Actor: An external entity with a specific role. In a use case model, actors are used to model interaction with the system.
Agile methods: System development methods that attempt to develop a system incrementally by building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements. Also called adaptive methods.
Brainstorming: A fact-finding technique for gaining information through the use of a small group discussion of a specific problem, opportunity, or issue.
Business process model (BPM): A graphical representation of one or more business processes.
Business process modeling notation (BPMN): A standard set of shapes and symbols used to represent events, processes, and workflows in computer-based modeling tools.
Closed-ended questions: Queries that limit or restrict the range of responses. Used in the interview process when specific information or fact verification is desired.
Construction phase: A phase that focuses on program and application development tasks similar to the SDLC.
Cutover phase: A phase that resembles the final tasks in the SDLC implementation phase, including data conversion, testing, cutover to the new system, and user training.
Data flow diagram (DFD): Diagram that shows how the system stores, processes, and transforms data into useful information.
Document review: A review of baseline documentation. A useful fact-finding technique that helps an analyst understand how the current system is supposed to work.
Engaged listening: The ability to really concentrate on what someone is saying and avoid the temptation to hear what is expected. Also includes noticing nonverbal communication.
Epic: In an agile project, a simple, high-level statement of a requirement. See feature.
Fact-finding: The process of gathering requirements. See requirements elicitation.
Feature: In an agile project, a simple, high-level statement of a requirement. See epic.
Fill-in form: A template used to collect data on the internet or a company intranet.
Functional decomposition diagram (FDD): A top-down representation of business functions and processes. Also called a structure chart.
Functional requirement: A statement of the services a system provides.
Hawthorne Effect: A phenomenon where employees who know they are being observed are more productive.
Histogram: A common tool for showing the distribution of questionnaire or sampling results. It takes the form of a vertical bar chart.
Informal structure: An organization based on interpersonal relationships, which can develop from previous work assignments, physical proximity, unofficial procedures, or personal relationships.
Interview: A planned meeting during which information is obtained from another person.
Joint application development (JAD): A systems development technique that uses a task force of users, managers, and IT professionals who work together to gather information, discuss business needs, and define the new system requirements.
Leading questions: Queries that suggest or favor a particular reply.
Non-functional requirements: A statement of operational system constraints.
Observation: A fact-finding technique where an analyst sees a system in action. Observation allows the verification of statements made in interviews.
Open-ended questions: Queries that allow for a range of answers. They encourage spontaneous and unstructured responses and are useful in understanding a larger process.
Personal information manager (PIM): A tool that helps manage tasks and schedules. Many handheld devices also include this function.
Pool: The overall diagram in BPMN.
Productivity applications: Applications such as word processing, spreadsheets, database management, and presentation graphics programs.
Quality attributes: See non-functional requirements.
Questionnaire: A document containing a number of standard questions that can be sent to many individuals. Also called a survey.
Random sample: A selection taken in a random, unplanned manner. For example, a random sample might be a sample that selects any 20 customers.
Range-response questions: Closed-ended questions that ask the person to evaluate something by providing limited answers to specific responses or on a numeric scale.
Rapid application development (RAD): A team-based technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. RAD is similar in concept to JAD but goes further by including all phases of the SDLC.
Requirements definitions: A description of the system requirements from the user's point of view.
Requirements elicitation: The process of gathering requirements. See fact-finding.
Requirements engineering: Used in the system planning phase of the SDLC. It involves fact-finding to describe the current system and identify the requirements for the new system.
Requirements planning phase: A phase that combines elements of the systems planning and systems analysis phases of the SDLC.
Requirements specifications: A description of the system requirements from the analyst or engineering team's point of view.
Research: An important fact-finding technique that includes the review of journals, periodicals, and books to obtain background information, technical material, and news about industry trends and developments.
Sampling: A process where an analyst collects examples of actual documents, which could include records, reports, or various forms.
Scalability: A characteristic of a system, implying that the system can be expanded, modified, or downsized easily to meet the rapidly changing needs of a business enterprise.
Scenarios: In an agile project, a real-world example of how users will interact with the system.
Scrum: A popular technique for agile project management. Derived from a rugby term. In Scrum, team members play specific roles and interact in intense sessions.
Sequence diagram: A UML diagram that shows the timing of transactions between objects as they occur during system execution.
Site visit: A trip to a physical location to observe a system in use at another location.
Stratified sample: A set metric is collected across functional areas. For example, a certain percentage of transactions from every work shift, or five customers from each of four zip codes, could be a stratified sample.
Storyboard: In an agile project, a simple graphic organizer that helps systems analysts visualize the status of a project.
Structured brainstorming: A group discussion where each participant speaks when it is his or her turn or passes.
Survey: A document containing a number of standard questions that can be sent to many individuals. Also called a questionnaire.
Swim lanes: In a business process diagram, the overall diagram is called a pool and the designated customer areas are called swim lanes.
SysML: A dialect of UML 2, used for representing requirements (and other things), primarily in MBSE applications.
System requirement: A characteristic or feature that must be included in an information system to satisfy business requirements and be acceptable to users.
Systematic sample: A sample that occurs at a predetermined periodicity. For example, every tenth customer record might be selected as a systematic sample for review.
Total cost of ownership (TCO): A number used in assessing costs, which includes ongoing support and maintenance costs as well as acquisition costs.
Traceability: The ability to follow a requirement backward to its origins and forward through the SDLC to link design documents, code fragments, and test artifacts.
Unified Modeling Language (UML): A widely used method of visualizing and documenting software systems design. UML uses object-oriented design concepts but is independent of any specific programming language and can be used to describe business processes and requirements generally.
Unstructured brainstorming: A group discussion where any participant can speak at any time.
Use case diagram: A visual representation that represents the interaction between users and the information system in UML.
User design phase: In this phase, users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.
User stories: In an agile project, a set of more refined requirements derived from features.