Viruses - acellular infectious agents
Ebola Virus
first identified in 1976 (2 outbreak near Ebola river)
Genus Ebolavirus - total 5 species, 4 species pathogenic to human, Reston virus affects primates only
RNA, attach to cell surface, fruit bat is the suspected host
25-90% fatality, 4-10 day incubation period
direct contact transmission
3 months after recovery, found in semen - sexual transmission
burial rituals cause infection
dog can be infected, antibodies detected, no symptom
macrophages, dendritic cells, and monocytes are the target
PCR base test for clinical diagnosis
Biosafety Levels (BSL)
BSL - 1
micro lab, minimal potential threat, no pathogen, standard open lab benches without the use of special equipment
BSL - 2
pathogen, moderate hazard, personal protection needed, need to be immunized for Hep B, TB test, immunocompromised/immunosuppressed possibly denied, ex: Hep A, B, C, HIV, flu, MRSA
BSL - 3
self-closing door, separate entrance required, registration with government required, lab coats need to be dontaminated before laundry, ex: west nile virus, anthrax, rabies virus, SARS virus
BSL - 4
lift-threatening diseases, separate building, pospressure air supplied, full body suit, ex: ebola
Enzootic vs Epizootic
endemic within
epidemic among animals
Discovery of Viruses
Charles Chamberland (1884)
developed porcelain bacterial filters used later in discovery of viruses
Dimitri Ivanowski (1892)
demonstrated that causative agent of tobacco mosiac disease passed through bacterial filters
thought agent was toxin
Martinus Beikerinck (1898-1900)
showed that causative agent of tobacco mosaic disease was still infectious after filtration
referred to agent as filterable virus
Wendell Stanley (1935)
discovered that viruses were made of nucleic acid and protein
Virus Characteristics
exceptionally small
contain a single type of nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA
possesses a protein coat surrounding the nucleic acid (may have an envelope outside of the protein coat) = virion
multiply inside living cells using the metabolic machinery of the cell
an exceptionally complex aggregation of nonliving chemicals
viruses have no metabolic machinery of their own and are, therefore, obligate “parasites”
comparison with prokaryotes (include bacteria)
can evolve & multiply
cannot consist of cell, metabolize, or respond to stimuli
comparison with bacteria only
they can pass through bacteriological filters and sensitive to interferon
do not have plasma membrane, cannot reproduce through binary fission, do not possess both DNA and RNA, no ATP-generating metabolism, no ribosomes, and not sensitive to antibiotics
The structure of viruses
cannot reproduce independently of living cells nor carry out cell division as in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
size range is ~10-800 nm in diameter with most viruses too small to be seens with the light microscope
all virions contain a nucelocapsid which is composed of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) and a protein coat (capsid)
some viruses consist only of a nucleocapsid, others have additional components
virions having envelopes = enveloped viruses
virions lacking envelopes - naked viruses
Generalized Structure of Viruses
naked virus
capsid and nucleic acid
enveloped virus
capsid, nucleic acid, envelope, and spike
range from ~ 10 to 800 nm
Virus Structure
capsid: protein coat surrounding the nucleic acid (DNA or RNA)
composed of protein subunits called capsomeres
protein molecules may be the same or different
capsomeres can be arranged in several configurations
Virus Morphology
classified into four major groups
helical viruses
resemble long rods and may be flexible or rigid; the capsid is helical surrounding the nucleic acid
tobacco mosaic virus (discovered from tobacco plants)
(+) sense ssRNA - single strand RNA → ready to infect
polyhedral viruses
a many-sided virus particle; the capsid is usually in the shape of an icosahedron with ~20 (min 12 triangular faces and 12 corners)
adeno dsDNA
Rhino ss +RNA - single strand RNA → ready to infect???
