Article: Freedom of
Assembly (peacefully)
2) Right to keep and bear arms
Original intention: protect Americans from British soldiers
3) “Quartering” amendment
No soldier can quarter a house, no citizen shall be forced to quarder soldiers at their home
4) Right to search and seizure
The police cannot come into your house without a search warrant
prohibits unreasoanable arrests and searches
5) Right for people accused of a crime
“I plead the fifth”
No person shall be held to answer for a crime unless before a jury
Protection against self-incrimination
6 and 7) Legal system
Right to a lawyer and to call a witness
Right to speedy, public and impartial jury trial - IMPARTIAL process
8) Protection against cruel and unsual punishment
Sets limits to bails and penalties
Prohibits excessive bails and fines
Controversy: What about death penalty in some states?
9 and 10) Non-right amendments
States must decide in regard to other rights.
Declaration of Independence (1776)
Articles of Confederation (1781)
United States Constitution (1789)
Stamp Act (1765)
Who? Parliament of Great Britain
What? Tax on colonies
Boston Tea Party (1773)
Cause: Tea Act
Response: Throwing the tea into the Boston Harbor
Result: Intolerable Acts
No taxation without representation!
Intolerable Acts (1774)
Punitive measures passed by the British Parliament after the B.T.P
Example: Boston Port Act
American Revolutionary War (1775-1783)
Declaration of Independence (4th July 1776)
Treaty of Paris (1783)
Ended the American Revolution
Formally recognized the U.S as an independent nation
United the 13 colonies
Oversaw the war for the indepence of Great Britain
Established the U.S
Created a framework of government for the new nation
Revolutionary Era (1765-1791)
George Washington
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Jefferson
Alexander Hamilton
John Adams
John Jay
James Madinson
to? ratify the Constitution
where and when? Philadelphia, 1787
what? 85 essays
Alexander Hamilton (majority of them)
James Madison
John Jay
Goal: Serve as defence of the federal system
ratified (1787)
supreme law of the U.S
doctrine of the separation of powers
rights and responsabilities of states
first 10 Amendments: Bill of Rights
^^We the people of the U.S… ^^
Article 1: Legislative
House of Representatives
Article 2: Executive Branch
Duties of the president and vice-president
P: Head
Commander in Chief of the U.S Armed Forces
Article 3: Judicial Branch
Supreme Court