Norms- rules and expectations by which society guides the behavior of its members
Law - a norm formally created through a society's political system
Crime - the violation of a law enacted by the local, state, or federal government
Misdemeanor - a less serious crime punishable by less than one year in prison
Felony - a more serious crime punishable by at least one year in prison
Crime against property- crime that involves a theft of property belonging to others
Crime against persons - crime that involves violence or the threat of violence against others
Stalking - repeated efforts by someone to establish or establish a relationship against the will of a victim
Juvenile delinquency - violation of the law by young people
Hate Crime - a criminal offence against a person, property, or society motivated by the offender's bias against race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or ethnicity.
White-Collar Crimes - illegal activities conducted by people of high social position during the course of their employment or regular business activities
Corporate Crime - an illegal act committed by a corporation or a person acting on its behalf
Organized crime - a business operation that supplies illegal goods and services
Victimless crimes - offences that only directly harm the person who commits them
Violence - a behavior that causes injury to people or damage to property
Institutional violence - violence carried out by government representatives under the law
Anti-institutional violence - violence directed at the government in violation of the law
Mass murder - the intentional, unlawful killing of three or more people at one time and place
Serial murder - the killing of several people by one offender over a period of time
Youth gangs - groups of young people who identify with one another and with a particular territory
Criminal Justice System - societies use of due process, involving police, courts, and punishment to enforce the law
Plea bargaining - a negotiation in which the state reduces the defendants charge in exchange for a guilty plea
Retribution - moral vengeance by which a society inflicts on the offender suffering comparable to that caused by the offense
Deterrence - using punishment to discourage further crime
Rehabilitation - reforming an offender to prevent further offenses
Societal protection - protecting the public by using incarceration or execution to prevent an offender from preventing further offenses
Criminal recidivism - later offenses by people who previously convicted of crimes
Restorative justice - a response to crime, seeking to restore the well-being of a victim, offender, and larger communities that has been lost due to crime
Community-based corrections - correctional programs that take place in local communities rather than behind prison walls.