Basic Vocabulary
Apa Kabar? - How are you?
Kabar Baik - News is good
Baik-Baik Saja - Good thanks
Siapa Namamu - What is your name
Nama Saya ___ - My name is ___
Kamu Berasal Dari Mana? - Where do u come from?
Saya Berasal Dari ___ - I come from ___
Kamu Tinggal Di Mana? - Where do you live?
Saya Tinggal Di ___ - I live in ___
Terima Kasih - Thank you
Sama-Sama - You're welcome
Lumayam - Ordinary
Bahasa - Language
Selamat - Save
Sampai Jumpa - See you next time
Sampai Nanti - See you later
Sampai Besok - See you tomorrow
Family (Keluarga)
Berapa Orang Di Keluargamu? - How many members are in your family?
Ceriterakanlah Sedikit Tentang Keluargamu. - Tell me a little bit about your family.
Ibu - Mother
Bapak/Ayah - Father
Orang Tua - Parents
Nenek - Grandmother
Kakek - Grandfather
Kakak - Elder sibling
Adik - Younger sibling
Perempuan - Female
Laki-Laki - Male
Anak - Child
Anak Sulung - Eldest child
Anak Bungsu - Youngest child
Suami - Husband
Isteri - Wife
Bibi - Aunt
Paman - Uncle
Keponakan - Nephew
Kemenakan - Niece
Cucu - Grandchild
Sepupu - Cousin
Saudara - Relative
Tiri - Step
Kata Pertanyaan (Question Words)
Apakah - Yes/no answer
Apa - What (object answer)
Siapa(kah) - Person answer
Bagaimana - Description answer
Di mana - In/at/on (place answer)
Ke mana - To place answer
Dari mana - From place answer
Yang mana - Which
Kapan - When (time answer)
Berapa - Number answer
Kenapa/Mengapa - Why (karena answer)
Karena - Because
1st, 2nd or 3rd Person
| Non-formal | Neutral | Formal |
First person | I | aku |
| saya |
| we (inclusive) |
| kita |
| we (exclusive) |
| kami |
Second person | you | kamu | anda | saudara etc. |
| engkau |
| you (plural) | kalian |
Third person | he, she |
| dia, ia | beliau |
| they |
| mereka |
Ada, Adalah/Ialah & Sedang
Ada - There is
Adalah/Ialah - Between nouns
Sedang - Is (in the process of)
You do not need is for adjectives
Bukan, Belum & Tidak
Bukan - Noun/pronouns
Tidak - Definite adjective/verbs
Belum - Not yet
Jangan - Don't
Binatang Peliharaan (Pets)
Apakah ada binatang peliharaan di rumahmu? - Do you have any pets in your home?
Orang Indonesian sering memelihara binatang peliharaan. - Indonesian people often have pets.
Ini kucing. Kucing sedang minum. - This is a cat. The cat is drinking.
Di Indonesia banyak orang memelihara burung. - In Indonesia many people take care of birds.
Orang Indonesia itu naik kuda. - This Indonesian person is riding a horse.
Di Indonesia orang boleh memelihara monyet. - In Indonesia, people may have a monkey as a pet.
Sekolah Di Indonesia
Kamu duduk di tingkat berapa di sekolah? - Saya duduk di tingkat sembilan di MHS.
Kamu bersekolah di mana? - Saya bersekolah di MHS.
Suka (Like)
Sangat suka - Really like (goes before adjective/verb)
Suka sekali - Like very much (goes after adjective/verb)
Paling suka - Like the most
Lebih suka - Preferred
Kurang suka - Like less
Tidak suka - Don't like
Benci - Hate
Berbelanja di Indonesia
Berapa harganya? - How much does it cost?
Terlalu mahal/murah
Boleh saya tawar-menawar?
Harga pas - Fixed price
Toko - Shop
Pasar - Market
Pasar raya - Supermarket
Asking for Directions
Saya tersesat - I am lost
Anda bisa membantu saya? - Can you help me?
Di mana - Where
Di sebelah mana - In which direction
Ini jalan ke - This is the road to
Bagaimana saya ke - How do I get to
Melalui / Lewat - past
Belok ke - turn to the
Berjalan terus / lurus saja - Continue straight
Di sebelah kiri - On the left
di debelah kanan - on the right
Bundaran - roundabout
Pertigaan - T intersection
Perempatan - crossroad
Di ujung jalan - end of the street
North - Utara
Northeast - Timur Laut
Northwest - Barat