enveloped viruses
ex: covid
has envelope and spike
spike attaches to host and is specific (lock and key method)
envelope: surrounds the capsid in some viruses
consists of some combination of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates
may be synthesized during virus production or be a part of the plasma membrane of the host cell
+sense ssRNA
complex viruses
new antibiotics? - use of bacteriophage targeting
Viruses with Capsids of Complex Symmetry
special types of icosahedral shape = prolate, variation of icosahedral shape in phage
many viruses do not fit into the category of having helical or icosahedral capsids
examples are the poxviruses and large bacteriophages
Virion Enzymes
it was first erroneously thought that all virions lacked enzymes
now known a variety of virions have enzymes
some are associated with the envelope or capsid but most are within the capsid
Viral Envelopes and Enzymes
many viruses are bound by an outer, flexible, membranous layer called the envelope - for invasion
in eukaryotic viruses, some envelope are proteins, which are viral encoded, may project from the envelope surface as spikes or peplomers
host specificity/infectivity
Virus Structure
Nucleic acid - linear, circular or segmented
DNA - doubled stranded or single stranded (herpes, chickenpox)
RNA - double stranded or single stranded (ebola, flu, west nile)
RNA > DNA virus
RNA virus (aka ribovirus, excludes retrovirus)
Positive sense strand - same as mRNA, ready for translation → protein synthesis
Negative sense strand - complementary to mRNA
virion’s enzyme RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
transcriptase - ready for translation → protein synthesis
retrovirus - RNA, DNA, RNA (HIV) - target for drug
“The central dogma of molecular biology deals with the detailed residue-by-residue
transfer of sequential information. It states that such information cannot be transferred back from protein to either protein or nucleic acid.” —Francis Crick
DNA makes RNA and RNA makes protein
“retro” comes from reversal
Retrotransposons in all eukaryotes
Viral Mutation
Antigenic drift: point mutation, mostly “silent”
Antigenic shift: major genome change due to recombination, last year’s flu
RNA virus has higher mutation rate than DNA virus
The Cultivation of Viruses
requires inoculation of appropriate living host
Bacteriophages can be grown in bacterial cultures using the plaque method
Animal viruses must be grown in cell culture or embryonated eggs
Hosts for animal viruses
Embryonated (fertilized) eggs
tissue (cell) cultures
monolayers of animal cells
localized area of cellular destruction and lysis
cytopathic effects
microscopic or macroscopic degenerative changes or abnormalities in host cells and tissues
How to make Flu vaccine
WHO “predict” flu strains
1 virus/egg = 1 dose
Normally 3-4 strains
Need ____ doses x 3 –4 eggs
*130 million in 2013 = ½ million hens (produce 250 eggs/year)
Spin to collect serum, chemically “kill” virus
Cell-Based Flu vaccine (approved 2012)
use mammalian cell line, a bit faster, do not need to rely on egg supply
Recombinant Flu vaccine (approved 2013)
flu protein (immune response inducing) combined with another virus, add to insect cell, faster
Flu vaccine contains thimerosal (organomercury, aka merthiolate) = bacteriostatic, thus not needed in a single dose shot/mist
Tattoo inks, skin test allergens, vaccines (removed from children’s vaccines –autism link?)
Measuring concentration of infectious units
plaque assays
dilutions of virus preparation made and plated on lawn of host cells
number of plaques counted
results expressed as plaque-forming units (PFU)
Assumes each PFU was the result of the infection of a bacterium by one virus particle which then radiated through lysis of infected bacteria
Classifcation of Bacterial and Archaeal Viruses
the International Committee for the Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) standardizes the viral classification
~2,300 viruses have been classified, most being viruses of eukaryotes and bacteria (some 5000)
~40 Archaeal viruses have been identified; ~ 15 of these have been assigned to virus taxa
based on two major criteria
capsid structure (but now that is being questioned)
nucleic acid properties
Taxonomic Classification
Order (-virales) Family (-viridae) Subfamily(-virinae) Genus (-virus) Species(-virus)
In the current (2011) ICTV taxonomy, six orders have been established, the Caudovirales, Herpesvirales, Mononegavirales, Nidovirales, Picornavirales and Tymovirales. A seventh order
Ligamenvirales has also been proposed.
