APUSH - Period 6 part 2 IDs

  1. immigration v. migration

  2. “old immigrants”

  3. Contract Labor Law

  4. pull/push factors

  5. “new immigrants”

  6. immigration processing stations

  7. assimilation

  8. ethnic enclaves v. chain migration

  9. Victorian morality

  10. cult of domesticity

  11. Jacob Riis

  12. Jane Addams

  13. Children’s Aid Society

  14. Social Gospel

  15. Settlement House Movement

  16. American Protection Association

  17. Immigration Restriction League

  18. Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

  19. Dennis Kearney

  20. “undesirables”

  21. new inventions of the late 1800’s

  22. Bessemer Process

  23. mail order catalog

  24. manufacturing towns

  25. Thomas Nast

  26. political machines

  27. Boss Tweed

  28. telegraph

  29. time zones

  30. theory of the leisure class

  31. How the Other Half Lives

  32. middle class reformers

  33. refrigerator railroad cars

  34. Knights of Labor

  35. Terrence Powderly

  36. Haymarket Square Riot

  37. American Federation of Labor (AFL)

  38. Samuel Gompers

  39. Molly Maguires

  40. Great Railroad Strike of 1877

  41. strikebreakers

  42. Pinkertons

  43. Homestead Strike of 1892

  44. Pullman Strike of 1894

  45. American Railway Union 

  46. Eugene Debs
