Cognitive Science: Interdisciplinary field studying the mind and its processes, including thinking, learning, memory, and language.
Modeling Approaches: Includes computational modeling to simulate cognitive processes.
Core Topics:
Decision Making
Learning and Memory
Lecture slides provided.
McLeod, Plunkett, & Rolls (1998). Intro to Connectionist Modeling of Cognitive Processes, pp. 30-35, 48-60.
Cacioppo & Freberg (2012). Discovering Psychology, pp. 442-443.
Lecture slides provided.
McLeod, Plunkett, & Rolls (1998). Intro to Connectionist Modeling of Cognitive Processes, pp. 30-35, 54-64, 72-74.
Optional Reading: McClelland (2000). Connectionist Models of Memory.
Neural Representations
Pattern Associator (Part 1)
Synaptic Plasticity
Mental States: Represented as patterns of activation in a distributed memory system.
Mental Processing: Transformation of input patterns to output patterns.
Knowledge Representation: Found in the synaptic weights.
Memory Traces: Changes in synaptic weights that facilitate retrieval.
Reference: McClelland & Rumelhart (1985).
The brain transforms external entities into patterns of activation across neuron populations.
Information processing governed by:
Synaptic weights affecting transformation efficiency.
Representational Vehicles: Neural coded inputs and outputs.
Representational Content: Information encoded by neural activation patterns.
Lists of codes representing actions needed by military units in different quadrants (A, B, C, D) using binary-based coding.
E.g., tanks in quadrant A need reinforcements.
Each stimulus feature (size, color, shape) coded by distinct neuron pools.
Individual values assigned to dedicated "detector" neurons (e.g., color detectors).
Facilitates linguistic description of stimuli.
Each item represented as patterns of activity over multiple neurons.
Same neuron contributes to multiple item representations; activation pattern determines the represented item.
Examples: Patterns for colors like red, blue, and green utilize overlapping neural populations.
Definition: Mapping that illustrates correspondence between input and output patterns (e.g., phone numbers to names).
Mathematical equivalent termed as functions (y = f(x)).
Explains the structure that maps input patterns (x) to output patterns (y).
Can visualize using example activations.
The network includes inputs and connection weights similar to synaptic efficacy.
Net input computed as weighted sum of inputs.
Activation thresholds determine whether outputs occur.
Definition: Changes in synaptic strength influenced by experience; can be either strengthening or weakening.
Key Influences: Brain's ability to learn and adapt—central to learning mechanisms in the brain.
Hebbian Learning: Increases efficiency of synaptic connections between neurons that activate simultaneously—"cells that fire together wire together".
AMPA Receptors: Open during glutamate binding, facilitating Na+ entry.
NMDA Receptors: Opens when glutamate binds AND the neuron membrane is depolarized, allowing Ca2+ influx.
No Postsynaptic Spike: Less activation, no learning.
Postsynaptic Spike: Activation results in synaptic strengthening, facilitating learning.
Early Synaptic Plasticity: Fast-acting, temporary, no protein synthesis needed.
Synaptic Consolidation: More permanent, requires protein synthesis.
Later slides contain additional information not critical for immediate study but provide further insights into neuroscience topics.