World History Semester 1 - Final Study Guide pt.1
Module 1:
Allah - Arabic name for God
Justinian's Plague - a deadly disease that affected the Byzantine Empire during the sixth century
Bible - the holy book of Christianity
Torah - the holy book of Judaism
Quran - holy book of Islam
Diffusion - spreading from one area or group of people to another
Migration - movement from one country or place to another
Slavic - the language family of a group of people living in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe
Burqa - an outer garment worn by women in public in Islamic cultures
Ottoman Empire - a Turkish group that formed an empire that lasted from about **1300 to 1922**
Diaspora - the migration of a people away from their homeland
Roman Empire - lasted from **27 BCE to 476 CE**
Byzantine Empire - lasted from the **300s to 1453 CE**
Sunni - branch of Islam that considers the rightful leaders of Islam to be those chosen by the Muslim community
Shia - branch of Islam that considers Muhammad's descendants the proper leaders of Islam
Module 2:
Urbanization - making an area into a town; the migration of people from the country to a town or city
Serfs - peasants who worked on a lord's land
Hara-kiri - a method of suicide used by the samurai of Japan
Fief - tracts of land that powerful people leased to less powerful people
Primogeniture - a system under which land and titles were inherited by the eldest son (or other male heir)
Epic - an especially long narrative poem, generally one that recounts the deeds of a hero
Bushido - a code of behavior for the samurai of Japan
Guild - a group of people with common interests and goals who unite for their mutual benefit
Journeyman - a worker who has learned a trade and practices by working for a master artisan in exchange for a salary or a wage
Master- an artisan who has mastered his or her craft or trade, may operate a workshop and train apprentices
Usury - the lending of money with a charge of interest, especially at a high rate of interest
Vassals - those who leased land from a lord and pledged fealty
Chivalry - a code of conduct for knights, which dictated honorable behavior
Burgher - a member of the merchant class in a German medieval town, or commune
Apprentice - one who learns a craft or a trade through service to another