Jean Louis Garner :: built the Paris Opera House; is an expert in acoustics
Architectural acoustics :: discovered 25 yrs after the Paris Opera House; discovered by Wallace Sabine
Wallace Clement Sabine :: father of architectural acoustics
Boston Symphony Hall :: 1st auditorium to be designed under the scientifically derived acoustical principles
Acoustics :: science of sound
Sound :: an auditory sensation in the ear/ disturbance in a medium
Resonance :: reinforcement or prolongation of sound by reflection from a surface/by the synchronous vibration of a neighboring subject
0 - 70 db :: safe decibel range
130 – 180 db :: unsafe decibel range
Tinnitus :: excessive noise exposure can cause this; (characterized by a constant ringing, hissing or other sound in the ears or head when no external sound is present)
Infrasonic sound :: sound waves w/ frequencies below the lower limit of human hearing (below 0 db)
Ultrasound :: soundwaves w/ frequencies above the upper limit of human hearing (above 140 db)
Hypersound :: soundwaves w/ frequencies above 1 Gigahertz
Library, museum, health care facilities :: Spaces wherein “QUIET” is a necessity
Classrooms, boardrooms, lecture halls, courtrooms :: Spaces wherein “UNDERSTANDING OF SPEECH” are vital
Restaurants, lobbies, food courts, malls :: Spaces that requires “BUZZ” isn’t overwhelming
Airports, Educational Faci, Gov’t Faci., Public spaces :: Spaces that ensure “PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS” audibility
Open office; call centers; meeting areas :: Spaces wherein “SPEECH PRIVACY” is a key
Recording studios, concert halls, practice rooms, performance spaces :: Spaces wherein “MUSIC ENHANCEMENT” is crucial; uses a combination of soft and diffusive materials
Office (doctor, counselling), human resources, police faci. :: Spaces wherein “CONFIDENTIALITY” is essential
Worship centers, theatres, clubhouses, multipurpose room :: Spaces wherein “SPEECH & MUSIC” must be considered
Design Development stage :: stage where architects consider acoustics