Martin Luther

  • Martin Lutherwas born in Saxony in 1483. He went to university to study law but he later became a monk. He was a proessor of Theology at the University of Wittenburg. Luther was convinced that he was a terrible sinner and believed that the Churchs teachings on how to get to heaven was wrong.

  • The Catholic Chruch taught a kixture of faith and good work saved a person. Luther believed that a person was saved by faith alone. Luthers idea became known as Justification by Faith Alone.

  • He disagreed with the sale of indulgences. In 1517 as a protest against their sale he began to explain his ideas. He is reputed to have nailed a list of 95 theses or arguments to the University church door in Wittenberg.

  • He started to write pamphlets explaining his beliefs and his ideas spread quickly around Germany with the help of the newly invented printing press.

  • At first Pope Leo X tried to compormise but as his idead spread he issued a Papal Bull in 1520. This Letter Exsurge Domine gave Luther sixty days to recant his teachings or he would be excommunicated. Luther publicly burned the Bull and other Catholic Books.

  • He was also called to appear before the Emperor Charles V at the zimperial parliment or Diet of Worms. Here Luther refused to take back his teachings. He was condemmed as a heretic and an outlaw by the Edict of Worms.

  • Luthers ruler Fredrick the Wise now came to his rescue. He had Luther kidnapped and hidden in his castle at Wartburg. Here Luther transalted the New Testament into German.

  • After 1522 his ideas began to spread rapidly. Northern Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway adopted his ideas.

  • He married a former nun Catherine von Bora and continued to write pamphlets and preach. He also wrote a number of hymns. He died in 1546. The religious revoloution he had started became known as the Reformation.
