Transition from Renaissance to Baroque musical style began in the late 16th century
Baroque notion of conflict - contrast
Concertato style - soloists/small group of players vs full ensemble
Soprano bass polarity
Stile antico and Stile moderno; prima prattica and seconda prattica
Two styles coexisted; old style most frequently found in sacred music'; new style evident in secular music
Polyphony - a solo voice accompanied
Instrumental Forms - overtures and interludes
Important Forms
Anthem -More elaborate; utilizing recitatives, intrameal accompaniments with continuo independent instrumental sections and interludes’ elaborate solo passages
Made famous by Bach
Chorale Cantata - sacred work for soloists chorus and orchestra
Magnificat - setting of the canticle of the Virgin Mary; Gospel of Luke
Monteverdi, Purcell
Mass -Began to incorporate the concert style and include instrumental accompaniments
Bel canto style
Motet - written in concertato style; exploiting the colors of contrasting choral and instrumental forces
Oratorio - setting of a sacred or heroic text for chorus, soloist, and orchestra
is never staged
created because people could not see operas during Lent
Passion - musical setting of the events at the end of Chirst’s life, from the Last Supper to the Crucifixion
Te Deum - Musical setting of the text “Te deum laudamus”
We praise thee, God
Vespers - Evening worship in the Roman Catholic rite
Includes a series of psalms, hymns and magnificat
Madrigal - continued to be popular and came to embody the new style
Cantata - extended piece of accompanied secular or sacred music with recitatives and arias
Giovanni Gabrieli (1555 - 1612)
1575 - went to munich to work and study with di Lasso
1587 - appointed organist at St. Mark’s Basilica
1600 - German students
Their final exam was the composition of a book of madrigals
Works written for specific political/religious occasions
Colla parte: When a composer writes so that the parts can be pulled apart and played by instruments
O Magnum Mysterium - Motet
One choir and one section for brass and soloist
Jubilate Deo
Short phrases because of the phrasal structure
Concerti (1597)
Contains 5 motets, 5 madrigals; 67 compositions
Concertato principle - desire for contrast of color; unity of disparate elements
Direct emotional appeal
Clearly delineated sections
Shorter, more distinct phrase lengths
Rhythmic contrast
Importance of text
Claudio Monteverdi (1567 - 1643)
Born in Cremona (Italy)
Was at the court of Mantua as a string player in 1590
1599 went to Antwerp and brussels and hungry
named Maestro do cappella of Gonzaga court in Mantua in 1601
Book 8 (1638)
Madrigals of war
Altri canti d’Amor
1610 Vespers - Vespero della Beata Vergine
Written while he was in Mantua; dedicated to Pope Paul V
Vespers- Evening prayers, taken from the Hours of the Divine Office - a set of daily prauers of the Catholic Church
Monumental work - fusion of both old and new style
Large choir - divides into 10 vocal parts and split into separate choirs
7 soloists
Modern orchestra
Deus in Adjutoium meum intende - Vespers (Vesticle)
Super syllabic
One chord the repeates
Dixit Dominus - Vespers (Psalm)
Falso Bordone: Chanting on one note
Cantus firmus in the Bass and the Bell Canto in the soprano & tenor
Nigra Sum - Vespers (Motet)
Solo tenor
Heinrich Schutz (1585 - 1672)
Was a law students then went to study with Gabrielo - influenced by his studies in Italy
Completed 5 voice book of madrigals for a final
Worked in the Elector Soony in Dresden
influenced by both Gabrieli and Monteverdi - polychoral and concertato style
Netherlandish composers - dense texture; contrapuntal; imitative
Intense dissonances and harmonic tension
1619 - Psalmen Davidsa
collection of double choir or polyphonic works
8-20 voices
Influence of Gabrieli
Danket gem Herren - Motet
Solo Tenor and choir behind, and instrumental backing
High voices with imitation then the orchestra
Kleine Geistliche Konzerte I
Collection of songs
Written for reduced forces of the electoral chapel
Written for almost every conceivable vocal combination
Choral Music - French Baroque
King Louis XIV
Music in France was influenced by and centered at the royal court
Resurgence of culture
Italian influence
Henry IV
Louis XIII
Henry IV’s Italian wife Marie di Medici
Louis XIV’s mother - Guilio Mazarini was music minister
1654 - Coronation of Louis XIV - Has a very long reign
