Human Heredity and History of life / Biology 

  1. Genetic disorders: can be caused by dominant or recessive alleles

  2. cystic fibrosis: is a genetic disorder that affects mucus and sweat secretions

  3. individual with albinism do not have melanin in their skin, hair and eyes

  4. Huntington’s disease: affect the nervous system

  5. achondroplasia: sometimes is called dwarfism

  6. pedigrees: are used to study human inheritance patterns

  7. describes a person who is heterozygous for a recessive disorder: carrier

  8. condition that is inherited as a dominant allele: Huntington’s disease

  9. is not a characteristic of a person with cystic fibrosis: lack of skin pigment

fossil evidence of change

  1. fossil: provide evidence of past life

  2. relative dating and radiometric fating are two methods used to determine the age of fossils

  3. the geologic time scale is divided into eras, periods and epochs

  4. major events in the geologic time scale include both biological and geological changes

  5. spontaneous generation was disproved in favor of biogenesis

  6. the origin of life is hypothesized to be a series of chemical events

  7. organic molecules, such as amino acids, might have been formed from simpler molecules on early Earth

  8. the first cell probably were autotrophic and prokaryotic

  9. the endosymbiont theory explains how eukaryotic cells might have evolved from prokaryotic cells.


  1. paleontologist: is a scientist who studies fossils

  2. relative dating: is a method used to determine the age of rocks by comparing them with those in other layers

  3. law of superposition: states that younger layers of rocks are deposited on top of older layers

  4. radiometric dating: uses the decay of radioactive isotopes to measure the age of a rock

  5. half-life: is the amount of time it takes for half of the original isotope to decay

  6. geologic time scale: is a record of earth’s history

  7. epochs: which las several million years, re the smallest units of geologic time

  8. periods: last ten millions of years, are division of geologic time consisting of two or more epochs

  9. era: lasts hundreds of millions of years, is a unit of geologic time consisting of 2 or more periods

  10. eon: is the longest unit of time in the geologic time scale and can include billions of years

  11. cambrian explosion: rapid diversification of most major animal groups marking the start the paleozoic era

  12. K-T boundary: layer of iridium rich material between the rocks of the cretaceous period and rocks of the paleogene period that provides evidence of a meteorite impact

  13. plate tectonics: describes the movement of several large plates that make up the surface on Earth.

  14. spontaneous generation: is the idea that life arises from nonlife

  15. theory of biogenesis: states that only living organisms can produce other living organisms

  16. endosymbiont theory: explains that eukaryotic cells may have evolved from prokaryotic cells
