Psychology of Learning
Rosenthal and Jacobson
when teachers expected more from their students, their iqs increased
independent variable: whether teachers were told the student had a high iq and were going to bloom
experimenter bias
factors that mediated the effect of teachers expectations on students’ growth
teachers instilled more confidence in the students, increasing their self-efficacy
younger subjects were more malleable and more likely to be influenced by the teacher
expecting the students to be right and making them a model, giving more positive attention and creating more opportunities
more challenging tasks
labeled the students
teachers of young students have different teaching styles - more student centered, more reinforcement
self-fulfilling prophecy - because they were expected to grow, they did
Maloney and Beilock
antecedents of math anxiety:
math anxiety develops early
related to teacher dispositions towards math (social influence)
kids who don’t have strong foundations in math are more math anxious
gender influences: female teachers’ attitudes are more contagious to female students
how to reduce math anxiety:
have students write out their anxieties
reconstrue anxious symptoms as arousal, not as something negative
impacts of anxiety:
decreases motivation
decreases self-efficacy