Reservation System: treaties, small plots of land for Indians
Dawes Severalty Act of 1887: dissolved tribes as legal entities, wiped out tribal ownership, set up individual Indian family heads with 160 free acres; if Indians behaved → full title along with citizenship.
Indian Reorganization Act of 1934
Wyoming Stock-Growers Association: cattle raisers organized this to make cattle raising business more profitable.
Homestead Act of 1862: allowed settlers to acquire as much as 160 acres of land by living on it for 5 years, etc, and pay a nominal fee of $30. However, most of this land was trash and many homesteaders gave land back to the government.
100th Meridian: Imaginary line running from Dakotas to Texas that separated wet East from dry West.
Dry Farming: practice of using shallow cultivation to grow crops in dry western environment
Mechanization of Farms: Twine Binder sped harvesting of wheat (1870s) and (1880s), brought idea that farms were “outdoor grain factories”
Grange: Oliver H Kelley, objective to enhance lives of isolated farmers through social, educational, and fraternal activities. Also sought to improve farmer’s collective troubles (established stores, cooperatively owned grain elevators and warehouses). → Grange Laws, tried to force public control of private business for general welfare
Greenback Labor Party: sought to improve working conditions of labor
Farmers Alliance: late 1870s, bought and sold to gain control over railroads, manufacturers. Had limited power cuz they excluded Blacks, landless tenant farmers
Colored National Farmers Alliance: formed 1880s, attracted Black farmers
People’s Party (Populists): grew out of Farmers Alliance, called for nationalization of railroads, telephones, telegraphs; instituted graduated income tax; created new federal subtreasury (harvested crops stored till prices rose). Also wanted FREE and UNLIMITED coinage of silver
Panic of 1893: strengthened Populists’ stance that farmers, laborers were being oppressed by economic and political systems.
General Jacob S Coxey -- protest in Washington, demanding government start public works program.
Eugene V Debs -- helped organize American Railway Union
Pullman strike of 1994: started when Pullman Palace Car Company cut wages, Federal troops broke up strike
Marcus Alonzo Hanna: Mckinley’s manager, felt that fxn of Govt was to aid business, believed in the “trickle down effect” (Laborers do well if business does well).
Democratic counterpart Bryan supported inflation thru unlimited coinage of silver → many Populists supported him as a candidate
Election of 1896: McKinley won, many votes came from East, many of Bryan’s votes came from deb stricken south and trans Mississippi West. The East had no reason to favor inflation. This was the LAST election where a candidate tried to win an election from farmers' support (more ppl in cities).
Fourth Party System: 1896-1932, characterized by low voter turnout, weakened party organizations, fading of issues (civil service reform). New political issues became concerns for industrial regulation, welfare of labor.
Dingley Tariff Bill: 1897, instituted high tariff rates to generate revenue to cover annual treasury deficits.
Gold Standard Act of 1900: allowed paper currency to be redeemed for gold.
Monroe Doctrine: for Europeans to not colonize/interfere with America, and that the US would also not interfere.
Great Reconciliation: reconciliation between US and Great Britain
Platt Amendment: America forced Cuba to write its own constitution that benefited America, allowing American intervention and promises to sell/lease needed coal or naval stations.
Teller Amendment: promise that when US beat the Spanish, Cubans would be free
Foraker Act of 1900: gave Puerto Ricans limited degree of popular government, eventually granted US citizenship
Insular Cases: Constitution did not extend to Philippines and Puerto Rico
CH26 (great west, agricultural revolution)
1851: treaty at Fort Laramie
1853: Treaty at Fort atkinson
1859: gold, silver, 59ers → Rockies and Nevada.
1862: Homestead Act
1864: Sandcreek, Colorado, Colonel J.M. Chivington and crew kills 400 innocent Indians
1866: Battle of the Little Bighorn, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming, Sioux war party kills 81 soldiers/civilians
1867: Grange organized, led by Oliver H Kelly.
1876: Seventh Cavalry (George Armstorng Custer) slaughtered after Sioux pressed settlers searching for gold in Great Sioux reservation/ Colorado admitted after Pike’s Peak gold rush
1879: Carlisle Indian School founded in Pennsylvania/ Treasury resumed specie payments (silver payments)
1881: A Century of Dishonor by Helen Hunt Jackson.
1884: Ramona by Helen Hunt Jackson
1887: Dawes Severalty Act ---> 1934: Indian Reorganization Act
April 2, 1889: District of Oklahoma opened to the public → 1907: Oklahoma → Sooner State, admitted.
1890: American Frontier Line NO longer evident, all unsettled land broken up by isolated bodies of settlement/ Gold Standard Act
1893: Panic of 1893
1894: Pullman Strike of 1894
1896: Utah admitted, after the Mormon Church banned polygamy (1890): 1896: Election of 1896. Republican candidate William McKinley VS Democratic candidate William Jennings Bryan, McKinley Won.
1897: Dingley Tariff
CH27 (Americans wanted expansion overseas) (Cuba, Hawaii, Latin American)
1820: Missionaries reach Hawaii
1887: Treaty with native government grants naval base rights at Pearl Harbor
1893: Americans overthrow Queen, but President Cleveland delays annexation
1895: Cubans revolt against Spanish Rule (burning sugar cane fields, reconstruction camps, etc)
1896: Congress recognizes revolting Cubans, but Cleveland (opposes imperialism) doesn’t go to war for them
Feb 15, 1898: Maine blows up in Havana port, Spanish are blamed, American people want war
April 11, 1898: President McKinley concedes to American people wants, sends war message to congress
July 3, 1898: Spanish fleet destroyed, Puerto Rico taken over
July 7, 1898: Congress passed joint resolution to annex Hawaii on (needed as supply base)
August 12, 1898: Spanish sign armistice → February 6, 1899: treaty approved between US and Spain (William J. Bryan influence)
August 13, 1898: American troops capture Manila
1902: US withdraws from Cuba