In total there are 6 orders, 87 families, 19 subfamilies, 349 genera, about 2,284 species and over 3,000 types yet unclassified
**Based primarily on structural components
David Baltimore
First to describe RNA dependent RNA polymerase----which virus? During his PhD work
Early faculty years at MIT discovered reverse transcriptase, discovered retrovirus
Nobel prize in 1975
Developed Baltimore classification via viral replication method
Baltimore Classification
I: dsDNA viruses (e.g. Adenoviruses, Herpesviruses,
II: ssDNA viruses (+ strand or "sense") DNA (e.g. Parvoviruses)
III: dsRNA viruses (e.g. Reoviruses)
IV: (+)ssRNA viruses (+ strand or sense) RNA (e.g. Picornaviruses, Togaviruses)
V: (−)ssRNA viruses (− strand or antisense) RNA (e.g. Orthomyxoviruses = flu, Rhabdoviruses)
VI: ssRNA-RT viruses (+ strand or sense) RNA with DNA intermediate in life-cycle (e.g. Retroviruses)
VII: dsDNA-RT viruses (e.g. Hepadnaviruses, Hep B)
Absorption and Penetration
receptor sites
specific surface structures on host to which viruses attach
specific for each virus; can be proteins, lipopolysaccharides, techoic acids, etc.
Life Cycle of dsDNA T4 Phage of E. coli
Adsorption to specific receptor site – porin protein and LPS
Penetration of the cell wall – peptidoglycan degrades
Insertion of the viral nucleic acid into the host cell
Transcription → early mRNA
Translation of early mRNA resulting in production of protein factors and enzymes involved in phage DNA synthesis
Transcription →late mRNA
Translation of late mRNA resulting in synthesis of capsid proteins, proteins required for phage assembly and proteins required for cell lysis and phage release
Cell lysis and phage release – 12 minutes after initial absorption (100-150 new phages)
Synthesis of Phage Nucleic Acids and Proteins
most ds DNA viruses
use their DNA genome as a template for mRNA synthesis
the mRNA is translated to produce viral proteins
The T4 Genome
a large proportion of the genome codes for replication-related products including
protein subunits of its replisome
enzymes needed for DNA synthesis
some of these enzymes synthesize hydroxymethylcytosine (HMC), a modified nucleotide that replaces cytosine in T4 DNA
Intron present
Synthesis of T4 DNA
contains hydroxymethyl-cytosine (HMC) instead of cytosine
synthesized by two phage encoded enzymes
then HMC glucosylated protects phage DNA from the host restriction endonucleases so that new phage nucleic acids cannot be damaged during their synthesis enzymes that cleave DNA at specific sequences
Assembly of Phage Particles
complex self-assembly process
involves viral proteins as well as some host cell factors
Release of Phage Particles
in T4 - E. coli system, ~150 viral particles are released
two proteins are involved in process
T4 lysozyme attacks the E. coli cell wall
holin creates holes in the E. coli plasma membrane
Reproduction of RNA Phages
most are positive sense RNA viruses
incoming RNA acts as mRNA and directs the synthesis of phage proteins
double-stranded RNA viruses have also been discovered
Temperate Bacteriophages and Lysogeny
temperate phages have two reproductive options
reproduce lytically as virulent phages do
remain within host cell without destroying it
done by many temperate phages by integration of their genome with the host genome in a relationship called lysogeny
integrated phage genome
lysogens (lysogenic bacteria)
infected bacterial host
temperate phages
phages able to establish lysogeny
Distinctive characteristics of Lysogenic Bacteria
they are immune to superinfection (ex. Once Lambdainfected, no secondary Lambdasecondary infection)
under appropriate conditions they will lyse and release phage particles
this occurs when conditions in the cell cause the prophage to initiate synthesis of new
phage particles, a process called induction
Lysogenic conversion
change in host phenotype induced by lysogeny
e.g., modification of Salmonella LPS structure
e.g., production of diphtheria toxin by Corynebacterium diphtheriae
BSE (Bovine Spongeform Encephalopathy)
CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease)
Function of Prion
In human, chaperons are located in ER
Physiologically unknown-possibly related to myelin repair in Shwann cell
2005 long-term memory retention indicated
2006 self-renewal of stem cell in bone marrow indicated
Protein replication
Process not fully understood in protein only replication
Heterodimer model and fibril model
Human Diseases caused by Prions
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Iatrogenic – prion-contaminated human growth hormone, dura mattaer graft
New variant – infection from Bovine prions??
Familial – Germ-line mutation in the PrP gene
Sporadic – Somatic mutation or spontaneous conversion into disease form??
Infection through ritualistic cannibalism in New Guinea
FDA and USDA standards
Test Bovine feed for Ruminant feed contamination (after 2009)
“Downers” examined by USDA vet, need clearance in order to be processed for human consumption
CNS and spinal fluid contamination ban via air gun slaughter