By using the deductive method, we can apply rules of inference that correspond to valid patterns of inference, we derive the conclusion of the argument and therefore establish its validity.
This is to avoid doing long truth tables. ![[Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 10.59.02 AM.png]]
On the right, there's the justification for the formula's presence in the derivation.
The last line is the conclusion.
This style of derivation is called a Fitch diagram.
The argument that it shows needs to be valid and translated into sentential logic formula.
Introduction rules: allow us to introduce new conjunctions, disjunctions and conditionals.
![[Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 11.06.01 AM.png]]
conventions used:
We use the letters p for premises, a for assumptions and c for the conclusion.
the order in which we cite the lines matches the order in which the conjuncts appear in the inference line.
the expressions appearing in the rule definition contain no specific formulae, but contain metavariables ranging over all formulae.
![[Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 7.53.15 AM.png]]
![[Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 7.53.58 AM.png]]
![[Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 7.55.21 AM.png]]
Two different forms of the rule
∨IR, with which we add the new disjunct on the right.
∨IL, with which we add the new disjunct on the left.
![[Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 7.59.38 AM.png]]
We introduced our first two rules of inference by relating them to the truth-conditions of the connectives they introduce.
![[Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 8.04.52 AM.png]]
Rather than focus on the truth-conditions here, it helps to think about the falsity conditions, instead.
A conditional happens to be false just in case its antecedent is true and its consequent false.
If we want to introduce a conditional, then, all we need to do is rule out this situation; then we can safely infer the truth of the conditional.
We do something new: we assume the antecedent, then within the scope of that assumption, we derive the consequent.
Considering the example:
![[Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 8.02.07 AM.png]]
We assumed a new justification.
The box is the scope of the assumption. This helps us not use the assumption in other places where it doesn't have an effect.
Subderivation: a derivation inside of the derivation, when we make an assumption we make a miniature derivation.
We can also apply a rule that discharges the assumption, so we avoid making mistakes.
We can use a rule called reiteration to copy a premise to be able to include it inside the scope:
![[Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 8.07.29 AM.png]]
Introduction rules can be applied forward to premises and/or other available (i.e., already justified) lines in the derivation, and they can be applied backward to the conclusion or any other goal with the appropriate main connective.
Keep in mind:
Apply introduction rules backward.
Only apply an introduction rule backward if it will produce subgoal(s) that are possible to derive
Elimination rules: allow us to extract certain subformulae from conjunction, disjunctions and conditionals.
The rule →E, traditionally known as Modus Ponens, captures this pattern of inference as follows:
If we know that a conditional (φ→ψ) is true, and we also know that the antecedent φ is true, then we can safely infer from these two tidbits that the consequent ψ must also be true.
![[Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 8.11.36 AM.png]]
![[Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 8.13.20 AM.png]]
![[Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 8.13.41 AM.png]]
![[Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 8.14.14 AM.png]]
![[Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 8.19.53 AM.png]]
If we know that some disjunction is true, then we know that at least one of the disjuncts is true, but we can't be certain which on.
Argument by cases:
![[Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 8.31.55 AM.png]]
The basic structure of derivations is introduced.
The introduction rules for the binary connectives are introduced.
Conjunction introduction produces a conjunction from its two conjuncts.
Disjunction introduction produces a disjunction from one of its disjuncts.
Conditional introduction produces a conditional from its consequent, possibly within the scope of the assumption of the antecedent.
Introduction rules are usually most effective when applied backward to a particular goal.
The elimination rules for the binary connectives are introduced.
Conditional elimination extracts the consequent from a conditional and its antecedent.
Conjunction elimination extracts either conjunct from a conjunction.
Disjunction elimination produces a formula that follows from each disjunct individually.
Elimination rules are usually most effective when applied forward to obtain (or get closer to obtaining) a particular goal.
Finally, we give some advice on how to approach more complicated derivations.
rules of inference | justification | derive | Fitch diagram | division |
introduction rules | elimination rules | assumption | scope | dependency |
subderivation | Modus Ponens | argument by cases | positive subformula | extractability |
extraction | conversion | inversion |
conjunction introduction
disjunction introduction
conditional introduction
conjunction elimination
disjunction elimination
conditional elimination
positive subformulae