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  • How and why it developed

    • Invader attacks (850-950)

    • Rulers and warriors made agreements

      • Charles the Simple → king of France

        • Granted Vikings a huge piece of French land

        • Became known as “Northmen's land” (Normandy)

        • Rallo in turn, pledged loyalty to the king

      • ↑ agreements known as feudalism

  • Who’s who (serf, lord, vassal, knight, king)

    • King → owns all the land of an area 

      • lords are given portions of this land

      • Lords own this portion of land

    • Lord → someone who owns land

    • Vassal → someone who pledges loyalty to the lord

      • receives fief

    • Knights → mounted horsemen

      • military service in exchange for fief

    • Serfs → people who couldn’t leave where they were born

      • Bound to land

        • ≠ slave

      • Couldn’t be bought or sold

      • Any produce from their work belonged to the lord

  • How it worked (fief, fealty)

    • Fief → land that a lord grants/gives to someone

    • Fealty → loyalty (oath of loyalty)

    • Lord grants someone (a noble) land (fief) → person becomes vassal → swears loyalty to lord (fealty)

  • The role of each participant

    • count/lord

      • Owns land

      • Collections taxes

      • Grants liberties

      • Holds a defensive attitude

    • Vassal

      • Serves the lord

    • Knights

      • People who fight

      • Protect the lords/kings

      • Military men

    • Serfs

      • Bound to the land

      • People who worked the land

      • Owned by the lord

      • Owes the lord the produce that they make

        • Grain

        • Money (if marrying off daughter)

        • Animals 



  • How and why it developed

    • Invader attacks (850-950)

    • Rulers and warriors made agreements

      • Charles the Simple → king of France

        • Granted Vikings a huge piece of French land

        • Became known as “Northmen's land” (Normandy)

        • Rallo in turn, pledged loyalty to the king

      • ↑ agreements known as feudalism

  • Who’s who (serf, lord, vassal, knight, king)

    • King → owns all the land of an area 

      • lords are given portions of this land

      • Lords own this portion of land

    • Lord → someone who owns land

    • Vassal → someone who pledges loyalty to the lord

      • receives fief

    • Knights → mounted horsemen

      • military service in exchange for fief

    • Serfs → people who couldn’t leave where they were born

      • Bound to land

        • ≠ slave

      • Couldn’t be bought or sold

      • Any produce from their work belonged to the lord

  • How it worked (fief, fealty)

    • Fief → land that a lord grants/gives to someone

    • Fealty → loyalty (oath of loyalty)

    • Lord grants someone (a noble) land (fief) → person becomes vassal → swears loyalty to lord (fealty)

  • The role of each participant

    • count/lord

      • Owns land

      • Collections taxes

      • Grants liberties

      • Holds a defensive attitude

    • Vassal

      • Serves the lord

    • Knights

      • People who fight

      • Protect the lords/kings

      • Military men

    • Serfs

      • Bound to the land

      • People who worked the land

      • Owned by the lord

      • Owes the lord the produce that they make

        • Grain

        • Money (if marrying off daughter)

        • Animals