Type of Bone | Description | Examples | Image |
Flat Bone | A layer of spongy between two thin layers of compact. Marrow exists, but there is no marrow cavity. | Occipital, Parietal, Frontal, Nasal, Lacriminal, Vomer, Sternum, Ribs, and Scapulae | |
Long Bone | Consisting of a shaft with two ends (longer than wide). Thick outside layer with a marrow-filled cavity, with the ends containing spongy bone. | Clavicle, Humerus, Radius, Ulna, Metacarpus, Phalanges, Femur, Tibi, Fibula, and Metaarsus | |
Irregular Bone | Thin layers of spongy bone surrounded by compact bone (doesn’t fit previous descriptions) | Ethmoid, Sphenoid, Palatine, Temporal, Zygomatic, Maxilla, Mandible, Vertebrae, Saccrum, Coccyz, Hyoid, and Inferior Nasal Concha | |
Short Bone | Roughly cube shape with vertical/horizontal dimension being equal. Mostly spongy, outside surface is a thin layer of compact. | Carpals, Tarsals, and Patella | |