Nationalists are loyal to their country and want
to promote culture, interests and consciousness
8. Act-React: Series of actions and reactions contributing the negative history
between groups and nations
9. Negative History: Shared experience between groups and/or nations that creates hatred between groups and/or nations
10. Following Orders: Concerned with getting the job down regardless of cost to
humanity or one's self
11. Crime Against Humanity: An act of persecution or any large scale atrocities
against a body of people. Nature of atrocity is key
12. L+S vs. F: Local state and federal government
13. Imperialism: Foreign policy used by a strong nation to dominate another.
Method of control can be political, economic, military or cultural
14. Slap Thesis: How many times do I have to slap you until you slap back?
Resorting to the extremes
15. Or Does it Explode?: Result of slap thesis. You slapping back
16. Treaty of Versailles: Treaty created after World War I that lead to World War
II and indirectly created problems that fueled the Cold War and led to the War on
17. Golden Age: My experience with research has led me to think that every conservative group holds onto a golden age. The golden age is a time that people place on a pedestal and want to return to. The problem is the golden age believers usually reject change and want to return to that way of life
