Sickle Cell Anaemia is a haematological disorder discussed in 5112BMBMOL Haematology & Transfusion Science at Liverpool John Moores University.
Dr. Kate Phillips emphasizes the importance of understanding this condition in detail.
Understand the mutation causing sickle cell anaemia.
Learn the pathophysiological features involved.
Grasp the altered oxygen dissociation characteristics of sickle haemoglobin.
Familiarize with laboratory methods for detecting sickle haemoglobin, both qualitative and quantitative.
Abnormal red blood cells do not flow properly through capillaries and have reduced oxygen-carrying capacity.
These cells are recognized and removed by the reticuloendothelial system, resulting in anaemia.
Described as primarily haemolytic anaemia, specifically extravascular in nature.
Haemoglobinopathies arise from genetic mutations in the globin gene.
Such mutations result in either a different type or an altered amount of haemoglobin synthesized, leading to various forms of anaemia.
Common examples include sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia.
Most haemoglobinopathies are inherited; cases of de novo mutations are rare.
Sickle cell disease follows an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern.
The disorder stems from a mutation in the beta globin chain.
Characterized by a single amino acid change in the DNA sequence, distinct from thalassaemia, which involves a shortage of globin proteins.
Classified as a qualitative haemoglobinopathy — the globin protein is produced but is structurally altered.
Approximately 275,000 births with this condition occur worldwide each year.
It represents the most common haemoglobinopathy as well as the most prevalent single gene defect globally.
In England, 350 babies are born with sickle cell anaemia annually, while about 9,500 babies are carriers.
Genotypes are based on the type and number of mutated genes.
HbSS: Homozygous condition (both genes mutated).
HbAS: Heterozygous condition (“carrier” status with one mutated gene).
At position 6, the amino acid substitution alters the shape of the beta globin molecule leading to reduced oxygen carrying capacity.
HbS exhibits a poor ability to carry oxygen compared to the normal HbA.
HbS releases oxygen more easily than HbA in tissues (right shift of dissociation curve).
Affected by various conditions:
Higher CO2, lower pH, and higher temperature decrease Hb-O2 affinity (right shift).
Conversely, lower CO2, higher pH, and lower temperature increase affinity (left shift).
Sickling occurs under low oxygen tension, dehydration, or fever conditions.
Initial sickling can reverse with oxygenation; persistent cycles lead to irreversible sickling.
Sickled cells obstruct vessels leading to reduced perfusion downstream, causing local tissue hypoxia.
Features reduced deformability and increased adhesion of sickled cells.
Sickled cells are eliminated primarily by the reticuloendothelial system, notably by macrophages in the liver and spleen.
This leads to chronic haemolytic anaemia characterized by extravascular haemolysis.
Starts from 9 months of age.
Patients experience severe, debilitating pain due to vaso-occlusion initiating tissue hypoxia.
Common sites include:
Bone pain: Hips, shoulders, vertebrae.
Lungs: Acute chest syndrome.
Spleen: Splenic sequestration.
Brain: Increased risk of stroke.
Hands/Feet: Dactylitis (swelling of fingers/toes).
Transfusion: Introduces mature HbA red cells to relieve anaemia and improve oxygen transport.
Prophylaxis: Includes immunization against pneumococcal infections and antibiotics; Penicillin recommended to prevent infections.
Hydroxyurea: Stimulates production of HbF, providing some protection against complications.
Bone marrow transplant: Considered as a last resort.
RBC: Low, indicating short life span of red cells.
Hb: Low levels indicating anaemia.
MCV: Low, indicating microcytic anaemia.
MCH: Normal levels showing normochromic microcytic anaemia.
MCHC: Normal, related to MCH.
HCT: Low indicates reduced RBC counts.
RCD-W: Abnormal findings with sickle cells affecting normal patterns.
The Sickledex test utilizes whole blood mixed with saponin and sodium dithionite to confirm the presence of HbS qualitatively.
Carried out at pH 8.4 – 8.7.
Separation and migration of Hb towards the anode can identify the presence of HbS.
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC): Hb separation based on charge and retention time which determines Hb concentrations spectrophotometrically.
HbSS: Classic sickle cell anaemia.
HbAS: Sickle trait with mild features.
HbSC and HbSD: Variable disease severities based on different mutations in the globin gene.
Compound phenotypes reflect features of multiple haemoglobinopathies, including HbS beta thalassaemia.
Moore, G., Knight, G., & Blann, A. (2016). Fundamentals of Biomedical Science: Haematology (2nd edition). Oxford University Press. Chapter 6.3 discusses haemoglobinopathies in detail.
Mastering the knowledge of sickle cell anaemia's underlying mechanisms, treatment options, and diagnostic methods is crucial for effective management and understanding.