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factors affecting solubility

march 7th, 2023

more factors that affect solubility:

temperature - the temperature of the solvent influences how much solute will dissolve in it

- found in table g

- solid compounds dissolve more at higher temperature

- gases generally dissolve less at higher temperature


- only affects gasses—more pressure = more gas dissolves\

types of solutions: (we can describe solutions based on how much solute is dissolved in them)

unsaturated: solution has less solute than can normally be dissolved at that specific temperature

saturated: solution has the maximum solute that can normally be dissolved at that specific temperature

supersaturated: solution has more than the maximum solute that can normally be dissolved at that specific temperature

how might this be possible?

precipitation: when an insoluble substance comes out of solution as a solid; the actual solid is called a precipitate

how to use table g:

table g shows the number of grams of a substance that can be dissolved in 100 grams of H2O at temperatures between 1°C and 100°C. each curve represents the maximum amount of a substance that can be dissolved at a given temperature. all lines that show an increase in solubility as temperature increases represent solids. the lines for gases slope downward.

on the curve, solution is saturated

under the curve, solution is unsaturated

above the curve, solution is supersaturated


factors affecting solubility

march 7th, 2023

more factors that affect solubility:

temperature - the temperature of the solvent influences how much solute will dissolve in it

- found in table g

- solid compounds dissolve more at higher temperature

- gases generally dissolve less at higher temperature


- only affects gasses—more pressure = more gas dissolves\

types of solutions: (we can describe solutions based on how much solute is dissolved in them)

unsaturated: solution has less solute than can normally be dissolved at that specific temperature

saturated: solution has the maximum solute that can normally be dissolved at that specific temperature

supersaturated: solution has more than the maximum solute that can normally be dissolved at that specific temperature

how might this be possible?

precipitation: when an insoluble substance comes out of solution as a solid; the actual solid is called a precipitate

how to use table g:

table g shows the number of grams of a substance that can be dissolved in 100 grams of H2O at temperatures between 1°C and 100°C. each curve represents the maximum amount of a substance that can be dissolved at a given temperature. all lines that show an increase in solubility as temperature increases represent solids. the lines for gases slope downward.

on the curve, solution is saturated

under the curve, solution is unsaturated

above the curve, solution is supersaturated