Lesson 6: E tech

Photo editing - encompasses the processes of altering images.

Graphic software programs - can be broadly grouped into vector graphics editors, raster graphics editors.

Raster Images - are stored in a computer in grid or pixels form.

Vector images - are stored as descriptions of lines, Bezier curves, and text instead of pixels.

3D modeling - is the process of developing a mathematical representation of any 3 dimensional surface of an object via specialized software.

JPEG - commonly used method of lossy compression for digital images.

PNG - is a raster graphics file format that supports lossless data compression.

GIF - a lossless format for images that supports both animated and static images.

BMP - is a raster graphic image that use bitmap.

EPS - used in vector based images in adobe illustrator.

SVG - is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics.

.3ds - used by autodesk 3ds max 3d modelling.

.fbx - is an exchange format, in particular for interoperability

Selection - is a method of selecting parts of the image

Image size - resize images in a process called image scaling.

Cropping - creates a new image by selecting a desired rectangular portion.

Cloning - uses the current brush to copy from an image or pattern.

Image orientation - altering an image to be rotated in any direction.

Perspective - is the art of drawing solid objects on a two dimensional surface

Sharpening and softening - makes images clearer and softer

Saturation - expression for the relative bandwidth of the visible output from the light source

Contrast and brightening - brighten or darken the image.

Photo manipulation - transforming or altering a photograph using various methods or technique

Infographics - any graphics that display and explains information
