In MO theory, valence electrons are delocalized over the entire molecule, not confined to individual atoms or bonds
Molecular orbitals arise from adding together (superimposing) atomic orbitals
A linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) creates molecular orbitals (bonding and antibonding orbitals)
An electron in a bonding MO will be attracted to both nuclei, and will be lower in energy (more stable) compared to an atomic orbital for a single nuclei
An electron in an antibonding MO will be excluded from the internuclear region, and thus have a higher energy than if in an atomic orbital
N molecular orbitals can be created from N atomic orbitals
2 atomic orbitals generate 2 MOs (one is bonding (lower in energy) and one is antibonding (higher in energy))
Bond order = ½ (# of bonding electrons - # of antibonding electrons)
1s + 1s = σ₁ₛ (bonding MO)
σ orbital: cylindrically symmetric about the bond axis; no nodal plane along the bond axis
1s - 1s = σ₁ₛ* (antibonding MO)
Bonding orbitals formed by LCAO of 2pₓ and 2pᵧ
2pₓ + 2pₓ = 𝜋₂ₚₓ
2pᵧ + 2pᵧ = 𝜋₂ₚᵧ
𝜋 orbital (bonding orbital): molecular orbital with a nodal plane along the bond axis
Antibonding orbitals formed by LCAO of 2pₓ and 2pᵧ
2pₓ - 2pₓ = 𝜋₂ₚₓ*
2pᵧ - 2pᵧ = 𝜋₂ₚᵧ*
𝜋 orbital (antibonding orbital): MO with 2 nodal planes along the bond axis
The stability of the resulting molecule depends on the number of electrons that occupy lower energy orbitals compared to the number that occupy higher energy orbitals
If the net molecule formation is that more electrons have a lower energy, then the molecule is stable
If the energy differential is small, then the molecule is not as stable
Bonding orbitals formed by LCAO of 2pz
2pz + 2pz = σ2pz
Nodes pass through the nuclei but no nodes along the bond axis
Antibonding orbitals formed by LCAO of 2pz
2pz - 2pz = σ2pz *
Nodes pass through and between the nuclei, but not along the bond axis
The relative energies of the σ2pz compared to the 𝜋₂ₚₓ or y orbitals depend on the z value of the atoms
The relative energy ordering is 𝜋₂ₚₓ and 𝜋₂ₚy < σ2pz if Z < 8
The relative energy ordering is σ2pz < 𝜋₂ₚₓ and 𝜋₂ₚ if Z = or > 8
This only applies to the bonding orbitals because the relative energy ordering of the antibonding orbitals is the same regardless of Z (𝜋₂ₚₓ* and 𝜋₂ₚy*< σ2pz*)