Process of moving toward a democratic regime.
Competitive Elections (Always start with this).
Civil Liberties - freedom and protection from government. (which allows participation. Connect back to competitive elections.)
Civil Society (non-governmental and non-profit organizations that have a presence in public life. EX: Red Cross, a book club).
Civilian Control of the Military - Prevents coups
Rule of Law - preventing corruption / bribery
Unbias / Neutrality of the Judiciary - Separation of powers
Media that is free
Political Rights - Right to vote, lobby, participate, run for office, leading to competitive elections.
Consolidated democracies - consistently adhere to the principles of democracy. Talks TIME
Liberal or substantive democracy - Follow most of the principles. May not be a consolidated democracy due to the length of time that it has been truly engaged in the democratic process.
Liberal (talks all) Substantive (talks elections)
Illiberal democracies or procedural democracies - Elections is the only quality that they consistently, or at least appear to consistently follow. Tend to miss other qualities of democracy, including the competitive element in elections.
Democratic Consolidation - Movement toward a democratic regime, people need to be ready to support it to create stability. Democracies for a longtime (same as democratization)
Political Liberalization - A state that progresses from procedural democracy to substantive democracy experience political liberalization.
Economic Liberalization: Move Toward Market Economies
Both have regular elections
Both have similar institutions and structures – constitutions and/or branches of govt. (Executive, Judicial, Legislative)
Both have political parties and voting procedures
Illiberal Elections are not free and definitely not fair (don’t forget the other side – whereas liberal have free, fair and competitive)
Liberal have full/large amounts of civil liberties and rights (don’t forget the other side – whereas illiberal have many squashed/many not protected)
Differences include civil liberties, rule of law, lack of transparency, lack of accountability, amount control of the media/information by government, amount of C4RUMP that exists…
Command Economy - an economic system in which the central government plays an active role.(Very limited private property) (government ownership = Nationalization) Characteristics of a command economy:
Central planning
Central power makes all major economic decisions
Fixed or government set pricing, distribution, production, control over employment and wages.
Highly restricted property rights, if any
State owns most economic resources
Use of production quotas (3,5,10 year plans)
Market economies- an economic system in which where government plays a limited role. Characteristics:
Supply and demand determine allocation of resources - focus on profits
Private property
Emphasis on competition
Marketization - A process of transforming an entire economy away from a planned economic system and toward greater market based economies. GET THE GOVERNMENT OUT OF THE ECONOMY!!!!!!!!