Determined much of the styles and genres of music in France
Preference for attending messe basse solennelle (low mass) - motets instead of masses
Vocal Genres
Grand motet
Large scale work for soloists, chorus, strings and basso continuo
SSATB soli, SATBB chorus
Latin sacred or semi sacred texts
Multi sacred sectional structure
Petit motet
Small scale work for soloists and basso continuo
No use of chorus
Not a ton of variety nor many pieces of these two genres
The monarchs were open to free religion so protestant music was prominent as well
Marc-Antonie Charpentier
Studied with Carissimi in Rome
- absorbed the polychoral and concertatto styles
Brought those to France
Worked for the Duchesse de Guise
Litanies de la Vierge - Petite motet
Composer and Maitre de musqieu at the principal Jesiot church in Paris - St. Louis, among the most brilliant in French musical life
Messe de Minuit por Noel - Mass
Written for church of St. Louis
Based on French Noels
Italian Oratorio
St. Filippo Neri
Established the practice of gathering the laymen in an oratory each afternoon for informal religious discussions and prayers
Laude - religious songs in Italian
Oratorio - the term used to denote a building or room ret aside of prayer but also the Prayer service or spiritual exercise held in such a building
Oratorians- society pf priests
Early oratorio
Historia, dialogo oratoio motetto
Sacred but non liturgical text
typically a biblical subject
Use of recitative, arioso aria ensemble and chorus
Use of a narrator
Not staged, individual singers portray the characters
Oratorio volgare (Italina)
Oratorio Latino (Latin)
Giacomo Carissimi
Born in Rome
maestro di cappella at Assisi
Employed at S. Marcello, Oratorio del SS Crocifisso
father of the Latin oratorio
The musical Musical oratorio
Influential teacher
Composed 1649
25 minutes
Opening scene - sung by various soloists
Plorate filii Israel - Final lament of the Israelites
Chiara Margarita Cozzolani
Most prominent and prolific nun composer of the 17th century
St. Radegondo monastery
Ave Regina Caelorum - Motet
Isabella Leonarda
Born in Novara, Italy
Ursuline convent
Output - primarily sacred genres, motets,
Gregorio Allegri
Born and educated in Rome
Spent most of his career as a singer in the Papal Chapel
Miserere mei, Deus - Motet
9 voices
Choir 1 SSATB, Choir 2: SSAB
There are only three copies of this pieces
The legend is that Mozart sat in the audience and transcribed it aurally
It is sung only during Holy Week
There is a section with falso bourdune and a killer high C
Antonio Vivaldi
Composer and exceptional violin virtuoso
Ordained priest
Appointed maestro di violino at the Ospedale della Pieta
Moved to Mantua as Maestro di Cappella at the court of the governor
Milan, Rome for opera and oratorio productions
Returns to Venice
Mass Movements
Gloria - composed for the Pieata (SSAA)
Kyrie in D minor
Credo in E minor
Magnificat in G minor
Originally composed 1713 for women’s voices
Lots of busy string writing & changing of keys because of his skill on the violin
English Baroque
George the first was the most musically minded monarch
Organist at Westminster Abbey & Chappel Royal
Verse Anthems
Behold no praise the Lord
Rejoice in the Lord
My beloved Spake
Full Anthem
Hear my Prayer o Lord
Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary
Man that is born of a woman
In the midst of life we are in death
Thou knowest Lord, the secrets of our hearts
Odes - celebrating special occasions int he life of the royal family
Sound the Trumpet
J.S Bach (1685-1750)
Over 200
Erdmann Meumesiter
Christain Friedrich
Salamo Fracnk
Sources of text
Newly written poetry, sometimes called madrigalesque potery
Christ lag in Todesbanen
St. John
St. Matthew
Polyphonic turba chorus - choir acts as the angry crowd commenting on the drama
Jesus is the bass
Evangelist is the tenor
About the death of Jesus
Occasional works
Texts are primarily from scripture
Singet dem herrn
B Minor Mass
Iconic work that encapsulates the Baroque era
Sanctus - used for Christmas
“Cantata Mass” - Each part of the text is set as a distinct and separate movement
His works are about symbolism and his faith
Returning back to the foundation of faith by creating this work
Is a mirror cycle with the central 3 movements contained in a double frame arch form
The credo is the I believe statements
Motet style
Patrm festive chorus
he was boen
rose again
motet style
Wrote the messiah, only cared about money