Unequal power dynamics grounded in the Industrial Revolution
Industrialized nations had:
better weaponry (i.e. gunboats, maxim guns…)
better communications (i.e. telegraph…)
better medicine (i.e. quinine…)
better transport (i.e. steamships and railroads…)
cheaper goods = more $ = more pow
British in India
What motivated the British expansion into India?
What strategies did the British employ in their conquest of India?
How did Indians resist or retain some degree of agency during British rule?
What are the short and long term impacts of colonization/ British imperialism in India?
Motives: Raw materials, markets, tax base, national prestige
Rationale: WMB (racism/ ethnocentrism)
Methods: EIC begin process in 1600s through economic “investments.” -Steady increased encroachment culminating in use of military to put down Sepoy Rebellion in 1857.
-1857 Transition to Royal Colony= British Raj
-Divide and Rule using pre-existing differences in the region (social, religious, regional). IR gives GB economic and military edge.
Impact: India is the “jewel in the crown” of the British Empire by late 1800s. Direct control as colony of GB lasts until middle of 20th century. -Britain limits economic development of the region.
-Individual Indians fare differently
-Loss of income/ higher taxes deplete Indian resources
British in China
What motivates the British to impose themselves on China by force?
How did the British rationalize/ justify their unequal treatment of the Chinese?
What enables the British to impose their “rules” on China by force?
What is the Chinese response to the British incursion?
How is this story the same as or different from the British conquest of India?
Motives: Trade Imbalance (goods for silver) Access to markets/ Free trade
Rationale: Ethnocentrism/ Racism?
Means: Dump opium into markets and then fight two wars when Chinese resist this trade. British naval technology and military organization
Result: “Unequal” treaties/ “Free” trade imposed on China
Spheres of influence and one colony (Honk Kong)
Opium use and addiction spikes in China
Taiping Rebellion: Long term resentment against foreigners and govt
French in Algeria
What motivates the French to colonize Algeria?
How did the French rationalize this conquest?
What methods do the French use to conquer and govern this land and peoples?
What are the Algerian responses to the French colonization?
How is this story the same as or different from the British in China and India?
Motives: Resources, Land (settler colony), Comparative/ Competitive Power
Rationale: WMB/ Social Darwinism, Christian Missionizing
Means: Outright conquest/ war, Divide and Rule (Arab Muslims vs. African Berber population)
Impact/ Result:
~ 825,000 indigenous Algerians killed between 1830-1875
-Algerian economy grows as a whole but the indigenous population loses land and lives/ disproportionate economic benefit favors French settlers (colons) and collaborators
Scramble for Africa
Context: Trans-Atlantic slave trade 1500-1850s
Ports and outposts in West Africa 1500-1800
Accidental? Aggressive competition 1860s-1912
Algeria (French) and South Africa (Dutch and English)
examples of early European incursion (1600s-early 1800s)
settlements/ divide and rule/ raw materials
1885 Berlin Conference
-European powers set rules of the game: coastal boundaries extend
-no slavery/ liquor/ limited arms…
-no US…
-no African nations
Congo: Belgians (Direct)
rubber/ chicottes/ slavery/ controversy
Motives: Raw Materials, land, markets, labor, prestige, power
Rationale: WMB, Scientifically and religiously “backed” racism
Means: Divide and Rule, use or threat of violence
Result: All of Africa is controlled directly or indirectly by European powers by 191 with exception of Liberia and Ethiopia.
-Lasting internal problems that persist today as a result of the divide and rule as well as the economic stifling of local economies.
Japan in China, Taiwan and Korea
Motives: Resources (IR), Land (settler colony), “Reactionary Imperialism” (see prior slide)
Rationale: Yamato Race Theory, Nationalism
Means: Outright conquest/ war
Impact/ Result:
-Japanese empowerment at the expense of local peoples