Airway clearance therapy (2)

Chest Physical Therapy

  • Postural drainage - used to evacuate mucus or secretions in respiratory tracts with the use of gravity but shifting the position of the patient

  • Percussion - used to loosen up mucus or secretions in the respiratory tract by the use of vibration or tapping

this type of clearance therapy requires an adequate force of cough

Directed Cough - It aims to assist in creating a productive cough in patients unable to clear secretions with an effective spontaneous cough

  • used for patients with strong coughing reflex and respiratory muscles

Forced Expiratory Technique - is particularly useful for patients who need to clear mucus from their airways but may not tolerate forceful coughing due to their medical condition or physical limitations

  • used for patients with moderate secretions

Manual Assisted Cough - Used in patients that lack the ability to forcefully expire

  • can be used for patients that can’t do directed cough and can be used with FET

Active Cycle of Breathing Technique - used as an exercise to increase the airways opening for the secretions to move through

  • helps expands the lungs as a preparation for other airway clearance therapy

  • thoracic expansion - a phase where it helps loosen the secretions

  • it is most beneficial when combined with PD. kay gale gina help sa ACBT para mo dako ang airways

  • can be used with FET

Autogenic Drainage -

Mechanical Insufflation-Exsufflation - a device that generates positive pressure that mimics inhalation then negative pressure that mimics exhalation to help loosen secretions

  • generally used to patients with neuromuscular disorders

Positive Expiratory Pressure and Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure - gina palisod niya ang pag exhale by giving positive expiratory pressure para di mo collapse ang lungs para dile ma trap ang secretions og para mo move ang secretions didtoa

  • used in patients with atelectasis to prevent atelectasis

  • moderate secretions

Ang oscillating positive expiratory pressure - uses vibrations to make loosening of secretions easier

  • ginagamit sa mga patients with thick secretions

High-Frequency Chest Wall Compression - The generator inflates and deflates the vest, creating pressure pulses against the thorax resulting in chest wall oscillations and moving secretions forward.
