Cities: Kogni, Kaisariah, Sevastaa
Inhabitants: Greeks and Armenians engaged in commerce and manufacturing.
Products: Best carpets and silk in rich colors.
Inhabitants: Noted for the Kurds, notorious for robbing merchants.
Manufactures: Muslins (gold and silk cloths), spices, and drugs.
Places: Mus & Maredin for abundant cotton production.
Description: Noble and populous city in Irak.
Economy: Commerce and manufacture of silk, some interwoven with gold.
Trade: Merchants from India, Mosul, and Europe collect wealth but locals remain poor.
Animal Breeds:
Excellent horses for trade to India.
Largest asses, valued for low feeding needs and endurance in travel.
Fertility: Rich supplying provisions, known for the sweetest melons.
Melons: Dried and sent for sale, highly sought after.
Resources: High-quality balass rubies and lapis lazuli.
Mines: Searched for precious stones, silver, copper, and lead.
Economy: Respected for trade and abundant produce like cotton, grain, and wine.
Occupation: Inhabitants are also engaged in farming and manufacturing.
Trade Hub: Renowned for rare commodities, particularly from India.
Volume of Trade: Daily influx of silk and gold, significant merchandise transactions.
Beverages: Rice wine flavored with spices, highly popular and potent.
Fuel: Black stone used as charcoal alternative; significant for heating needs.
Inhabitants: Idolaters with extensive traffic and various manufacturing.
Products: Silk, ginger, galangal, and unique drugs.
Character: Commercial success and production of silk and military provisions.
Markets: Abundant food and essentials at reasonable prices.
Salt Production: Salt springs processed for trade.
Currency: Salt cakes, used as money, vary in trade value based on location.
Other Agriculture: Cloves, ginger, and cassia, yet few are exported.